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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. If you're daring, you can try to flip your orbit around using gravity assists from Laythe, Vall, and Tylo. Or use them to fling your ship way far from Jool (but still in its SOI and way out at your apoapsis, a burn to reverse your orbit would only take a drop or two of fuel. Then fall back in and use Laythe, Vall, or Tylo gravity assists to lower your orbit to a more normal one. Or aerobrake STRONGLY at Laythe (use quicksaves and quickloads here, it's hard to nail this heavy an aerobrake) so you still escape Laythe, but are now going prograde around Jool. That'd be freaky but fun.
  2. True, and with the buff ions have it'd probably get that guy to Jool.
  3. Unless there was a procedural toroidal tank. Then you'd get bored of *2* tanks quickly. And the rest of us would have even more options.
  4. Let's say for fun there are 10,000 movies on iTunes. I have no idea if this number is even nearly correct. Each movie would have a scant 5.64 meg of space to be stored on your tablet. Even RealPlayer in the 90s didn't compress video that harshly. Shorter answer: No.
  5. I posted this one elsewhere. It's called the E.L.R.O.Y. and I don't think I ever came up with a good acronym for it.
  6. I'll try to watch this in the morning before I go to sleep. As far as volume is concerned I personally like to record myself into Audacity while playing, and then syncing it up manually with the video after.
  7. "Delta" means "change" and "V" is Velocity. "Delta-V" literally means change in velocity. So on a maneuver node, it's showing you how much you need to change your velocity to achieve that turn. In Kerbal Engineer Redux, the dV readout is how much your rocket can change its velocity before it runs out of fuel. Eve is hard because it's large and has a thick atmosphere. You need a LOT more dV (about 3x as much) to get off of Eve as you do Kerbin, and that doesn't just mean 3x the fuel. Usually it means about 10-20x the fuel. Plus more rockets and whatnot. Kerbals are not stupid. They built an entire aerospace industry on a planet with no other signs of civilization. KSP is awesome because it is the only game that allows lego-style building of ships that can then fly to any of a vast number of destinations. To dock, I suggest my tutorial It's in 3 parts that include rendezvous and approach, but .Jeb is not awesome. Awesome is in fact Jeb. We make huge impressive ships by making small ships and adding to them. Then we repeat until our computers crash.
  8. That's the rub. I bought - and just recently upgraded - VideoPad for $99 and then $39 and think it's worth every penny. Of course, I've been LPing for years so it's a bit easier to justify the cost They *do* have a free version (that you should grab anyway because it's only available until the 30th) but I'm almost positive that uploading to YouTube - even with no ads or anything - breaks the TOS. However I may be wrong considering the program *DOES* have a "save to YouTube" option. http://www.nchsoftware.com/videopad/ There are various other video editors out there that are free but - not to go full regex on you - they're all garbage. But if you just want a no-frills, drop all the stuff together, trim it, and go option then I'd look into Windows Movie Maker. You may even already have it but if not, http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/get-movie-maker-download And I totally know what you mean about intros. I personally have a 7 second rule for mine, and they have to be tailored at least for the game if not for the episode itself.
  9. I'm not going to flip any tables over it but I do like the little tank. I used it on one of my favorite 1-person ships ever:
  10. I would put female Kerbals on my list at the top of the "doesn't affect gameplay" list. So above the barn, but below the "general bugfixes." I don't generally get "excited" about non-gameplay things, because this is a game and I want to play it more than look at it. If Clouds were going to be a thing, they'd be right down there as well. That said, I still think female Kerbals is an insanely important addition to the game. But that should also make you be sooooooo surprised.
  11. I'd watch, and I'll also offer to help on any technical issues involving making the actual videos. I wouldn't watch all 6 hours you probably take building each of your contraptions, but an edited down 20ish minute video (or several 2-5 minute ones) would be extremely cool.
  12. Oooh we're ordering things we're excited about? Ordering things gets me excited about things! (1 is most important) Memory leak fix SOI fix New aerodynamics Fairings Reentry heat New (and easily moddable) tech tree Resource gathering Rebalance of everything The Barn IVAs (I really don't care about IVAs. I'd happily trade them for The Barn)
  13. Sadly Squad does not itemize these facts for us and I can't find anything better than Mike(Mu)'s mention of tidying up garbage collection in This Devnotes. But I know I've seen it at least once elsewhere. Maybe even buried in the comments of that or another devnotes. I distinctly recall someone mentioning that they had fixed several instances of memory leak/garbage collection issues. Don't remember who or where, though.
  14. I used to never use the QBE, but now most of my command pods get one clipped in for the SAS if there's no pilot. I never use the hydraulic decoupler, because the regular ones do fine. I almost never use the small engines or the 2 biggest inline decouplers. Hmmm. What else? In stock career, I never bother with the Mystery Goo or Science Jrs because they're heavy, not easily rerunnable, and science is so easy to get from contracts that it's not worth the bother. It's barely worth the bother to bring the lighter and more usable experiments! Oh and those huge wheels. I've never made something that actually needed them.
  15. Thread doesn't need bumped. This bug has been reported as fixed for 1.0.
  16. You should be VERY concerned about that first SOI change. If you time warp through it too fast you will likely lose your Kerbin intersection. Hooray for the stock SOI change bug. Once KAC alerts you of the Eve SOI change, use that alert to watch the ship leave Eve's SOI. Then, set a new alarm. The auto-alarm setting is a bit obscure. It's in a drop-down that doesn't look like a drop down. Click things that look like labels and one will drop down and have all kinds of different things you can check. Maneuver nodes, SOI changes, contract deadlines... Currently, you should be controlling EVERY ship that goes through an SOI change and you should go through that change at less than 50x warp. I like to do it at normal speed but 5 and 10x almost never cause problems.
  17. While this is true if you're not thrusting, it's not true when slowing down. If you can thrust at 20 m/s (2 gees, not that hard to do really) then you should wait until you are 1 second away to thrust. It also helps to not aim directly at the thing, so if you mistime it you pass a little, not crash
  18. Sadly, no. You can't rendezvous with something going X m/s faster/slower/different than you, without making a burn going X m/s.
  19. I like using a probe to scout out where my bases are going to go. Probes, being very small, can go VERY far on a little fuel. Also, because they're light, cheap, and unmanned it doesn't hurt to lose one. You can bounce around a half dozen times around Mun until you find a nice flat spot and then when you're landing your base, you can go right for the probe and be sure that if you land near it, you'll have a flat area for your base.
  20. If you go into the options there is one to automatically add maneuver node alarms. And many other alarm types.
  21. I don't know, but I've seen it too even on stock. It happen all the time. I just ignore it. It's not "real" in any sense, and not related in any way to how switching SOIs works. It's just a bug and apparently just a visual one.
  22. Agreed. This may have been a heated discussion at times but it's still been just a discussion. That said, I believe we've both had our say (and if not, I surely have ) so I'm personally satisfied with bowing out and seeing how this occurs in reality. Both if it actually affects how much I (who won't use a paywall) make extra (or less!) and whether or not YouTube tries to strong-arm me or anybody else.
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