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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. I read that in Seinfeld's voice. "What is it with people today? Suddenly, everyone's a moderator!"
  2. I rebuilt the ship and it works now. One thing I haven't tried is stuffing some KIS parts in the seats of the craft. Is it possible that the OnStart woudln't run if there were no parts in the slots? I don't know enough (read: anything) about the process but it seems to me that it'd probably run in any case. Maybe the craft was just wonky for some reason. Sadly it's quite a pain to test as I have to wait 8+ days and the station orbits low enough that I can only warp 1000x Jumping back and forth to the space center is possible but it adds to the rigamarole, and I'm all out of "rigamarole time" for the time being Did the log I provided earlier not have any tasty tidbits in it?
  3. My first flight ever was as a child. I think I was 10 or so. My parents paid for a little 4-person plane (counting the pilot) to take my father, brother, and me up for a trip around town. It was really cool to see my neighborhood and the places I played around town from above. This was long before you could just look it up on Google My first "real" flight was much later, as an adult when I moved across country. I thought I'd be scared but I was giddy. I fly a couple times a year and have for most of my (longish) adult life, and have never lost that giddiness.
  4. No I got one off eBay. I'm afraid to open it because I think it'll lose its value. When I get home I'll take a pic.
  5. Finally, a reason to get an iPad.
  6. It does happen without the container, and it also happens with the 1.0.1 version of KIS. I cannot (easily) test without the mod, as I've got ships all over with KIS stuff in and on them.
  7. This may sound like an odd request, but could you add text download links? I browse the forums without images because people love posting 1920x1080 images of their ships all over the place and I spend a lot of time tethered to a cell phone. The forum changes those images to links, erasing the links to the download pages.
  8. So you're able to get next to the target, and get pretty much stationary? Pretty much from this point on you need to practice. :/ I hate to send you elsewhere from my fabulous* tutorials, but have you tried watching a few from others? Some people teach and learn differently and maybe someone else will be able to help you better. But I suspect you just need time and effort, and patience. You are learning something that is not only new, but tantalizingly familiar at the same time. You need to not only learn new habits but break old ones. Keep at it. I wasn't lying when I said that docking and rendezvous were among the hardest things in the game to learn. The good news is that they get easy, once you DO learn them. *My tutorials may or may not actually be fabulous.
  9. I see, so if you're moving a park and are going to replace it with a plaza, you can avoid the red frowny faces if you do it with time paused. But does it actually hurt? Do the green smiley faces when the new plaza are placed counteract any frowns from the park vanishing?
  10. Wait, so if people are moved in to an area and you build some specific thing, they'll get mad... Unless the game is paused?
  11. IMO the ONLY reason the pause the game EVER is if your cash inflow is currently red. - - - Updated - - - I now want to dam ALL THE THINGS.
  12. I'm again having some major weirdness. I built a ship in orbit using the orbital construction dock thingy and this happened: Two things: That is a single vessel according to KSP. It's still attached to the orbital construction dock. I did not design the ship to look like that. It's all stacked up in a nice line (except the pylons, they're radially attached). Here's my output_log if it helps.
  13. Thank you! I had a lot of fun making it. People on the YouTubes seem to like it as well.
  14. Haha Yeah I spent a good 15 minutes in the highest time warp (or whatever they call it. It'll be time warp for me forever thanks to KSP) working on a highway on/offramp setup and when I was done, hoo-wee I had like a million bucks. Now I didn't start with 0 or anything but still, it was nice to see!
  15. A Kerbal Anomaly Odyssey by 5thHorseman Highlighting the Anomaly Surveyor Contract Pack & Contract Configurator Mod by nightingale "Also Sprach Zarathustra" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
  16. Oh jeez then I take all that back. You're doing it 100% completely wrong You want a TWR around 1.2-1.4 on launch. You want to start your gravity turn in the first km or so, when you're going somewhere between 50 and 100m/s. Others may be able to use math and physics to know exactly when to turn, but for each rocket I just test it a few times to see when to turn. You should almost never need to burn more than 5-10 seconds at apoapsis to circularize and you should never, ever need to worry that your gravity turn will cause stress on your rocket. Literally you should tap the control to the east so it tips like 5 degrees, and the rest should happen (mostly) automatically. There is a bug in stock with radial decouplers that causes stuff to hit the center stack when it shouldn't. Fixing this bug with the Stock Bug Fix mod could alleviate some of your troubles.
  17. I know I was just pointing out that you were using the wrong term. I'd be like saying you had tons of "Engines" but nothing happened when you throttled up, because you were calling Octagonal Struts "Engines" Reaction wheels do not have SAS capabilities. That's why they are no longer called SAS modules. That's becasue now (in 0.90 and onward) certain probe cores do not have SAS capabilities. Reaction Wheels lost SAS before 0.23.5 but you didn't notice it because every single probe core had SAS. That is not true now. As DeMatt says, the first 2 you unlock do not have SAS. So don't use them when you want the probe to be able to use SAS. - - - Updated - - - It is, and most don't. I do like it and take a bit of pride in getting a satellite in orbit with a Stayputnik core.
  18. There is no such thing as a standalone SAS module (anymore. There used to be but that was years ago). You have probes, most of which have an SAS module, and you have reaction wheels, which are what used to be called SAS modules. These reaction wheel pieces have as much to do with SAS as RCS jets do. i.e., they don't give you the ability to use SAS, but if you have it SAS can use them to keep aligned. A small probe should get by with its own SAS module and its own reaction wheels if it has them. If not, the single smallest reaction wheel should more than suffice. Larger things need more. No ship you could ever build should need 1000 of them
  19. Turning early is more efficient. If you simply can't turn early then you'll waste more dV, and therefore more fuel, which of course you must carry with more boosters which makes your rocket more unstable which means you'll need more dV ... And the circle continues. Turning at about 10km and burning at a 45 degree angle until your periapsis is around 80-100 is more efficient than turning at 20km, and far more efficient than turning at 30km. I don't know the numbers and you didn't ask but it is. No. You are again much better off doing a proper gravity turn so you don't need to do a long circularization burn, and you therefore don't need the engines to do it quickly. Carrying engines you're not using is bad. If you have 4 engines and are running at 3/4 throttle you're essentially carrying a useless engine into the air. Throw it away and your rocket is instantly more efficient. So therefore #1 is better. Also, keeping the TWR under 2 after launch isn't that important. You want your TWR to be just enough to keep you at atmospheric efficiency up to 13-15km, and after that it can be as high as you want, really, though at that point TWR is less important because if you do a proper gravity turn, you can have TWR as low as 0.75 or so and still be perfectly fine.
  20. I made a series of tutorials on YouTube that show quickly and easily how to meet your station, then how to apporach it once you've met it, and finally how to dock. You may need all 3 but you're specifically asking for what I detailed in the first video.
  21. If the R&D building is fully upgraded then you've unlocked everything. You can cancel a strategy by selecting it (it's in the bottom box) and clicking the X. Then, you can take the other strategy. Also, if the R&D building is fully upgraded then you've obviously got the tools to unlock every single other building. I don't know the exact numbers but I'm pretty sure the cost of EVERY OTHER BUILDING ADDED TOGETHER is less than the cost of R&D.
  22. You have to upgrade the R&D complex to unlock more of the tree. Each time you buy the next building, you get more tiers. It can be expensive though. Many people have this problem, most due to the fact that the game calls the settings when you start a new game "difficulty" settings when what they really mean is "level of grind needed to get anything done." I personally find "Normal" to be an acceptable and even rewarding amount of grind. However I personally think that "Easy" mode is far better suited to most people, even those who are really good at the game. Without knowing your specifics, I can't tell. However you should currently be taking the Admin strategies that convert science into money at the highest rate you can, because that's your bottleneck. Look for lucrative contracts that you can do (Satellites and Minmus surveys - I've found - are the easiest to do for the higher paying contracts. Also bases. Get a "Put a base for 5 kerbals around the sun" contract and just launch the bare minimum, empty base with a probe core on it and fling it past Mun out into interplanetary space. Easy money. You can double up on those contracts too if you take a "get a 5-kerbal base in Kerbin orbit" contract at the same time, the simple act of getting that base out of Kerbin's SOI to complete the Sun contract will also complete the Kerbin contract. Two for the price of One! I personally wouldn't fault you - though - for just giving yourself some free cash to unlock the R&D building.
  23. There was a mod called... Modder's helper or something like that. I don't remember the exact name, but it was NOT a good name for what it did. What it did was allow you, during the game loading screen, to pick your save and even what setting you wanted (space center, VAB, etc). Then when the game loaded and WOULD go to the first menu, the mod would instead just load your game and go to the VAB. And the next time you started the game, it defaulted to whatever you set last so if you always want to go to the VAB in a certain save, all you had to do was start the game and walk away until you heard the jazzy VAB music. I loved it. But because it had such a nonlogical name I lost it and can't find it again.
  24. Probably a mix. You should at least be able to see Jupiter and its moons and maybe get Venus' phase in even the crappiest store-bought telescope. I know becasue I had one when I was in high school. I could also *just* tell that Saturn had little bumps on its side (It happened at the time to be perfectly tilted. I think it's heading toward that that now as well?) Does the telescope have a finder scope? The first thing you need to do is align that (use the Moon, or any far away target during the day like a distant water tower). Then, get something (I like Google Sky for Android phones) that will tell you where the planet you want to see is. Center the planet in the finder scope and then look through the main scope. Do a few sweeping passes and your target will fly through the center eventually. Be patient, moving the scope in tiny increments around until bam. There it is. Then focus. It's an art more than a science getting these things working, and the payoff can be little. But it's still worth it IMO especially if you've never laid (your own, actual) eyes on Jupiter before.
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