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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. If I was a game dev whose game was still in alpha (sorry Squad it is) and people told me to be embarrassed at the bugs, I'd point them at the software-related definition of alpha. I totally agree with you that none of these bugs should be in 1.0. I do not agree that we need to be told of every single one (though it would be nice). So long as they tell us they're fixing major, long-standing bugs I'm cool with waiting. But I've got a nice sharp pitchfork for the day 1.0 comes out if they fail.
  2. Oh, why didn't I see this mod before I completed all my training? I could have just left all the guys on Minmus after the flag planting ceremony, instead of bringing them back to Kerbin and then sending them right back up to Minmus. Oh well I'm installing this now so I won't have to bother with that again. Thanks!
  3. Oh I thought this thread was about cool things you can do in binary like being able to count to 1024 on your fingers (with thumbs) or binary clocks. Ascii's cool too, I guess.
  4. So you want them to add one thing you can go to that's new, giving you a single new thing? I'd rather there were reasons to go back to the planets we already have. Then, add GP2 knowing how to utilize the new system to make it awesome. Far more awesome than "Hey it's just like Jool only this one's yellow."
  5. I'm not convinced but I'm really looking forward to seeing how they work. - - - Updated - - - UI issues aside (or even still considered) Blizzy's toolbar is far superior when you want more than 2-3 mods to have buttons on it. I have upwards of 10 or more on some windows and a nice little 3x4 box is far better than... ew I just got shivers thinking what the stock toolbar would look like with that.
  6. Karbonite is as endangered in 1.0 as Fine Print was in 0.90
  7. Infiniglide was specifically mentioned as being fixed. Well, not fixed but it vanished as it was part of the old (current) aero model. The memory leak has been mentioned a couple times by devs. Looks like it wasn't a single leak but I'm hopeful they'll get them all. The rest, I agree with except not knowing 100% for sure these are fixed gets my hype level down from the mid 90s to about the low 90s. What really hurts is the strong implication that there will be no stock dV readout. That knocked my hype down into the low 80s.
  8. Not in a world where you can go from never launching a rocket to launching your Mun Lander, in a single (6-hour) day.
  9. You don't need math. Next time you're going to Jool, get your inbound hyperbolic trajectory going around the back of Jool at about Laythe or Tylo's orbit. Then make a maneuver node once you're in the SOI, but really far out, to slow down until you get an encounter with the moon whose orbit you're near. Play with the timing just a tiny bit (and we're talking ounces of fuel here) and bam, you'll nail an orbit around Jool in no time with no aerobraking and - as a bonus - your periapsis will not be in Jool's atmosphere but out at a very workable altitude. You'll never aerobrake at Jool again.
  10. If you upload your mod to Kerbalstuff and check the box to use CKAN, it'll just happen and always update when you upload there. It's the easiest way a modder can use it.
  11. Yes. Thank Jool for LastPass. When someone decodes my password and finds out it was a random string of characters, numbers, and symbols they'll not be able to get into my bank account, credit card, or anything else with it. - - - Updated - - - Yikes. I was expecting "and his wife, who was up in the attic looking for old photos, never forgave him."
  12. I thought this was going to complain about how Enhanced Navball and SelectRoot aren't as good in stock as they were as mods. ENB is still a mod that is among the first I install, and SR is missed but the stock equivalent is at least as good under the hood, if worse from a UI perspective. Everybody else covered the obvious, so that's all I got to add other than I agree with them
  13. There is a mod that allows staging (I'm not sure about action groups I don't use them all that often), it's called Alternate Resource Panel. It's an oddish addition to a resource panel mod but it works well in both capacities.
  14. Yeah but did they have to plant a flag on Minmus before they could change a tire?
  15. I never thought until this thread to compare rep to post count. Note, though, that you don't get 1 rep per 1 person clicking the rep button. You get more rep when someone with higher rep gives you rep in return. My rep/post ratio is 1779/4605 or about 0.39 rep/post. I will say though that I'm pretty happy (and very aware of) being in 4th place in rep on these forums (if you ignore the bogus Kermans at the top of the list), but didn't even realize I had such a high post count until writing this post caused me to look at the number.
  16. Career, because not having restrictions is boring no matter how discordant those restrictions are. I would have quit playing (I actually did for about 3 weeks) if career hadn't been released when it was.
  17. Oh so you're just optimizing for the fun of optimizing. By all means then, continue However, you can still optimize to cost even though you don't care about it. It's not any different from optimizing to total dV even though you don't care about it. The costs are at least listed in the (stock) game, unlike dV
  18. I just installed my first Steam Workshop mod to keep this from happening in the future. I would suggest to anybody to do the same thing. Random crashes + no autosave = heartache. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=405999555
  19. Note that "pure dV" is not the best way to optimize a rocket. I personally optimize to cost. If two rockets get you into orbit would you rather have the one that does it for 800 less dV, or 100,000 less kerbucks?
  20. My first successful city used nothing for roads but the basic 2-lane road and the small roundabouts. When people wanted housing, I plopped down a roundabout and made it all residential. When they wanted industrial, I made a similar industrial roundabout. Same with commercial. I also used onramps to connect to the freeway when needed, but that was well after my city was shockingly prosperous. I bought a neighboring island and stopped the roundabout strategy there to make a sort of Manhattanesque superdense area with a big park. Very cool and I could easily absorb the inefficencies with it. By the time I could build the dense zones and offices, I was raking in several thousand (like, 3 or 4 thousand) bucks a ... day? Week? Hour? I don't know but money was rolling in. - - - Updated - - - Haha I just looked at your images, I'm on that map! And I just loaded the game to take a screenshot, and remembered that my computer crashed right as I was quitting playing this morning. I found out because MY CITY WAS TOTALLY GONE. Does this game not incrementally save? What is this, 1997? Oh well, I don't keep cities long anyway and was getting bored with the exercise but still. To have *no* save at all after hours of play is just ridiculous.
  21. The first post of the thread. The Original Post
  22. I do it every time I go to Jool, and sometimes while bouncing around it. I also use Ike if it happens to be available. The only time I really plan for it is when coming into jool though. I hit Laythe just right to get into a nice orbit right in with the inner 4 moons without mucking about with all that aerobraking. I find it EASIER than the alternative.
  23. Hmmmm. Yeah, because it persists rotation when physics isn't loaded, which is a larger subset of situations than just "during timewarp." Hmmmmmmmmmmm. Persistent Rotation? Rotation Persistence? "Persistent" though has a meaning in the game, people could think this will allow you to quickly rotate through save games No More Cheaty Stop Rotation By Hitting . And , In Succession? (though so long as SAS is on I guess that still works, and frankly I don't mind it it's more of a time saver than a cheat so long as you have SAS) Persistent Angular Momentum? I like that one. Less likely to be confused with persistent.sfs files and a catchy acronym.
  24. Do you mean Time Turner (Harry Potter reference)? If not, I propose Time Turner.
  25. I solved the problem with a quick application of HyperEdit. Not sure why I didn't think of it before. It was "landed" so it was actually attached to the ground, just at orbital altitude. When I used HyperEdit to change it to In Orbit, it initially was on a ground-collision trajectory, so I set it into a circular orbit and now it seems fine. I've even loaded it with people to prep for the launch to Jool. Google and Wikipedia I thought "That looks like a Viking ship. Hm. What's did the Vikings call their ships?" When I searched, I found several cool names but Knarr most matched what I had built in both form AND function, so it seemed the way to go.
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