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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. It may help those of us who don't watch these things like a hawk to note: How often SteamDB updates occur when we're not in Experimentals. How often SteamDB updates have occurred during past Experimentals. How changes in SteamDB updates have occurred in the past, at the starts and ends of Experimentals. Otherwise these announcements are tantamount to "A truck drove by!" when waiting for a package. What kind of truck? A delivery truck? Do you get a lot of trucks or is this rare?
  2. For a ship in interplanetary space, but orbiting like a planet? You can just create a maneuver node and drag it around the orbit until you get a connection to your target planet. However, if you do this frequently you're not best utilizing your fuel supply. For asteroids, no. Unless you attach a ship to one. Then do the above.
  3. Eclair, candy, and jellybean diet is sick. gfcijhhc
  4. That - I believe - was a joke relating to a certain holiday that may have just passed by.
  5. Coffee works for me. Well, I work for coffee. It doesn't keep me awake so much as not having it makes me sleep.
  6. It happens MORE with Minmus, but it's not limited to Minmus. Or Mun, though I have seen it there. I think it's related to SOI size, but have no basis for that except gut feeling. It also happens with Duna. I don't know if I've ever seen it with Eve or Kerbin. That implies a bit that it may be related to size of the world's SOI, perhaps compared to the parent's SOI.
  7. Or at least sent back the message that it took this whole movie to put Cooper into the position to send? All-powerful aliens (or future humans) not doing everything in their power to reach their goal and instead setting up complicated rigmaroles for the main characters to blindly fumble through is a long tradition in Hollywood.
  8. I think he was just making a joke about playing with your hands behind your back. Refueling bases do 2 things. They make your ships smaller, and therefore make the day-to-day mission building and planning of ships easier, as you pointed out. They also give you something to do. And anybody who is so fluent in the game as to find refuelling stations too easy, has had to bump up against the very blatantly obvious wall that is the fact that there is NOTHING TO DO once you know how the game works. Some people can build bases just because they look cool. I can't. That to me is worse than any redundant contract. I need my bases to sever a PURPOSE and ISRU gives a purpose. And for all that "making ships smaller and launches easier" ISRU gives, it also makes you think about, plan, build, and maintain an infrastructure to make use of the fuel you're getting. I for one enjoy that far more than I ever enjoyed launching ever-yet-larger ships.
  9. By "Facilities View" do you mean the view of the space center? I have tons of mods (had to remove some becuase of memory issues) and time warp a lot. Never had a problem.
  10. As others have said, Minmus makes for a very good place to put a base for many reasons. If all you want is "a base" and you don't know what all is needed, then Minmus makes for very fast turnarounds so you can fix problems, restart missions, send up other missions, or whatever is needed. Think of it as KSP Bases with training wheels. In addition, if your base is to be a Karbonite and/or Extraplanetary Launchpads base, Minmus goes from a great choice to a FANTASTIC one. Topping off (or building and launching) your interplanetary ships from there can save you a TON of fuel, simply because you don't have to lift your interplanetary fuel off of Kerbin, you can lift it off of Minmus instead.
  11. No. I want them to die out instead.
  12. They may be related but I don't think so. This bug is specifically while you're in LKO, you make a maneuver node, and that maneuver node crosses into Minmus' SOI. It shows a periapsis. You drag a marker on the node and see your periapsis getting closer to Minmus, and then... it vanishes. Suddenly the game thinks you're not going to encounter Minmus at all. If you stop fiddling at this point and just time warp out to near Minmus, you WILL enter its SOI. So it's not a bug with entering the SOI, it's a bug with predicting whether or not you'll enter the SOI. And it seems to be related to how close to the target your periapsis will be. i.e., if it's far away the prediction is always good. If it's close, the prediction frequently fails. I've even seen the game flash in and out of predicted SOI entry several times a second. It's annoying at best and mission-endangering at worst.
  13. I have the opposite problem. I have all these things started and then it's a rush to complete them all before the update hits and I lose all desire to play that save.
  14. That is beautiful. I hope my first city grows to such proportions some day.
  15. This is a known bug for the community. The devs have never acknowledged it to my knowledge but I'd be a bit surprised if they weren't aware of it. I'm hoping that it's fixed in 1.0 because it's *annoying*. I cannot get a close approach to Minmus from LKO without experiencing this bug.
  16. Dude it's a pretty major holiday this weekend, and not to mention one of the first weekends where it's not freezing cold for about 90% of Squad's user base.
  17. The savings for doing it this way is just not worth the time and effort. And if you miss you could spend MORE fuel than just getting to orbit first. NASA does some crazy stuff to save fuel and they never bother to do this, so I don't either.
  18. Interesting idea, kinda midway between the Jool 5 and a Grand Tour. When 1.0 comes out I'm thinking of starting an "all challenges all the time" LP series, and this looks like a fun one!
  19. If you don't mind modding, Tweakable Everything allows enabling staging on docking ports.
  20. But surely it'd be okay to stopgap for a few decades by building habitats on Earth with the exact same materials used in Jupiter (Must be perfectly 100% airtight with infinite recyclability)? And if so, then all the "We're all gonna die" is perfectly mitigated? At *least* as much as lifting all those people to Jupiter would be?
  21. Evil geniuses bury dead inmates behind the garage. johibqeq
  22. Disable Electrical And Cessate Torque Injectors, Velocity, And Turbine Engine. TOOL
  23. Sharp, Anti-Blunt Rending Equipment RACECAR
  24. Just watched it, then poked through this thread to see what everybody said about it over the past 6+ months. Interesting read, actually, though I started reading every other page about halfway through. I liked the movie. Sure, it got some stuff wrong but who doesn't? The storytelling could have been a bit tighter too, and it would have given them a little more time to explain exactly what happened and why in a couple key scenes. Like the daughter burning down the son's crops. Really? To keep him away from the house for a few hours? That seems pretty harsh. What was he going to do if she hadn't lured him away by destroying his entire livelihood, and why was she suddenly not afraid of his wrath once she found the watch? And when the dismantled robot exploded, what exactly happened there? I'm feeling like my DVD was missing a scene where that was explained. Seemed kinda important, too. And how far exactly did they walk across the ice planet, anyway? Matt Damon was able to get back to the base quickly so it couldn't have been that far, but it seemed like Anne Hathaway flew at LEAST several dozen miles.
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