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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. Nice summary! Thanks! Now I know why they haven't mentioned dV readouts in any devnotes.
  2. That is too broad a question for me with too specific of answers, but I answered "It's just right" because I think it's closer to right than wrong. Busy work should be more simple. Fun stuff should be more complex. For example, I would like ISRU to be a bit more complex than Karbonite is now, but I don't want to have to drill 18 separate things to make rocket fuel. I also don't want pumping fuel around my ship to involve opening and closing valves manually and/or monitoring gauges lest something blow up. Complexity for its own sake is as bad as simplicity for its own sake (And realism for its own sake). It's all about what's fun, challenging, and interesting for the player.
  3. Any clue as to how to fix it? It seems I need to tell the game that it's not attached to a non-existent building platform.
  4. I have perfected (more or less) landing on a docking port on the surface of a planet, without any aids. I still used the HUD mod for info but I think that I can do it without. I also still need RCS but come on. Most people use that for docking in SPACE.
  5. Two thoughts/requests/questions/whatever: Does this respect SAS? If a ship has SAS on but is rotating a miniscule amount (because it's wobbling a little bit) will I come back to find it turned all the way around? Does this respect the new "hold" SAS for pilots? If I have "hold prograde" set on my space station (like the ISS does) will I come back to find it still holding prograde? Or Normal? Or whatever?
  6. I start over frequently, for various reasons. NaN creep, I'm sick of the plan for the game, I want to try a new mod cocktail, a new version of the game comes out, I actually complete all my goals for that save (hey, it happens)... those are all the reasons off the top of my head. So I picked "other"
  7. I was actually using it to mean a larger quantity of better stuff. Actually, I was using it to be intentionally confusing And I say "more betterer" a lot, for similar reasons to your coworker.
  8. No it's obvious. If you want the game to be more better, you want less more and more better. If you have less better but more more, you'll end up with more worse, aka less better.
  9. Many surgeons give false hope. Zanax use triples. (news at 11) nrmdxaod
  10. Airplanes in FAR. And putting enough fuel on things. Having KER makes me stingy with fuel, usually to my detriment.
  11. KAS pipes for me will stack in the VAB. They're the only thing I've found that does stack. Haven't tried outside of the VAB because my lack of spare time has caused me to not be able to even start to muck around with this.
  12. When you come in to orbit around Jool, before you've even gotten there, focus on Jool and look at your orbital path. You can tell where you're entering and exiting Jool's SOI because the exit end has a little circle on it. Make sure that path goes around Jool in the same direction as the moons. You have do do this intentionally on purpose the first few times, but after that it'll become second nature and you won't even think about it.
  13. I haven't used that in a long time, but I don't think so. That just replaces specific environmental textures. If you don't have ATM installed then I have no clue. Sorry!
  14. I've come up with a few theories. My current favorite is that HarvesteR made a deal with Squad that they could take all profits and just pay him his salary until he finished the game. Now he wants to finish the game so he can quit his job and open his own company.
  15. Very much this. I call them Prospector Probes (Or P.R.O.S.P.E.C.T.O.R when I'm feeling cool. I've never defined the acronym). Give them a probe core and enough dV to take off and land 5-10 times in a vast area (like, say, a crater). Then just keep hopping them around until you find a spot to put your base. Then just land next to 'em and start building.
  16. It's a nice big target once you know it's there. It's the first thing I ever landed right next to without any guidance from the game (because you can't target it) and nailing that taught me a lot about pinpoint landing. It'd be cool to build a base around it.
  17. (Note: I agree with you in spirit but can't help posting the counterexample) hey at least Duke Nukem Forever took the time to get everything right. I see the game as half-broken.
  18. This happened to me when I installed Active Texture Management. If you did as well, you need to find out how to tell that mod to not compress the folder(s) with all the icons in it(them).
  19. Land near the day/night terminator. You'll be able to tell the flat ground because it's not casting too many shadows. But unlike Nemrav, I suggest the middles of craters. Sure, there are craters within those craters but there are craters outside of them too, and if you can avoid those little craters you'll be fine. Plus, it'll give you practice for when you're landing next to your ISRU base when 1.0 drops.
  20. I already have done this over and over with the Vertical Velocity mod, which does this without all the bloat of MechJeb (which I don't need for anything else, so why have it for this?). The key to doing it this way is there are *NO* mods helping me with the controls. The ONLY mod helping me is the NavHud and I think I can even wean myself off that. It's not an accomplishment if the computer does it for you.
  21. You have more information than we do, but I have no idea what that could be if it's not wet vs dry mass. Load your craft in the VAB and take all the booster stuff off so you have exactly the ship you have in orbit, in the VAB. Then empty all the tanks of fuel. See if your dry mass is that number and then you won't have to think so or not, you'll know so or not.
  22. I worked on perfecting my "land on a docking port" technique that I previously thought was so hard as to not even be worth it before. I'm almost to the point where I can try it without the NavHud mod, but that mod really does help. I don't think I'll ever try it without RCS though
  23. I'd personally prefer to be able to - after docking - rotate the ports relative to each other to any alignment. Maybe I want 27.4 degrees. Maybe I want 90 degrees (EXACTLY). Maybe I want something else. Give me a text box and rotate to that degree setting. And maybe also have a setting for a port that automatically rotates anything that docks to it to the nearest X degree mark (90, 45, 30, 15, 180, etc)
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