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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. You cannot modify the terrain in-game, but there is a map editor. It seems pretty robust but I've not used it. I've seen other people's maps and it looks like you can pretty much make anything reasonable you'd want to make. And a lot of unreasonable things
  2. That was already guessed by many, including myself
  3. They're probably the new radial Xenon tanks. I mean, who uses those for monoprop anyway? *ducks* - - - Updated - - - Later he said she died right after the pic was taken, due to the new aero.
  4. Me, I'm trying to decide which of my 5 .90 copies I'll delete to make room for at least 2 instances of 1.0 (to start).
  5. I had to edit it a bit to fit in Twitter:
  6. Actually the guesses are not the contest. You need to post a picture of your most Kerbal thing or something like that. I posted the full size of my signature pic.
  7. I would love to know the business meetings Max attended before casually mentioning on twitter that some sort of dV readout would be in the game, and if that meeting also outlined how nobody would ever mention it again.
  8. Having the old aero option is as inane as having an option to start the game without maneuver nodes or patched conics. Oh wait... But seriously, aerodynamics is one of the oldest placeholder systems in the game. It did it's job perfectly in that it was just good enough to allow them to ignore it until the rest of the game was done. It's like a crappy $1000 car. Sure it gets 15 miles to the gallon and won't start unless it's rolling down a hill, but for the most part it got you to work and back for those 3 years when you were really poor. But now you're not poor, and you can actually buy a car that doesn't kick a cloud of smoke out its rear end every time you accelerate, and it's time to let that old piece of garbage go.
  9. Because it is. Unless you do it improperly in which case you may as well do patched conics. The total number of interactions is X*(X-1). In the Kerbolar system there are 17 bodies, so just to figure out how gravity affects the PLANETS (before you've even launched a single ship) it'd take 272 calculations. Right now, with the planets on rails using patched conics, the total number of calculations is 17. But really for a modern computer that's not the problem. The problem is it'd be no fun and the planets would eventually pull each other out of their orbits.
  10. That's because they don't use this forum for announcements. They use [random_social_networking_site].
  11. 12 minutes left in "Today" (72 minutes in Mexico City I guess) and no countdown. We need a countdown to the countdown. - - - Updated - - - They could literally all have a video ready to post, but not be able to due to an NDA with Squad.
  12. The benefit is it's more realistic. The problems are so many I won't bother listing them. There are at least as many old threads about this as there are problems with the idea.
  13. A government agency supporting outdated but functional computer systems that are cheaper to support than replace is vastly different than a game company supporting a broken aerodynamics model that has already been replaced in their working code.
  14. If someone who is capable wants to mod it in, then go for it. I for one don't want Squad wasting any time on the old aero system.
  15. That's okay, because your old ships will probably fail in a dozen other ways with all the stock changes this update.
  16. I prefer the voiceover. You don't learn anything from a sped up, kazoo-soundtracked video with funny captions.
  17. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/gigawatt In particular, click the little speaker to hear the guy say it. I hate to be pedantic, but you corrected me
  18. A countdown!? WE HAVE REACHED 1.21 GIGAHYPES.
  19. But nobody would call a flag "in flight" unless it was actually on a plane or something.
  20. Actually I wouldn't. On the list of "things fixed in 1.0," if "Flags are now not considered flights in progress" was in the list, my personal hype-list would have it somewhere near "We fixed the spelling in this submenu that nobody ever noticed until late one night I saw red squiggly lines under the word in the config file." I'm much happier that they've been working on pretty much every single other thing in the game, rather than this. Except the whole ROUND-8 thing. Not too happy about that.
  21. Oh. I like that thing! Granted, I've only ever used it once but that one time was to make a ship look better than just tossing girders or struts or decopulers would have made it look.
  22. Very cool content there, Whackjob! I learned 2 new things in as many minutes, and several more over the course of the video. You could have changed your root part with the root part change tool. I don't know how it would have handled THAT root part, but I've never had a problem with it with more modest designs. You could have locked the orange tanks exactly centered onto the modular girder segments with the translate tool. I find it very handy though your MGS/Strut solution at the end of the video looks to be a great way to mitigate unwanted torque between engines in spite of them not being perfectly centered. You should have clipped out the transition stuff, and I agree that speeding up some parts would be nice. That big launch where 25 seconds took like 5 minutes would have been better if it'd only taken a minute to watch All in all, very fun vid. I'll watch more! (And I totally agree with you about Scott Manley)
  23. To be fair to Squad, there have been exactly 0 updates since that was added to the game so they've not really had the opportunity to change it in any way we'd know about it. For all we know, it's all different now.
  24. I am also curious as to the actual name of the "creepy engine mount thing."
  25. Actually as a bonus, this has given me the impetus to mod the other xenon tank to be LFO as well. Now I'll have *3* small tanks!
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