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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. Yeah he's just doing what everybody else did. And he also admitted to not playing 1.0 much before the stream. Sigh. It's sad. Thousands of us can't wait for 1.0 and we're stuck instead watching a dozen people who can't bother to do more than install the game before their stream.
  2. I have never had a kerbonaut disappear. Did he die, maybe, and was in the "lost" tab? The game is in development (Until tomorrow). One of the changes that happened in development was that the reaction wheels have changed. You were likely watching a video from before 0.90. Scott had no way of knowing that the game was going to change. However, there is a medium reaction wheel. It's in the control tab. You should have 3 of them. I agree that the game needs to be a bit less obscure about how to play it. If you right click the engine, you may see a "run test" option. Click it. If not, you need to stage the engine to test it. It does say in the contract which they want, but it's not really highlighted. I'm sorry to say you were misled, but not by Squad. They put all over the place that their game is in development and may have bugs. Until tomorrow when 1.0 comes out.
  3. That's fine for stuff orbiting Sun and potentially being perturbed. But orbiting Dres? That'd be like looking at Pluto and going "Oh, Charon's gone. I guess we should have put better tracking on it. But hey there's another moon there now that we didn't see before that's even bigger!"
  4. The problem is we've seen very few instances of people using it properly.
  5. That is not a thing anymore. If your first launch reaches orbit, you automatically get all the altitude records, and some speed and distance records too. And if you find unlocking things boring you may be better off in sandbox. I find sandbox boring so enjoy career more.
  6. Ah. I see the problem. You guys think I'm going to launch with enough fuel to get to Duna. No. I wouldn't do that. I would launch with enough fuel to get to LKO, refuel there, and then go to Duna from there. You only use the fuel you sent down to Kerbin to get up to LKO. I apologize, I thought that was obvious. Honestly though I don't think it's worth all this effort, really. I expect that the game will be easy enough that just spending the money on fuel on the surface will be much better. Pay the money so you can spend your time doing fun stuff. The only real reason to go through the rigamarole is to enjoy having done it.
  7. Does that mean that I can't max out the tech tree before leaving Kerbin's SOI due to getting hundreds upon hundreds of free science from random contracts? In my .90 playthrough I never used the science jr or goo pods, and never used that "cheaty" strategy to get tons of science by converting. I still was swimming in so much science I had to actually convert it into funds because I kept having more science than I could spend without upgrading the R&D lab. EDIT: And hey, another streamer who barely played 0.90 and is playing 1.0 for the first time. Am I the only one who would consider getting early access to the game an honor?
  8. I'm torn. My problem is it's illogical, especially if they continually spawn and despawn. They're in unperturbable orbits! The nice thing is... hey a reason to go to Dres.
  9. I've launched a grand total of 0 rockets in 1.0 so I can't say for sure, but the one single launch I've seen with a proper gravity turn was one of the few launches where the streamer didn't have terrible troubles. I think FAR will still be popular, but I also think a lot of people (myself included) will be quite happy with the stock version.
  10. What you're seeing isn't poor physics, it's poor rocket design and poor ascent trajectories. Real life rockets would wobble a bit too if they were swung around 90 degrees while traveling mach 3, 10km off the ground.
  11. I watched the first 5 minutes of the current guy. He said he hadn't played much and was just going to do crazy things. I decided to record a new Xcom episode instead.
  12. I just want one person to sit down and say, "Hey. You know what a space plane is and everybody's shown you resource gathering. I'm going to spend the next 90 minutes systematically going through every single menu option and showing you what has changed.
  13. Yeah sorry, I never came back to here. I totally missed that requirement so had blinders on when double-checking my solution. Had I noticed the requirement I'd have gotten it right away, and if I'd given it some thought I'd have realized it eventually, but sadly I did neither
  14. Okay I've bowed out already and been drawn back in. I'll (if it's possible and necessary) Spend $100 for every $1000 of fuel I can bring back to Kerbin and make cash hand over fist. You can spend $1000 on fuel and "save money" by not bringing the fuel down the gravity well to where you need it to launch. We're both good enough at the game that neither strategy will make or break our careers.
  15. I agree, Harv should have hacked an entire multiplayer system into the game in 2 days, 4 days before release. [/sarcasm]
  16. The cause doesn't matter. It should not be in a polished 1.0 release. - - - Updated - - - Resources have "full background processing" according to Roverdude. To me that means it will NOT quickly run through the 6-hour-at-a-time series of steps when you focus on your vessel. Also, drills can overheat but adding solar panels and engineers to the craft will help dissipate heat. So, even more reasons to never hire scientists, or pilots once you have decent probe cores (which you'll have by the time you unlock these parts). We need a mod that just tuns everybody into an engineer.
  17. So to use your argument, it's better (or at least the same) to spend $1000 on fuel than it is to spend $100 on the same amount of fuel? The above question assumes you can return $1000 worth of fuel for an investment of $100. At some point, I agree it is NOT worth it because you have to invest $100 + time and while for $100 the time is worth it, I'm not sure if it's worth it if it costs you $500. It's assuredly not worth it if it would cost you $900.
  18. During Akinesis' feed at about 7:25am (25 minutes in or so) he had the SOI prediction bug where the orbit flickered between showing the SOI change and not. However, he time warped to a point beyond the SOI change, and even though he blasted through the boundary at high warp his periapsis remained exactly where he put it.
  19. I don't know. It's one of the very first things I'll be trying in 1.0 though. Nowai man.
  20. I've seen one single instance of an aerodynamic rocket performing a real gravity turn in all the videos I've seen today. That rocket reached a flawless orbit after a very nice and natural turn. Everybody else is boosting up to 10km (at least. Some go up to 20) and cranking it over. Oh and the streamer just said "the chat room knows more about the game than I do!" ...don't worry about it, dude. It's been happening all day.
  21. Yes, but planes that are only 99% perfect won't flip out of control and crash before leaving the runway anymore. At least, I hope so.
  22. Thanks! I'd rep you but the forum says I'm not being fair to everybody else.
  23. Link? My fu seems to be totally failing me. It's not on the KSP youtube page nor does it show up in searches.
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