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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. I've never sent a Kerbal anywhere without the intent at the start to at least have a WAY to bring him home.
  2. The big problem is that they're all moonless, eccentric, tilted worlds. Once you've been to one, the other two are just a matter of scale in exactly the same skills. I think Moho should be eccentric but not tilted. Or only a degree or so. Dres' orbit should be (almost) round, but tilted dramatically. 45 degrees or more. And Eeloo should be as it is now, both tilted and eccentric. And they should all have fun stuff on them so there's a reason to actually go.
  3. I hate to say it but I like Kiome better than Biome and Geome, and Region The areas are similar. Similome? No that's terrible.
  4. It'd suck to accept a contract to return science data from somewhere, and then have to cancel it because you were overzealous earlier and got it all already.
  5. Haha I meant you as a player, not you as a Kerbal.
  6. The big problem is that unless you do some sort of super hard mode, science experiments are almost useless outside of how they can get you contracts. I mean, really. 400 science for putting a space station up, or a dozen science for a temperature scan on Mun. Sign me up for the station contract, please.
  7. You guys have a funny definition of "easy." With the SRB/parachute trick I can do at least 2 or 3 (if not 5+) test runs for every 1 run you do. The "waste" of SRB fuel is far more than made up for in the not having to drive a rover around KSC
  8. The same tricks fix it, too Additionally, you can just place the node, right click it, and click the "-" key in the bottom left to go back 1 orbit. You can even drag it around and it'll stay on the correct line.
  9. No, it doesn't matter. You could also argue based on that, that you should have to buy upgrades for Mun, Minmus, and other planets to appear. And biomes. Heck, you could require an upgrade to a building that unlocked the ability to buy upgrades!
  10. Do you have a source for this information that is not the wiki? I keep up on things and all I know that they're actively working on is aerodynamics.
  11. That information can at best be considered outdated. While I'd love it to happen, you can't really count on it.
  12. I'm having a lot of situations (seems mostly on airless worlds, and it may just be Minmus) where the X doesn't show. I see it sometimes but not all the time, implying that it *should* show. I can probably whip up some pics if nobody else is seeing it.
  13. Wow. I'm surprised at Pol and Bop. Not only is Bop bigger than Minmus, but they're both far bigger than Gilly than I thought. Also, they're very different from each other in size. I've been to both multiple times and always thought of them as "A little bigger than Gilly"
  14. But have those times ever been when you had the mouse in the staging area, so therefore got saved?
  15. I made it a point to send an apollo-style mission to every single planet and moon. Except Jool which I did as a huge Jool-5 mission. This included Moho (which I've been to many times), Dres (which I've been to a couple times) and Eeloo (this was my first and so far only Kerbed mission there).
  16. This is exactly what I've wanted for so long. It'll make Karbonite bases so much easier! Aww, after reading the thread I see Sadly that's exactly what I'd use this mod for, looping from a Karbonite ground station to an orbiting fuel depot.
  17. That has never ever been a problem, though. Completely unresponsive ship with no apparent cause? That *still* happens to me even though I know about this.
  18. You could go old school and add the functionality to all command pods and probe cores with a modulemanager config. Sadly, it's been so long since I needed one I don't have it anymore, but it was pretty simple. I found this, it's pretty old but it may work out of the box and if it doesn't all you should need to change is the BuildEngineer to maybe FlightEngineer or whatever it's named these days. You should be able to find that in the part config for the part in the Gamedata folder for KER. Old modman config for ker EDIT: NINJA'd with actual correct information. Ignore me
  19. I literally ignore those numbers. I do everything by eye in map mode. I also don't bother aligning the orbits first, though it's a valid approach if it works for you. Get your trajectory touching the target orbit trajectory. MAKE SURE YOU'RE GOING THE RIGHT WAY. Also, the closer you can get to "kissing" the oribit the better. What I mean, is, touching it without crossing it inward to outward, or at a crazy angle. Just come in, touch, and back off. Create a maneuver node at that point and fiddle with it until your resultant orbit matches that orbit. Do that burn. Profit! Literally. You will generate profit from this.
  20. Oh boy I'm going to have to get used to NH *not* meaining "New Hampshire." This thread was so confusing until the light dawned on me
  21. Less polls asking us what we want in the game. One per version is fine, more than that is excessive. What we have now is just crazy.
  22. Make sure your mouse isn't hovering over the staging icons. For some reason Squad thought that was the logical place to enable staging lock.
  23. For me, this always happens after I change someone's name who is also referenced elsewhere in the save. Like, if I rename someone I save from Orbit. The only way to rename people is in the persistent file (or by a mod) so if you haven't been doing that then I'm not sure what it could be.
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