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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. We have a common acronym at work, KSC. I won't say what it's for but you can all tell what I think it means every single time I see it
  2. Ew, Ions. I didn't consider those because I don't hate myself I'll give the E a try but it may be a day or two. The F is aptly named; I'd use its word a lot were I to try it!
  3. [strongbad] ...and what? ...add " -popupwindow" in the and here's a million dollars? ...add " -popupwindow" in the and here's you own spaceship? Oh no! I got it! I_Killed_Jeb got him! He said he'd kill for it and he did! Oh... Daze. I pine for you! [/strongbad] (For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about click here)
  4. When you play Xcom and your first move every mission is to run a random soldier to a random square because you try to move the camera with your mouse
  5. Your pictures don't really show off your piloting prowess but I'll happily give it a shot if you send me the ship. Not sure if my in-atmo technique is the best but it can't hurt to try. If you can get it into orbit with the dV that you think is enough I will also happily try it from there.
  6. Sweet I knew this was in the works but didn't know it was usable. I hope I find tons of bugs so I can help you make this better
  7. Yeah but it's more fun calling bugs Krakens. Technically they're not bugs, either. The original bug was an actual insect.
  8. I installed Mechjeb once and that was several versions ago. I start with a fresh install every time so there can't even be any detritus in there. For a while I thought it may have been directly linked to if you thrust limited your engines because it always seemed to happen after I did that, however it turned out that was just a coincidence helped by my play. I always thrust limit as I'm tweaking the periapsis at my target planet, and then I notice that periapsis is moving after I've killed my engines. The last time this happened, I actually noticed that I had *not* thrust limited at all.
  9. Oh sorry, I do a lot of browsing connected to a cell phone so I've disabled images in the forum. I didn't see that you had 2 posts in a row because what would have been an inline image was just a link Very nice! Well optimized!
  10. My best Kraken attack was the Hell Kraken. I disconnected a KAS pipe from a Kethane refinery and everything in physics range (including the Kerbal) went through all those numbers 1111111 222222 etc. I exited the game and when I came back, the Kerbal was dead and the two things (Refinery and ship) were LANDED ON THE SUN. At least, that's what the tracking station said. When I jumped to them they exploded
  11. Haha can't wait to see it! I honestly don't know where i can save any more (except the margins which are pretty small). The lander is essentially as small as it can be and count in the challenge, and its engine won't lift it off of Kerbin so you *need* something else to do so. I'm far from an expert on using jets as lifters so it's very possible you can do something there but I don't know what. The only thing I can think of is a better launch to orbit so I can bring less fuel in the main ship.
  12. The first contracts I started getting was for satellites. You need at LEAST a probe core and solar panel so you have to delve a fair bit into the tech tree.
  13. I'm not sure I'm understanding you. A probe 100km above the surface is less than 2.5Mm above the surface. Are you saying they can talk to your ship in Keosynchronous orbit, when they are also not in communication with KSC? I'd like a picture of the map to see what you're saying.
  14. This happens to me all the time and I've heard it from others. I've never reported it because I thought it was a well-known bug. To "fix" it temporarily, you can just time warp until an SOI change. It tends to happen most to me when I'm transferring from one planet to another anyway. In fact, I don't think it's ever happened to me in a static orbit. It most recently happened to me in a game where I only shared one mod with the OP, Kerbal Engineer. Sadly I've run multiple sessions in that game since then so the log's toast.
  15. Okay I retooled my ship, and decided to not do the monoprop trick because it's dumb. I also decided to not use monoprop at all because I still believe that using monoprop to dock makes it easier, and you should be rewarded for leaving it at home. I also figured out a way to only have 2 engines, the jet engine to get it mostly into orbit and then a single rocket engine to get into orbit, transfer, land, and return while still keeping in the challenge. My ship was 7.516 tons on the pad (Take THAT Pecan ) so that's 752 points rounding up. Stock parts only, -150 No autopilot, -100 I used SAS. I'm not crazy. I landed about 200 meters away from the Armstrong monument. -50 No way am I going to reload from a quicksave 100 times to hit the launch pad. I didn't use RCS at all so no points here. No clue on aesthetics but I think my ship looks pretty cool So that's 752-150-100-50=552. Here's the Imgur album with far too many pictures...
  16. Yeah I misread that as "don't use monoprop anywhere but for docking for 40 points." When I redo this I'll bring a single RCS jet and 0.01 units of monoprop and fire a jet off during docking to qualify for those 40 points.
  17. I got my attempt recorded. One thing, though: I built the ship to leave the landing legs on Mun but forgot to do so until I was in orbit. I'll redo the mission if need be but not record it. I'll just take a pic of the Mun launch where I ditch the legs. Is that cool? Otherwise I completed all the parts of the mission except no SAS (that's for crazy people) and I didn't bother landing back at KSC (I didn't want to quicksave and quickload 50 times, iterating slowly where I aimed my return)
  18. All fair. As Tex said it's in the theme to land at the memorial. I made a quick test ship that I believe hits all the criteria however may not exactly be what you were expecting. I think it's in the 20s in tonnage on the launchpad and in a quick test the only things that survived the landing were the Mk1 pod and the Kerbal. And a docking port but who's counting? I'm hoping to record video of it today and post it tomorrow (as it takes some editing)
  19. Seems that is true. I assume this is like golf scoring and the lower your score the better. Safe to assume I can use KER or even the ship info in map mode for vessel mass before flight? I'm not installing MechJeb just for this challenge There are several easter eggs (anomalies) on Mun. I can pinpoint 2 of them on a map and a third is close to one of the two I can pinpoint. Is there a specific one you're looking for or can I pick? No bonus points for not using RCS at all? I think I may give this one a try on a totally stock install. Probably not bother nailing the landing on the pad because that's just endless trial and error but maybe I'll try it Other than that I think I can do everything stock, maybe with KER just to make sure I've got the dV right, then uninstall it for the flight.
  20. That is pretty sweet, but I gots no knowingness of how to make that into a thing.
  21. Not that anybody should find this useful or even try it, but I updated the first post with a Fine Print warning and modified the script to account for those mutipart missions like "Explore Mun."
  22. It's a huge pain, and you simply cannot use it in conjunction with Fine Print. So, you have to choose between Fine Print or No Science In Contracts. Before I abandoned Quest for Snacks, I actually stopped scrubbing science gains and instead just cut them down to (I think) 30% across the board and accepted contract science gains. Here's the original post, follow it at your own risk. As I said it's a huge pain
  23. I have no reference, but there is plenty of room in Tylo's SOI for Gilly to orbit. If you moved Tylo out past Pol and Bop, its SOI would be even bigger and you could comfortably put - say - Minmus there.
  24. Why not make Eeloo a moon AND give it a moon? That could be (one of) the unique thing(s) about Gas Giant 2.
  25. The problem with Dres is that it's not appreciably different than Moho of Eeloo, just easier to get to than either of them. Maybe tied with Eeloo. Dunno. They're all small, with eccentric tilted orbits, and don't have anything to offer once you've been to them once. Jool has all the moons. Duna has an atmosphere and an interesting moon. Kerbin has... well you start there. Eeloo, Dres and Moho are just 3 planets with nothing to do on them. I support adding a moon to Dres and turning Eeloo into the largest moon of the 2nd gas giant (which is - or at least was - the plan), then you'd have 6 unique planets instead of 3 unique ones and 3 that are the same.
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