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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. What I've wanted since the very first time I launched the same ship twice is to be able to have a Kerbal do it for me, for a slight penalty. With Kerbal Skill that penalty could be based on their piloting skill. Essentially, I launch a ship and dock it to my space station. The game notes how much fuel is left in it. From now on, assuming I want to launch that exact ship to that exact location, any Kerbal can do it for a little (or a lot if they suck) more fuel than I was able to do it for. No simulations. No autopilot. Just "Supply my space station please" and suddenly your money is deducted and the ship is docked with the fuel the game says is left. If the Kerbal sucks enough, the game won't let you launch because he'd run out of fuel. And of course I could launch it again myself to try to do better, and that would be the new "best launch."
  2. Love the idea. I'd also like to be able to warp to a maneuver node or SOI change by clicking somewhere on it.
  3. I'd surely try it, but don't see any reason not to test in Sandbox first to see how much fuel you'd need. The big burn (Kerbin-Jool transfer) should be done with nukes. Thanks to the massive size of the asteroid, you can bring a dozen or more and not worry too much about their added mass, and needing that many means you could build a big cage-like apparatus so you could pull the asteroid instead of pushing it, making COM concerns much less. Also, if you bring all those nukes back and land them near the KSC, it will "only" cost you the fuel it took to get there and back. Now I want to do this, even without a contract.
  4. Anything possible in sandbox is possible outside of it. I suggest you look into gravity assists, especially at Jool. If you come in right and pass Laythe's orbit at the right time, you don't need to burn OR aerobrake and can get your apoapsis out to Bop. Then it's just a hefty burn to get into Bop orbit. I think you can do the same with Tylo but never have, and it'll save you some dV on the final Bop burn as your orbit's Periapsis will be higher. I'm not saying it's not going to take a crazy long time and a crazy large amount of fuel, but I wholeheartedly think it's possible.
  5. I would recommend either doing it "apollo style" and taking a lander AND return vehicle there, or remember to repack your chutes before you get back to Kerbin so you can use them again. If you go the Apollo router, land with the lander, come back up to get your guy into the return vehicle, and then leave the lander in orbit while you come home with the return vehicle. Don't even need to dock, just get close and EVA over. But other than that I agree with everybody else. A Duna mission isn't that much more dV than a Mun mission, mostly because you don't have to spend fuel on the way down thanks to parachutes.
  6. Yeah, that ship by kookoo_gr was impressive indeed! I'll happily take 2nd after that one.
  7. In spite of this being a horrible, terrible failure in both design and execution, I think I'm winning by a hefty margin after getting 19 biomes with a MIRV-style ship of my own that I dubbed "Shotgun" The ship split in 2 after ejecting to Mun. One ship went into orbit around Mun with 15 landers, each destined to land in a Mun biome and then return to Kerbin. 9 of the Mun ships were to then visit unique Kerbin biomes, and the other 6 were backups in case it was hard to hit certain biomes like shores and badlands. 2 of these landers, I forgot to put decouplers between their engines and the mothership superstructure (oops), 2 more of them didn't have any goo containers even though (I thought) I used a subassembly. A 5th lander, I somehow managed to decouple it without any fuel in its tank. The other 10 landed on Mun successfully in different biomes, and returned to Kerbin managing to hit all 9 biomes there. The other ship went to Minmus and had 3 landers, each capable of hitting 3 biomes and then returning to Kerbin. I forgot the thermometers so ruled out this entire ship. Craft Name: Mun/Minmus/Kerbin Biome Sciencer (boring name) or Shotgun (What Jeb called it) Stock / Non-Stock Entry: Non-Stock. I don't use any mod parts but EXTENSIVELY used KER and the Trajectories mod. I don't think I could bear to do this without them. Celestial Body: Mun and Kerbin. Number of Biomes: 19 Total Mission Cost: 338,052 Highest Science Tier: No clue. Highest? SLS parts for the launcher. Most of the rest was pretty low-tier stuff.
  8. I think we ran out of things to say about 4 seconds of contextless CGI of classic space ships.
  9. Area 51 featured fairly prominently in the early Stargate SG1 seasons. They stored the 2nd gate there along with most of the artifacts that teams recovered. Sam frequently went there to do research, both on and off camera.
  10. This is getting outside the thrust of this topic, but I had an idea where you can use all the parts in nodes you've unlocked, and a single part from a single node you've not unlocked. Some handwavey suff happens and then you earn the ability to unlock that node. I never got past that 2nd part, but the third step is definitely profit. One idea is to completely decouple science from the tech tree and you simply cannot use new parts until you've completed a contract with them. Also, it would completely eradicate the tech tree now that I think about it. Just an internal tree to decide what parts are eligible for part contracts. I'm not sure if this is something that I'd like in stock but it'd be a really fun mod to try.
  11. This is just inviting too much. I'm not private enough of a person to hide my online and offline identities well enough from each other, that I'd be comfortable saying anything here I'd not just tell anybody. That said, I'll toss one out there. I like that Taylor Swift song where she goes on too many dates. I don't know the name of it, which makes me happy.
  12. But "this movie really took care of all those little things that annoy science nerds" doesn't sell as well as "EXPLOSIONS AND GEORGE CLOONEY" Note: I like movies that take care of all those little things that annoy me, a science nerd. I also like explosions and think George Clooney is a pretty good actor.
  13. I just hit Kerbin's Badlands from Low Munar Orbit - with a maneuver node - thanks to this mod. One word: sweeeeeeeeeeet.
  14. Okay, this is hilarious. I swear - hand to Jool - that I had in that post you quoted a mention of Spinal Tap and how it is still good even after a long time of not watching it. I deleted that text because I wanted the post to be a bit more concise.
  15. When they fix the memory issues (by reusing textures or unloading things from memory when not in use) then by all means, yes.
  16. I used to love Airplane, and (still) quote it all the time. I watched it recently for the first time in decades and I hate to say it, but it's pretty bad. Not any better than the plotless comedies of today like 40 year old virgin or Hangover.
  17. Stock mostly, though when launching rockets (Especially while climbing the career mode tree) I really do prefer FAR because it feels more like an accomplishment. I play in Stock mostly due to my YouTube channel. I'm trying to appeal to the broadest audience so want to play in stock Aero at least most of the time.
  18. Not a navball, but I use NavHud all the time on EVA. I frequently prefer it to the Navball when using ships and it does a great job on EVA as well.
  19. That's correct. The Empire was run by a political and strategical genius who simply replaced those at the very apex of the Galactic government and then churned out warships. The rebels were a bunch of people who didn't like it and fought back, somehow winning (spoiler alert) in the end because the Force, content to have destroyed 99% of the Jedi, chose the Light side over the Dark when the Emperor was sure it would chose the Dark over the Light. The rebels did not plan to win the war, and they did not expect to win the war. They didn't even win the war, though they came out on top. They surely had no plans on what to do AFTER the war. EU or not, they were not in a position to manage the galaxy they just saved. So yeah, a thousands-year-old Republic and an Empire have better production lines than a war-torn galaxy with no leadership. Who knew.
  20. There is no shame editing 5000-6000 rocket parts into that bin in the persistent file.
  21. Looks good, though sparse. Nice to see the Millennium Falcon again. And I hope the fact that they showed a woman means that there'll be more than one in the entire trilogy. Oh, and I think you're posting in the wrong thread.
  22. Okay I'm going to throw in an idea I had that would actually implement what Squad said they're going to do, without implementing resource collecting/refining/etc: 3rd Party Refueling Outposts. We've already got random Kerbals ending up in orbit and other references to us not being the only space agency out there. So what if a 3rd party (Kexxon?) were just in this whole space thing to make a profit selling gas? The way this could work with asteroids is that agency could give you a contract (Fine Print anyone?) to put an asteroid into a specific orbit. Probably not random, but equatorial at a random altitude and very low eccentricity. Once you've done that, it becomes a refueling outpost where you can dock, pay money for fuel, and then go about your merry way. They're not mining it. You're not mining it. You're paying about what it would cost to get the fuel up there, plus the cost of the fuel, plus a bit of a premium because you're saving yourself a ton of time and effort bringing it up yourself.
  23. Red Iron Crown does have a point, to read and respond to all the posts, SOMEONE on Squad's payroll will have to invest a decent amount of time. Maybe they could get an intern to do it or something, and just bring the top 5 or so to the actual devs. Don't know. However, it's not a strawman argument. Either they don't look at the threads or some eventual developer time will need to be spent looking at them. I don't think the suggestions subforum serves no purpose. There are tons of suggestions that are worth it. Even "We should be able to mine resources" is a valid suggestion. "I spent the entire weekend working out exactly how mining should work, with these spreadsheets on resource flow rates, composition ratios, part specs and whatnot" is NOT a valid suggestion. A great suggestion is axial tilt. I even posted on that thread a way to do it with the current setup of Unity. If instead I'd spent hours working out what I thought the best tilts for each planet were and arguing with others who had completely different ideas than I, then no, that's not a good suggestion. I guess what I'm trying to say is that the more complicated, in-depth, and thorough the suggestion is, the less use it is to the developers. They can work out the details themselves, and you can spend your time in much more productive ways.
  24. I landed and took off from tons of Mun and Minmus biomes, and landed in a bunch of Kerbin biomes while returning, just for a challenge. That I can't win anyway because I forgot to bring a thermometer
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