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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. Personally I think the orbit specifics should not have any of those terms or numbers. The entire thing should be: "Launch a satellite into an orbit close to the purple one around Kerbin in the tracking station."
  2. Did you take your probe up to its destination and get it in place while connected to a manned ship? Have you disconnected that probe yet? That checkbox won't get checked until the probe is all on its lonesome. If that's not the case I don't know, but my one probe mission didn't give me the checkbox until I decoupled it from the main ship. I actually reported this exact bug to the developer a couple hours ago. Turns out the stability enhancer generates power now so once youv'e unlocked it, you have a "power generator" in your toolbox so the probe missions start showing up. He's going to fix it but for now, you'll have to ignore those contracts until you unlock solar panels.
  3. Old enough to have seen the original in the theater, but not old enough to remember much
  4. Sweet! One of my favorite mods You should update the thread title, though to reflect 0.90.
  5. Not sure if I should report this here or as a KSP bug I seem to be getting contracts when tech nodes are AVAILABLE, not when they're UNLOCKED. For example, I am getting satellite contracs even though I don't have any solar panels (or even batteries) unlocked. They are available to unlock, I've just not unlocked them yet.
  6. Is it really easier to ask here and bump a thread than it is to just install it and see if it works?
  7. Terribly confusing name for your first contract of this type, but check the tracking station for some clues on where to find the LOCATION named "Bill's Ascent"
  8. You may not know this but if one of us uses stock and the other uses FAR, the one who uses stock will almost assurdly lose. By using FAR (which I did) I saved well over a grand of dV which was about a 12-15% savings on fuel. That's even more than I expect to save over the "straight up" method. There's no way I could get that ship into orbit of Mun with a $10k rocket in stock. And as a non-preview-build user who did the tests before 0.90 came out, I of course didn't use it However, I don't think there were any changes between the versions so I'll happily try it in .90 if you feel it's necessary.
  9. I... played. Just played. Started a new career, no mods, just normal mode. And then I played. It was awesome.
  10. Downloading now. And holy cow it's downloading fast compared to past updates.
  11. No it's not that it'd take over my computer. It's that I'd have to watch or even listen to it. It's like when my girlfriend has Real Housewives or something on in the background. I don't have to pay attention to it but I still have to HEAR it.
  12. I would like to personally thank you and the other fine lads who are sacrificing themselves to watch KSPTV so the rest of us don't have to. Here, have some rep.
  13. Web page is down, at least for me. I'm totally not refreshing on 2 different computers to see - when it comes back up - if it's on 0.90.
  14. Oops. We've got 2 engineers and a scientist. Hold on to your flight sticks, boys. This is going to be a bumpy ride. No, really. Hold on to your flight sticks. We've got no control systems in this rocket.
  15. I've got the download page on the KSP store up on another machine, because in several hours my main machine will be offline for quite some time. If I can get the download started tonight, I can play right away tomorrow. Not that I'm asking for any favors, Squad...
  16. If unicorn horns can be ground up into a powder that - when consumed - cures every ailment, why do we still build hospitals? Same answer as the answer to your question. We haven't found a way to mass produce it. Or even find it. Or even prove it exists. Or even think it exists.
  17. I don't have time to record anything but I just tried this and - with a paper-thin margin - I did it with a craft that totaled $9740 including the $3122 for the payload. That's $6618. I'd like a better margin (and perhaps a solar panel) but am confident I can keep the entire cost under $10k including payload. The lifter is in 3 stages: One with 5 60% limited BACC SRBs (for the initial thrust. By the time these are done I'm basically sideways) one with a single unlimited BACC srb (that essentially gets me into orbit) and a 48-7s pushing a T400 fuel tank to get to Mun and circularlize at 30km. Total VAB dV is 6847m/s. counting payload, 4707 for the lifter. EDIT Okay last post/update for a while. I redesigned the ship to not thrust limit and to instead split the 5 SRBs into 2 sets of non-thrust-limited SRBs, 3 in the first set and 2 in the second. I also modified it to have 2 smaller SRBs instead of one large one in the top stage of the lifter. now I've got about a 400-500dV margin and a very easy ride up to orbit in spite of not having fins or nosecones. I'm going to tweak later tonight but I'm hoping to trim that margin down and also get the ship below $10k (It's 10,415 right now) Assuming I get that working, I'll try to post a video or at least an Imgur album tomorrow morning. I am not saying raising periapsis is necessary. I'm saying having apoapsis at the same height is not enough information to know which is better. Unless the two ships end in the same circumstances (which is why I proposed getting a payload into a specific Mun orbit) then the test is invalid.
  18. Procedural Fairings look ugly when you try to slap a flat and wide ship on top of a tall, skinny lifter. If you build more reasonably for your tech level then they look just like the other fairings only they're easier to use. I expect a lot of problems people have with Procedural Fairings will go away when we can clip a lot of stuff that should be able to be clipped, into our rockets to make them a bit more sleek. I'm looking at you Science Jrs.
  19. Arkie, your video demonstration is not valid, because getting 2 apoapses at the Mun without getting the Periapses at the same place means your orbits have different energies. Create a ship and fly it vertically in a reliable way (ie, you can hit it every time reliably after you're done perfecting your process) to get into - say - a 30km orbit over Mun from KSC with a certain payload. You don't have to use Procedural Fairings if you don't want to, but you should build the payload to reasonably fit under such fairings. I say, make a lander that can return to Kerbin on its own from a 30km orbit (from that orbit, land, take off, and return to Kerbin). Once you've done that and posted the stats and craft file, I'll take that craft file to get the payload, and then build my own craft to get into that 30km orbit with a smaller, cheaper ship. It will use less fuel, and be cheaper. It may only save 10% of the total dV but because it's smaller and cheaper it will save a lot more than 10% of the fuel and money. Until you can confidently state the same (and pull it off) your entire premise is moot. Saving dV isn't enough. "Only" losing a little dV isn't enough. You need to save FUEL and/or MONEY or consider the extra FUEL or MONEY expenditure to be okay. And that will always be an opinion. The fact will remain that getting into orbit first with a craft designed to do so will always save fuel and money over a craft designed to burn straight up.
  20. Short answer: No. Long answer: Even if your wheels could get the glider up to a speed where it took off (which I'm not sure of but am doubtful), as soon as it left the ground it would lose all thrust and slow down to a velocity that wouldn't have any lift.
  21. I take it you've never landed in a crater or valley? Prograde when landed is directly East. If you burn directly East without going up at least a *little* bit first you're in for a world of hurt.
  22. In the original Star Wars (what people today refer to as Episode IV) Han Solo shot Greedo mostly because he was annoyed at him. It was very obvious that Greedo was willing to shoot Han, but not that he was about to immediately. Han, as they say, shot first. In the ... update ... in the 90s, Suddenly Greedo shoots first and shows that he must have had Stormtrooper training considering he missed his stationary, confined target about 1.5 meters away, and not just by a little bit. So Han, now in self defense, shoots Greedo and maintains the Disney definition of "good guy" (Note, Disney didn't own Star Wars back then, but Lucas obviously wanted Han to conform to their standards for heroes). Most fans consider this a bad move.
  23. [noparse] [/noparse]So if your code is 4Q3SsF [noparse] [/noparse]
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