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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. One quick thing. To reset your goos and jrs, you don't right click them. Remove the science from them (Either with an EVA'd Kerbal or by transmitting) and then you right click the crewed lab and select "clean experiements."
  2. Actually they shouldn't need to add it. The current VAB sets a size limit on your rockets, though it's a pretty generous one. I've hit the upper limit but never the side limits. There is a fundamental difference between the natural limit on the size of your craft based on the size of the building it's in, and some semirandom "You can only use 50 parts" limit based on a number they put in a field. Your arguement would work with everything in the game. There's no actual ground on Mun, so you're not really landing there. Of course not. It's a video game. But if you got close to the ground and the game said "Sorry, you can't land because your ship has 56 parts on it. Come back when you've unlocked the bigger Mun Landing package" then that would be an artificial constraint.
  3. No optimism required. You always do the minimum optimizations before Beta because it's a waste of time to optimize something that could change fundamentally. Once you're in beta, things should not fundamentally change anymore so optimization becomes far more fruitful. I fully expect the game to get a lot faster as we climb through the .90s.
  4. I personally prefer not being able to pause. If you need to pause you're going too fast. It's not like the guys on Apollo 13 could pause to assess the situation before acting.
  5. This does look extremely promising and a great way to breathe life into the game when you start to feel like you've done everything. I downloaded it and looked over the text files. It seems like without a detailed guide it would be pretty hard to make your own missions, but it does look possible. Any documentation would be welcome. I've had an "easter egg hunt" story in my head for quite some time. I fiddled with ways to do it with contracts but this would do just the trick. If you could allow the scenario writer the ability to put our own easter eggs (Like how FinePrint does it, or at least did it at one time) at locations that would allow for far more immersive of a story.
  6. Do you have Blizzy's toolbar installed? It may be set to show on that toolbar but you've got it hidden. If not, there should be a KER button on the stock toolbar.
  7. Agreed. Why can the starting VAB make a rocket with a command pod, 48 orange tanks, and 1 engine but not something with a command pod, a single fuel tank and engine, and 48 solar panels/batteries? Though I don't agree that the VAB should affect mass. It should only affect size and that size should be affected by the size of the buildng. Starting can be like 20x20x20 meters or less. Biggest should be 2x the size of the current VAB or more. The launchpad affects mass. The VAB should affect physical size. Nothing but your computer should affect part count. (All IMO of course)
  8. Then Targetron should do you well. just jump from ship to ship, hyperediting it out of existence or recovering it with the button under the altimeter.
  9. If career mode is supposed to be hard, why is the tech tree designed as a tutorial for new players? Edit: And ObsessedWithKSP, thanks so much for this. You saved me about 58 minutes, as it took about 2 to read your summary and would have taken 60 to watch the episode.
  10. The only thing I can think of is Targetron. It allows you to jump from ship to ship without going to map mode or the tracking station. EDIT: Of course you can't terminate vessels but you can turn on infinite fuel and ram them into the nearest planetary body.
  11. The best part will be when you finally unlock space suits, get out, and take your hard-earned EVA report from KSC and it says, "You didn't really need a space suit to get here, did you?" I KNEW THAT! YOU'RE THE ONE WHO DIDN'T.
  12. Just remember when placing things on decouplers, that your mouse cursor has to be over the decoupler. Try it with the smaller SRBs so you have a better feel for where the decoupler is compared to your boster and mouse cursor. Then get the mouse cursor (dragging the booster around) over the decoupler and move it up and down. At a certain point (when your mouse cursor gets just off the decopuler) the booster will snap inward a little bit, indicating that it's now attached to the radial stack and not the decoupler anymore. Same goes for anything you're attaching to a decoupler, just the really tall SRBs are easier to accidentally miss with because they're so tall.
  13. I did this for my comm network. Great compromise between simple to execute (but still took skill and care) and accurate. Which to me is "The Kerbal Way" And after I did the above, I then did this. If you put the work in getting them up there, you can consider HyperEdit the equivalent of having a flunky keep an eye on the satellites' orbits and make little adjustments when needed. Any of 1 hour, 5 hours, or 7 hours would work. I doubt 1 hour would have a periapsis over the atmosphere so I'd personally go for 5.
  14. Interesting. Somewhere in my hundreds of YouTube videos I hadn't unlocked fuel lines (or much else) yet but wanted to go ExtraKerbin SOI, so I did what I called in the video "Asparagish Staging," and it was essentially this. Cool to know I was closer to actual Asparagus than what we all do normally.
  15. Am I being dense, or is there really no functional difference between setting the value to 0 versus a negative number?
  16. I don't know why this is such a problem. If you have the original modder's permission, you can take over the mod. If you don't, but you can fork it, do so with a new name. An actual new name and not the same mod with "extended" or "64 bit version" or "part 2" or anything like that. LibreOffice isn't "OpenOffice But Free." They gave it a distinct, new name for a reason.
  17. They can "just do" it. All that's needed is a change to what it burns to just LF instead of LF/OX. We already have LF-only tanks only and people seem to figure them out. Maybe put a small one (half the size of the one you get when you first unlock jet engines) so you don't have to hunt around for the proper fuel tank to unlock at the same time. I'm honestly a bit surprised that there isn't a popular mod that just makes this change. I'd not be surprised, however, if someone replies to me saying there is such a mod.
  18. In my mind, the stayputnik will be the low level, and then you'll get better and better with the OKTOs and the hex one, and then all the single-purpose ones will each be at the highest level. But really, how often are you going to need to tell your probe to maintain orientation radially or normal? I only see prograde, retrograde, and "at maneuver node" to be of any real use. Hint: If you aim it Normal manually and then just turn SAS on, it'll hold that heading.
  19. My thoughts are simple: YAY No, really. I love it. I want more stuff like this, to eliminate the mundanity. I also love that there's actually SOME difference between the probe cores now.
  20. Sweet! I knew living in the Hype Train for the past 2 months would pay off eventually!
  21. That would be nice but I'd prefer simply being able to set a specific location on a planet's surface as a target, without any ships/parts/whatnot being there.
  22. The ability to lock my heading to prograde, retrograde, maneuver nodes, and any other navball icon. Oh wait, no. I didn't want that. Until now. Now, I can barely play knowing executing maneuver nodes will be so much easier in the next version.
  23. I don't think truckjohn (Correct me if I'm wrong) wants to eliminate part clipping. I think he wants the ABILITY to avoid part clipping on his ships. The new editor, from what I've read, will do exactly that.
  24. Nicely done on the Ike assist. I've been able to do that at Jool but not Duna, and wrote it off as impossible. Now I'm going to try more
  25. Dinosaurs never invented toenail clippers. Duh.
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