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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. Another fact of software development is that you don't fix the single most important thing first. You fix what you can, what won't break other things, what will lay a foundation for other things, and things like that. That said, I do think the editor needed more attention than the aerodynamic model. It may not be realistic but it's solid (in more than one way har) and predictable. The editor has bugs all over the place with symmetry, action group memory, clipping being allowed or not, not being able to swap between symmetry modes, wonky undo... the list goes on. The aerodynamic model makes the game annoying for hardcore flight sim guys. The editor makes the game frustrating for EVERYBODY.
  2. I haven't played it so I don't know, but that's how I interpreted that sentence. Though I'd add 'unless you put a probe core on the ship capable of doing it" but that's just from reading the sentences around what was quoted. And it's a new feature because before, if you had 2 guys in the pod and one got out, the other could keep the heading. Now who gets out of the pod matters. That's new.
  3. No, I will not do that. I will do a normal mission with the SAS provided by a probe or pilot, getting science with a scientist, and if possible will have an engineer as well. It will be frighteningly easy, I suspect, and will show how freaking out over a vague mention of a system on a Twitch stream is not a viable use of your time. That is not true. In many cases they HAVE not revisited those systems but that's not because they don't care about community opinion, it's because the game was in Alpha and if the system worked, they left it alone until they added all systems. That's how software works whether or not you personally can or cannot stand the rough-draft first-run implementation of whatever system you currently hate. And also, they HAVE changed things after implementation. They changed SAS for Kraken's sake. Multiple times.
  4. The very first thing I'm going to do in 0.90 is an Apollo-style mission. I may even put it on YouTube.
  5. Because the Internet.
  6. Without a pilot, there is no SAS. Not sure what the confusion is (Note: Probe cores are pilots)
  7. If you install Hyperedit, use it to put something in orbit around Minmus, then align your orbit with it, and finally terminate the hyperedited thing, you're "cheating" as much as you would by installing a mod to tell you the inclination.
  8. Yeah sadly you can't target outside the SOI. While it doesn't put it on the map, I think KER will show you your orbit stats including the angle off of equatorial. Also, you could put a probe in orbit around Minmus then use Hyperedit to set its inclination to 0 relative to the equator, then target it with your ships.
  9. I'm not Metl but is it really that weird to want to pilot the ship, do science, and have someone around in case you snap your landing gear off?
  10. There is no AN and DN of an orbit. They're always relative to something. If you're in orbit around Kerbin, the Mun is convenient as it orbits in the equatorial plane. Target it, and you can see your AN and DN relative to it and get a perfect equatorial orbit.
  11. I got all 12 of my KSP pics all taken, and will send them off to the local WalMart this weekend to be printed into a 2015 calendar.
  12. When you're heading to Mun from Kerbin and you leave Kerbin's SOI and enter Mun's SOI, you're in "high orbit." You're not in orbit, but you're high. That's all you need to be. Eventually, as you fall from that high point down to Mun you'll get low enough to be in "low orbit." In the game these are referred to, I believe, as "high over mun" and "near mun"
  13. I've always wanted to try this. My idea was for the mothership to not actually get into orbit anywhere, and the lander (and in many cases a transfer ship back to the mothership) would undock and thrust forward to get to the destination a day or so ahead of the Mothership. Then the lander would land, relaunch into orbit, wait for the mothership to come flying by, and meet it in much the same way you'd do an asteroid transfer. That way you're doing the really hefty burns with a much smaller ship.
  14. I do pretty much this, but that makes sense as I made the video
  15. That makes me sad. I considered the other thread safe to read and post in as it was obviously from and for someone who hadn't seen the movie. This thread is (I assume) chock full of spoilers so I will now bow out.
  16. Chrome for general Internetting. Firefox for YouTube because I like to download the videos for watching later (Usually at 1.33x speed and frequently while offline) and the video downloader I found for Firefox has worked flawlessly for years while the Chrome ones seem to keep getting broken - I suspect by Google every Chrome update.
  17. Everybody does. They're all different and none of them are accurate. My personal estimate based on what usually happens is a week from tomorrow. But based on recent comments it could be sooner, maybe even this week.
  18. If we're at the phase where we're guessing, then I'll guess next Tuesday, as in 9 days from now. It's a full week before Christmas to put a patch out if they need one, and 2 weeks is a pretty common period of time for Experimentals to last.
  19. I was under the impression that basic SAS was the lowest tier of piloting, and was also under the impression that probes would go through the same progression as pilots do, meaning that the lowest probes would have basic SAS before any of the other things. But as you watched Squadcast and Twitch makes my eye twitch just thinking about it, I'll defer to you.
  20. I staged and took pictures for 4 of the 12 planned months of my eventual 2015 KSP calendar.
  21. He said it was on the top list on IMDB. That WAS a citation. It took me 5 seconds on Google to find the page. I have no idea where it will be in a year but the list is pretty solid otherwise so it's at least worth noting.
  22. I'm wondering if those values will even still exist. They were at one time described as placeholder stats. At least, I expect there to be more stats to compliment them. I would prefer them giving those parts mass to discourage people from spamming them.
  23. Ew. The first thing I do on every forum I join is turn off WYSIWYG mode.
  24. Okay I gotta call you out on this one. He didn't give an actual link but come on. Here's the link to the very popular page on IMDB where it's currently #14 but there's no reason to suspect it wasn't 1 rank higher earlier. I personally haven't seen it and won't until I can rent it, probably from Redbox. I'm not going to risk the need to pee some time in the approximately 3 hours this movie will require me to sit still. A 15 minute intermission wouldn't have killed them.
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