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Everything posted by p1t1o

  1. @shynung I hate to be a downer but this is going to boil down to the usual arguments for/against stealth-in-space... No matter how clever your cooling setup, thermodynamics will get you. Even if your heatsink was stealthy (which I have my doubts about) you wont be able to shunt all of your heat into the coolant. Yet more rules of thermodynamics mean it is impossible to cool said surface to the temperature of the cold coolant, only to an intermediate temperature, so straight of the bat, the skin of your ship is way hotter than 22K and there is nothing you can do about it. I dont have the maths, but I cant see creating ginormous clouds of hydrogen as stealthy. Not for nothing but clouds of cold hydrogen are already specifically looked for with even todays tech. What happens when hydrogen gas is ionised by solar radiation for example? And what happens to the light of background stars shining through a gas cloud? Hard to detect, sure, but a lot easier to detect than the nothing that was there before. And one other thing - were you intending on using expelled heatsink as your sole propulsion? Because you wont get much thrust or dV from it if we are talking a few hundred kilowatts (lets face it, if you need to lose much more, the amount of heatsink required quickly gets untenable). You will need a hot engine to get anywhere with any speed. And of course, once you are out of coolant (gotta admit I hadnt considered your method before) you will be 110% boned. All those techniques would help, but I think "nearly invisible" is still out of reach.
  2. @shynung Im not sure what use Vantablack would be. Why would you want your ship to absorb incident visible radiation? That will just raise your temp and people are not going to be looking for you by shining torches! Vantablack is very black, but it will still emit IR if its hot enough - Good absorbers are by definition good emitters. If anything, you want to coat your ship with something reflective - so you dont absorb as much incident radiation and lowering your emissivity. (NB: "reflective" does not necessailry mean "silvery", it could mean "white" or any number of other shades, like that grey reflective tape you get on safety clothing) but in any event, "holding your heat in" will only get you so far. Once your heat sink is tapped, you will have to radiate every erg of generated heat, or die. And big heat sinks are themselves hard to hide. The laws of thermodynamics also make pretty much every mechanism that you describe less-than-perfectly-efficient, meaning that with the cold of space as a backdrop, your stealth gains are incremental at best. I think "harder to detect" is achievable and closer to the truth than "nearly invisible", just like contemporary radar stealth. For example, your expanded-gas cooled exhaust. Expanding the gas does not actually get rid of any energy. The gas is now cooler so is emitting less intensely in the IR spectrum, but now the cloud is much larger, so the radiation it does emit is less intense but coming from a larger source. And large clouds of gas can be detected in numerous other ways. Not to mention that the base of the nozzle and the attached combustion chamber will of course be at operating temperature. The decoys approach is a good idea, the greatest weakness in detection is likely the capabilities of the sensors looking for your. When you cannot disguise your own signature, you attack the sensors, passively (decoys, chaff, flares, drones) or actively (jamming, dazzling, physical assault). Im not certain, but I strongly suspect that an approach to a planet with the sun behind you, would render your IR signature enormously difficult to detect (point-of-view limited of course). Attaining this position undetected would have the usual difficulties though.
  3. I once dreamt that a nuclear warhead detonated right next to me. Didnt wake up straight away, everything went white for a few moments first. This is how I know that dieing in dreams is perfectly safe. And I used to have a terrible nightmare when I was smaller that involved illusions of scale. Along with the abstract dream part, it would persist on waking for a small while, I wouldnt be able to tell if my bedroom was room-sized, or a box only a little larger than my head with a bedroom painted on the inside. Gave me the screaming heeby-jeebies.
  4. Did you read the part about lemons yet?
  5. @AlamoVampire Maybe one day you will spend several years of your life on a project, and when people start hassling you to ditch part of it and replace it with someone else's - with all of the commercial and business complications thereof - you might have a better insight. Have you considered the possibility that they asked and were refused? That there are other options besides selling it to KSP, for what to do with a piece of decent code you wrote? Or that, considering that the devs fully support a moddable game, they consider working fairings already done? Why would they spend time and money adopting ProcFairings if it is already available to everybody for free? This conversation - "Why oh why oh why havnt they adopted this mod I like yet??" - has happened a million times over the years, and yet the answers have not changed.
  6. I dont remember the exacct circumstances, but I remember being shocked and saddened the first time I let one die. I had started to suspect they were indestructible at that point. I do remember a particularly bad death though - I had to abandon a kerbal in space on a Mun mission. On attempted rescue, he had glitched into a weird tetrahedral framework shape several kilometres to a side. It was a bit..."event horizon"
  7. There is no game like KSP, Space Engineers is the closest match, but the following are also in my "builder" category in my steam library: Factorio - resource management to the max (check out "Big Pharma" for a similar experience based on the pharmaceuticals industry) Prison Architect - this is just excellent all round (check out Rimworld if youd rather planetary survival rather than a prison) Cities: Skylines - most modern city builder around at the mo, I think. Besiege - Medieval KSP Kinetic Void - modularly built space battleships (an indie devs early attempt, so not 110% "AAA" grade, but the ship building/combat mechanics are pretty cool) Just wondering - have you explored the weird and wonderful world of KSP mods? If not, do, because you can expand your KSP content by several hundred percent.
  8. Disclaimer: obviously if you are seriously concerned with mental health, the best advice...is to seek professional advice. However. As sucky as your english teacher/class sounds, it does sound pretty normal. And your opinions on whether something being taught is worth anything or not are hardly relevant. The dirty truth is that hardly any of actual subject matter (apart from things like reading, writing and maths) will last you longer than university anyway (if you choose to attend). What you are really learing is how to learn. How to listen to someone when you'd rater be building rockets. And truuuuuust me, you do not want to skip that, no matter how useless it seems. The actual subject matter is of little relevance. At some point you will be allowed to ditch the subjects you hate and extend the ones you like, look forward to that day. Prime example - I studied chemistry at school from the age of, I dunno, 10? 12? until the age of 18. Then when I arrived at university to start a degree in chemistry, almost the whole first term was un-learning what we learnt at school. And further, I learned a HECK of a lot more than just chemistry whilst at university. Sometimes the subject matter is not the be-all-and-end-all. You say you "suffer". But do you really? KSP. Laptop. Ability to send electronic messages, if ill advised, mid class (yeah being reported to teach for that message was kinda on you. Discretion my man, discretion.) Plentiful internet access. You're good. We all experienced similar feelings. The best lesson you can learn at life is that at no point are you entitled to only do what you want with no other responsibilities. Life takes work, work has no obligation to be fun. Im sorry if that sounds harsh, but well honestly, being your age can be kinda harsh. But its the same for most of us. If you think other people are having an easier or more fun time, know this - they will be less prepared when they are finally forced to fend for themselves. Im not talking getting a job or negotiating a salary (somehow there are always idiots you hate landing on their feet constantly), Im talking putting up with what life throws at you with grace and guile. How to end "the cycle of sadness"? I dont think you are in one, friend, I think you are passing through part of life that can be difficult. Ride it out. Oh yes some things get worse, but a lot of things - especially your freedom to determine your own fate (a doubled edged sword THAT is...) - get a lot better. One thing that might help - take up a class outside of school, like learning a musical instrument or a new sport. Something you choose yourself. A thing you can take charge of, that you manage on your own. A class, and this is relatively important, full of people you do not know, who are not necessarily all your own age. I would suggest martial arts to literally anyone, for a million reasons - many of which are specifically of benefit to this discussion - but of course thats up to you. Stick it out. You'd rather be stuck with your weirdly-IT-unaware teacher than a teacher who doesnt care enough to tell you off even for stupid things. And if you can make it through his lessons, whilst following instructions and keeping him "happy", my man THAT is a valuable skill (putting up with fools, or even just being out of your "comfort zone" in any way, without losing your head) that WILL be relevant in later life.
  9. Fighter combat and racing? I think you just made my point for me Not for nothing, but one of the ONLY concrete (WAY more concrete than anything they have ever said about MP) things Squad have said about the development of KSP is that combat will NEVER be made stock. EVER. FYI, I also pointed out some scenarios where MP could be fun, but it would be a LOT of codework to please a very niche market. Its not that MP couldnt be made workable (with the proper amount of capital and man-hours - better spent on writing a bespoke MP game) in some scenarios, for some people, but rather that expecting or feeling entitled to MP is pretty unreasonable.
  10. "No I need to go to 1000x time warp NOW I dont care if your rover behaves "oddly" at 1000x." "Well I dont care that your mission is due to take 4 years real-time, I've got stuff to do here." Sure there are DEFINITELY some things that would be fun with a kind of multiplayer, but how does the above situation not ruin everything? Think how often you use that acceleration feature. That it would cause problems with multiplayer is not an opinion. Single-ship multiplayer - as in, all players are crewing one vessel - would make sense, I can see a market for that. Its about the only MP situation I can see working at all. But the devs are not obligated in any way to do it, I can see it being a whole HEAP of work. Amusing? Space Engineers is a completely different game, with entirely different mechanics...
  11. XD +10points to griffindor if that ever turns out to be true XD
  12. Ok yes, I worded that badly, but I think most people got the point. Of course you have a right to disagree with something being paid for. You do not have a right to get something for nothing. Or something like that, I forget the context. Im not sure what your point is around the roman numerals? BTW, were going for a record with the length of that post? Why'd you quote so many people? And you've got unfinished sentences in there...the whole thing is a train-wreck really. Ah, I saw, happens to us all. Still, that post is too long by any standard.
  13. Hmm, actually I had thought that the content that it unlocked was paid content for MP, if it isnt them Im wrong about that. Still, it doesnt sound like TT breached anything, but the modder may have. I wonder, how supportive of mods were TT before this happened? Did they encourage mod development? did they encourage this mods development? Because of IP issues like this, modding can only really happen with the tacit approval of the developer. Im sure there's plenty that can be done without their approval, but you do risk breaching various things, and outcomes like this would not be surprising. From the description, it sounds like certain things were opened up to modding, but this mod affects something not on that list. Ergo, breach. And not necessarily a minor one.
  14. Ah I see, so you dont actually look at the code? Just the inputs/outputs? To me, that doesnt seem to be as much of a violation. Except that the code still permits use of paid content without paying, so Im still fine with things.
  15. I have no problem that this GTA mod was "killed". You fuss with paid content, you're gonna get a cease+desist. And this was, undeniably, fussing with paid content. You do not have a right to disagree with something being paid-for, you have the right to not buy it, but not to fudge the software to make it available. The fact that it was available in SP instead of MP is of little consequence. Is this not the exact definition of reverse engineering? Anybody know what the "clean room" part supposed to mean?
  16. @linuxgurugamer Nice! Thanks for that! I cant believe I remembered it so well! Loads of other great stuff there too, may just have to pick up that book.... ...but uuurgh, my grinding gears: "... in a U-2 fighter at 70,000 feet."
  17. I met Helen Kerman Sharman, first British Astronaut at a presentation at a local school, after her first mission. In the Q&A, I asked why the space shuttle used both solid and liquid fueled engines, I cant remember what her answer was though. Lets see, I've visited the Space Shuttle Enterprise at the USS Intrepid museum in NYC, my dad has done some work on solid propellants and I've seen a couple of really bright bolides - and there is a famous meteor shower on my birthday every year (Im special!) - The Perseids, with the peak occurring on my birthday more often than not. I have visited the CN Tower in Montreal, Canada, at the time they had a "ride" (one of those motion-chair type deals) which took you on a tour of the solar system and I was absolutely convinced that we went to space that day (Come on, that mast on the top really looks like a space rocket! And I was 4.) Oh and I've sat on Captain Kirk's actual seat when they had the set displayed at the National Science Museum in London.
  18. Classic, Love it XD One of my faves, but I cant find anything other than anecdotal evidence for it at the moment, but it goes something like: [Callsign] an SR-71 Blackbird, unbeknowst to [ATC] "[ATC], requesting clearance to flight level 600." (flight level 600 being 60kft) "[Callsign], I dont think you are going to be able to make it up to flight level 600, but you are cleared." "Roger, descending to flight level 600." And here's a bonus anecdote I came across whilst looking for that one: There's a story about the military pilot calling for a prioritylanding because his single-engine jet fighter was running "a bit peaked."Air Traffic Control told the fighter jock that he was number twobehind a B-52 that had one engine shut down."Ah," the pilot remarked, "the dreaded seven-engine approach."
  19. And that is if they are all in equatorial orbits, which is not always the case.
  20. To which I'd say that one-jet-engines-weight of rocket fuel is a lot of rocket fuel. But you are right, there may be restrictions from the design of the rocket, being a liquid-solid hybrid.
  21. Honestly, Im more interested in why the jet engine is there. According to the blurb, the jet is there to get the car up to 300mph and the rocket pushes it to 1000mph. The jet is huge, heavy and complex - what prevented them from just using a pure rocket design I wonder?
  22. Sure, sure. I'd counter with reliability, a turbopump would likely need to be a bespoke design, and runs under far more strenuous conditions, whereas the V8 is off-the-shelf, known to work. And if a turbopump fails it can cause catastrophic damage, if the V8 fails, the whole system will just grind to a halt, and the weight penalty is far, far less significant for a car than a space vehicle. I mean, Im surprised there is a car engine in there too. But didnt I read a thing about NASA looking into some kind of internal combustion, reciprocating pump for one of their engines...its a really vague memory... Quick scan of the wiki page says that the V8 is also used as an auxiliary power unit. Providing significant power whilst the rocket engine is not running is definitely something a turbopump cannot do. I wonder if it is necessary for the operation of the jet engine.
  23. I know, but generally you cant throttle them up and down willy-nilly from 0% to 100%. There will be pressure ratios and instabilities which mean that only certain area of the thrust envelope are operable.
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