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Everything posted by montyben101

  1. Looks amazing!! I'm guessing the mini shuttle has no IVA? Are there plans for one?
  2. Hmmm odd are you sure the arm is in the css folder? If it's not you'll just have to build your own shuttle, it's not too hard
  3. Its KSC++ from lack luster labs , scroll down and click on the spoiler named KSC++
  4. Thanks that's better than the css! I know what you mean too as the css uses different texture types than stock parts + rep
  5. I really like dream chaser and very glad that if they do get voted off (which they probably will reading the text) that they are still continuing the project.
  6. What do you mean by the cult of squad? People who play stock or the devs?
  7. @Nikola7007 no i can turn it and move it about but it just stalls infinitely @ Fueniker S. Its KSC++ from lack luster labs , scroll down and click on the spoiler named KSC++ @Master Tao Actually im not flapping the wings! im not doing anything! sas is just keeping it pointed up and it just keeps going!!!
  8. Nice! Now i have destiny, Canadarm2 and just now the quest airlock i will occasionally upload a photo of it and then a few at the end when its finished in around a month or so as each launch is just to hard and time consuming
  9. So i was testing a small plane to see how tight i can make it turn i then pulled up and got it stuck in an infinite stall .... It wont slow down or fall its just moving forward at 9 m/s XD Edit: Actually its impossible to stall it even if you at 90 degrees !?
  10. Yep id go on the shuttle, but on a later flight to the ISS which is safer (well... there's more precautions) . After id done that i would go on a Hubble servicing mission
  11. Just updated RPM and to fix the shuttles MFDs i simply changed "RasterPropMonitorExampleMFD" to "RasterPropMonitorBasicMFD" , it works well but now the HUD is gone, trying to fix it now Edit: To fix the hud change this: "RasterPropMonitorExampleHUD" to this "RasterPropMonitorBasicHUD"
  12. I'd be happy to help, I tried making a part once and my brain almost melted I'll have a look at it though
  13. Oh please don't start all this again... We don't want some sort of forum war
  14. Would it be cheeky to ask you the do the CSS shuttle? No rush if you agree though as I don't know how hard it is to make these I mean, it would look so awesome on my desk. Don't worry to much about the launcher the shuttle is more important.
  15. Thats how far i'v got so far, If anyone is still interested just say
  16. This has been suggested loads, Though i still agree and it would actually make me play career
  17. THANK YOU SO MUCH TAKE ALL MY REP But seriously now I can actually do space tourism type stuff, I just hope it works with final frontier
  18. Did you ever add the other "type" of engine to the failure list? I think it was called moduleengineFX or something
  19. No as they will appear in you killed kerbal list, I just want them GONE FOREVER and not in ANY list
  20. Granted but you don't know how to control it and get yourself stuck in the Middle Ages. I wish I could fly a space shuttle (Don't just say it crashes )
  21. PLEASE PLEASE add a way to remove kerbals. I've been looking for a mod to do that since I got ksp !!!
  22. Have i just not been watching the clock or is one day now 6 hours after the .24 update? I much prefer this as missions into LKO now seem much longer like in real life
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