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Everything posted by montyben101

  1. I will increase the distance between the main solar panels in the final version Criticism is welcome XD (i know the solar panels are too long but i cant find any other ones that are the correct size) For the truss sturcture it wont be exactly the same. I have not included the S/P 5 trusses and instead added a truss between the S0 truss and the radiator truss. This is to add extra room between the main solar panels and the actual station. Just made this: As you can see i have not followed the same naming as the ISS and just done it in order to make it easier and less confusing A link to make it bigger:http://oi58.tinypic.com/15wl5rm.jpg
  2. The ISS project! Im going to be creating a ISS sized space station in LKO. It will be the same layout (as close as i can make it anyway) and have similar modules as well. I will be using stuff from the soviet pack, Hex truss and Metal Wasp Industries Solar Panel pack. To build it I will be using the Proton from the soviet pack and the CSS When complete it will be around 200 parts, which from the size of it isn't that bad Stuff i will not be using that is on the ISS: Dextre or any other robotic arm apart from Canadarm2 Nice looking airlock Nice looking Cupola Nice looking radiators Useful Pirs and rassvet modules, Poisk has been replaced with a docking adapter for my X-37 replica I would use some really nice stuff from FusTek pack but due to ram limits (i can only use 32 bit so the CSS will work (firespitter issues i guess)) I will start as soon as i am done with Mir.
  3. Thank you so much + rep. This has allowed me to build my ISS! i will also be making a forum thread of me building it to!
  4. No it was a fairly new one. If there is a different mod which has this though im happy with that to. It needs to be able to fit in the CSS cargo bay btw
  5. What???? im sure that air brake system is in FAR?
  6. Yeah they did this in .24 with little talk about it, in my opinion reaction wheels should, like in real life, be much less powerful so most spacecraft require RCS. Though this would make it MUCH harder for beginners (actually with simple configuration edit I could do that....)
  7. It says 99 on you post count...
  8. The component space shuttle, basically a copy of the real NASA shuttle: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/71360-Component-Space-Shuttle-dev-thread-IMG-heavy%21
  9. I have no idea whats causing it, i think it has something to do with the extended load range though i didn't edit it at all. As soon as i glide down to the KSC and (i think) the launch clamps load the errors start coming
  10. how high up do you need to be to see a different "map" of kerbin? i mean to see the textures from pimp my kerbals?
  11. Sharknado, look it up, watch it if you dare (it is that bad)
  12. I really dont like the "test X part at X height/X speed" This is kerbal space program not test program
  13. No I find I'm using it MORE even when I'm not docking, I find it useful for minor changes in orbit so I don't have to turn around for each burn.
  14. Why not ask the people at CSS I'm sure they could use your help
  15. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/88286-SPOILER-%28possibly%29-New-main-menu-screen Im fairly sure this is an easter egg so no
  16. No some people didnt have texture replacer and some didnt have EVE, Also that dosent explain the shovel
  17. Um i really hate to nag and kind of embarrassed to ask again but could you take a quick look at my log? Oh and i no longer use remote tech, i haven't tried again with the arm either
  18. Cmon devs at least tell us if this is intended!!!
  19. As long as it has wings and decent control, almost anything can fly!
  20. I love the delta 4 as it looks so kerbal with the tiny boosters on the side XD
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