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Everything posted by montyben101

  1. Iv got a problem: RCS fuel seems to be magically "disappearing" : its slowly "leaking" from the gauge any known fixes?
  2. Basicly what major factor do you like KSP for, not just rockets what makes it stand out from other games For me its the fact it has no real weapons in it and most other games are based on or do have guns in them
  3. Wow just wow amazing out of all those games Edit: it was only like 5 games? Hmm still a big achievement though!
  4. Yeah that didn't make sense BUT what I mean is I was wondering if there was a mod that lets you see planets from kerbin (if you look in the right direction)
  5. I NEVER use ion engines, I can only just stand nukes so ions would be... Suicidal.
  6. Why its not under a spoiler tag on the wiki
  7. My my guess is it is telling people of the magic boulder
  8. It would be cool to pretend to be an astronaut! Plus in this mode there could be more ground scatter (like pebbles not boulders)
  9. Oh... It looks a bit disappointing XD I was hoping for minecraft style caves lol
  10. Has anyone found it? There seems to be very few pictures of it...
  11. 14 played since.19 This game inspired me to get a telescope this christmas http://www.amazon.co.uk/Celestron-31051-Astromaster-Reflector-Telescope/dp/B0013Z42AK/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1385896438&sr=8-5&keywords=telescopes
  12. BURN THEM! (assuming its a monty python quote) XD
  13. Bump since not many people voted
  14. Err is there a way I can change the title since it says we are to go instead of were to go... Bloody iPad
  15. So yeah we're should I go? Places I'm not gonna go to: Eve Gilly Duna Ike Bop Laythe
  16. I dont really have any interest in laythe at all. I find it too similar to Kerbin and it is filled with water to make landings hard.. I also like Ike as it has amazing views of Duna and looks like grey play dough XD
  17. It would be great to see you centre of mass, centre of lift and centre of thrust in flight so you can balance it by switching the fuel in tanks. Also if there is a mod for that then tell me it too
  18. I remeber a few updates ago there was a duna lander thing in orbit (of duna). I can't remeber what one it was but i cant find it? Was it removed??
  19. You wouldn't get any science as the devs wouldn't have made a surface biome for it.
  20. Never used them and never will. They are almost pointless as RCS is more powerful and I don't have the patience to wait a half an hour real life to wait for an burn to complete
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