The Kerbhound Challenge This challenge is pretty simple: Build a car/rocket thing that can go the fastest! A few rules: 1: The wheels must be touching the ground at all times. 2: Mods are allowed but no overpowered ones and no hyper edit. (Mechjeb is ok but I can't see why you would need it) 3. If you have tried something like this before you will know the length of the runway is usually not enough to get to you highest speed so you are allowed to go anywhere on the lightgreen are of the KSC. 4. The craft MUST be manned, External seats are ok. 5. Your kerbal can't die. 6. No glitch/bug exploits (no infin glide but DOWNFORCE wings are fine) 7. Staging is fine but you can't ditch tanks Please add a photo of vehicle and a photo of the end f 3 results and also the name of your car! My try: Not bad but I think i can do better... 354 m/s if you can't tell Scores: Without FAR, stock: 1. Octobomb 417m/s 2. Tarsus 426m/s 3. ~~~ Without FAR, modded: 1. ~~~ 2. ~~~ 3. ~~~ With FAR: 1. ~~~ 2. ~~~ 3. ~~~