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Everything posted by montyben101

  1. 631: Massive jeb "cannon" that fires him into space
  2. Yes but it is a bit buggy as the fairing is the connection between the CSM and the rocket/lander
  3. Please can you add a version with just the launch stage (up to the third stage) so i can use it for other stuff as well XD (like skylab)
  4. I dread the day whack job finds this thread...
  5. It would just be nice to have an enormous engine...
  6. Lol I tried sending up a massive duna lander with a huge transfer stage in one go... which didn't work at all.
  7. Yep. I think there should be bigger engines that the mainsail, something like the F1 engine on the Saturn V. I sometime (amazingly) find the mainsail not powerful enough.
  8. I know what you mean I find it kind of annoying as space stations now have loads of extra stages and stuff
  9. What is you favorite planet or moon? It can be for any reason at all! (failed mission there etc)
  10. It seems that the fuel in to top of the boosters is not being used? Is that meant to happen?
  11. I find i actually use parts i never used before! XD
  12. Im going to stay on the launch pad and take a temp reading.
  13. I have to say the game must be ready by now.... there isn't much they can change between now and midnight which is when (i think) is the time of release
  14. I AM LITERALLY GOING CRAZY WITH ANTICIPATION and boredom (i want to say hurry up but i dont if that doesn't make sense)
  15. Hmm I don't think anyone has said Ike yet. I kind of find it mysterious. Its dark and bumpy.... And magic boulder
  16. Yeah I tried your shuttle and loved it but I found it had very little fuel left once your in orbit and not enough to dock with a station or something.
  17. Now I LOVE the Munbug and think its one of the most amazing crafts I have ever seen, but with your amazing building skills I think you could make an amazing Space Shuttle! This guy also thinks so: (Cant remeber his name) Dear Mulbin, MAKE A SPACE SHUTTLE. I WOULD EXPLODE IF YOU DID.
  18. Just got it into orbit! gonna use it for when i'm bored and want to put something in orbit! I actually prefer it to other styles as its simple and easy to use (no pre launch procedures)
  19. It was never built to land on gilly, it was built to land on duna but i CBA to design a new one XD
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