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Everything posted by Javster

  1. I said at the top, IGNORING FUEL TANKS AND ENGINES.
  2. I can imagine Jeb rushing to a shuttle because something's gone terribly wrong and someone's crashed something.
  3. They come in the command module.
  4. ### WARNING THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS ### Ignoring fuel and engines, this has everything you need for each kind of ship (WIP) All ships: Command pod/probe core (It's advisable to add a probe core to every stage for deorbit/control if you decouple by accident) RTG/solar panel Battery Struts, especially near engines Parachutes (except for orbiters) Probes: Scientific equipment Rovers: MOAR POWER Wheels Lights Landers: Landing legs Orbital Stations: Large solar panels COMMAND POD/PROBE CORE. HITCHHIKER DOESN'T PROVIDE CONTROL!! (Escape pods) Docking ports Bases: Similar to orbital stations Landing legs/wheels IF YOU SEE SOMETHING MISSING, PLEASE REPLY BELOW. (Write which categories it applies to please ) Not to be rude, but several people haven't read this properly and comment stuff that's already there!
  5. Meh. I did aerobrake. I tried doing an EVA from the Mun's surface to orbit with help from the engine, but I failed. I'll try going straight up, and rendezvousing with the Kerbal.
  6. No feedback or replies? Is this in the wrong place? Should I repost it elsewhere?
  7. ### WARNING THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS ### Ignoring fuel and engines, this has everything you need for each kind of ship (WIP) All ships: Command pod/probe core RTG/solar panel Battery Probes: Scientific equipment Rovers: MOAR POWER Wheels Lights Landers: Landing legs Orbital Stations: Large solar panels COMMAND POD/PROBE CORE. HITCHHIKER DOESN'T PROVIDE CONTROL!! (Escape pods) Docking ports Bases: Similar to orbital stations IF YOU SEE SOMETHING MISSING, PLEASE REPLY BELOW.
  8. How did you get the orbits to stay in their position without going back to defaults? Please PM me the answer.
  9. You could kill someone if they had that. Simply draw too much power, then their heart stops.
  10. Interesting thing about the plaque being true about "We came in peace"
  11. I kinda play the game properly, with mods. I ruined my first proper Minecraft survival world with cheats...
  12. I see why you wouldn't want to have OP mods, but chatterer only adds nice sounds once in a while.
  13. You're good at making tutorials! Could you make some kind of checklist for different types of craft (eg. station, lander, base etc.)?
  14. My pet koala was angry when I told him he wasn't a bear. He replied "I HAVE ALL THE KOALAFICATIONS!"
  15. Are these 3 staff Jeb, Bill and Bob?
  16. Fine, but the only ideas that come are dirty and illegal (I assume an "art block" is a lack of ideas for art?) I wish for bacon.
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