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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. AJ10 is by far the longest-lived engine / engine family. Its prototype was the engine on the WAC Corporal (1940s), then Aerobee, then Vanguard, then Able/Delta, then Titan Transtage, then Apollo, then later Delta, then OMS, and may even be used on Orion.
  2. Changelog: v10.4.7 Tellion: add NF Spacecraft and Construction tank configs. Un-break the cost of CONFIG upgrades (and a bunch of other settings). Lexx Thai: I'm not sure what you mean about category changes; changing a MODULE's name won't change the category = line....certainly none of the engines RO changes from their old module to ModuleEnginesRF get changed. Docs are in the third post and in the Readme, and Story Musgrave is currently working on making a fuller set of docs for the wiki (thanks! )
  3. Aw, thanks! 1. Yes, we'll have a bunch of custom contracts now. 2. There's plenty of _room_. It's just that since we had to redo the tree due to 1.0 changes, we're back to supporting little past 1965 right now.
  4. RL10 in CECE throttles, IIRC. Depending on lander size. you can "throttle" by adding a bunch of many-ignite engines and selectively turning some off, or even if only one, by "blipping" (turn on and off rapidly) as the WWI rotary-engine planes did.
  5. Thanks! But...that's from opening its config file, i.e. before any patches are applied. Please open GameData/ModuleManager.ConfigCache and find it (search for mk1pod) and paste the entire node (i.e. from UrlConfig { through the closing } ) that contains it. Also, do you have Deadly Reentry installed? If so, remove it just to check.
  6. Check the Overhauls for 1.0 thread for details on the model. OhioBob et al did a lot of graphing and digging. tl;dr it's an 80% Earth atmosphere, so the pressure you get on Earth (via ICAO atmosphere) at 10km is the pressure you get on Kerbin at 8km.
  7. Yikes! We'd best correct that, I agree they're supposed to be non-ullage.
  8. Dimonnomid: awesome! I was just about to email you to entice you to consider doing that, and...wonderful! You do amazing work!
  9. Something that might be done in code is to vary that with base size such that it's only applied when needed, i.e. when the base is very small.
  10. That sounds like logspam, which makes me believe another mod of yours that uses this is not updated. Deadly Reentry, maybe? MFI alone simply won't do that.
  11. Station-keeping costs in GEO are about 45m/s per year. Note that's not just from the influence of other bodies, but from the Earth's gravitation field not being uniform (it's not as bad as the moon, but it's still oblate and has various greater concentrations of mass in various places). And yeah, why would you think the very people who designed these systems would consider using them themselves cheating? Good _lord_ the "I play pure stock with skill" stuff is infectiously toxic. :\
  12. Please open GameData/ModuleManager.ConfigCache and find the line name = mk1pod and paste the entire node (i.e. from UrlConfig { through the closing } ) that contains it. Also, do you have Deadly Reentry installed? If so, remove it just to check.
  13. Sorry, Uranus jokes are not kosher for this. But thanks for the others! O Nerd: Starwaster's working on refrigeration right now, check his thread.
  14. It will be fixed when I have time, or when someone else volunteers to do it, yes.
  15. Same solution: please make a clean install of just RSS and its required. That will narrow things down.
  16. Aghanim: Do you have a folder RSS-Textures in your GameData? If not, that's your problem. If so, try making a clean KSP install with just RSS and Kopernicus and RSS-Textures and verify that works. Aluminum Oxide: Please make a clean install of just RSS and Kopernicus and RSS-Textures. That means after installation the only folder that has new content is GameData, and GameData should have three new folders (Kopernicus, RealSolarSystem, and RSS-Textures) and one new dll, ModuleManager.2.6.6.dll
  17. In each case click the Github link in the OP, and then click Releases. All prior releases will be there.
  18. I suggest using TL-linked ignitions. That means that 60s era engines can have 1 ignition and modern engines a good few (example, Merlin 1D Vac is pump-fed, kerolox, but still has multiple ignitions). Though in general, vacuum engines do tend to have multiple ignitions no matter their cycle or propellant type; the S1.5400 from 1960 was staged combustion kerolox and supported multiple ignitions (needed to insert Molniya sats into their orbits), and RL10 had multiple ignitions from the start.
  19. Correct, the texture loader does seem to leak a bit. If your textures are already in dds, you avoid those leaks.
  20. I've done it with a Mk1-2 and 2.5m shield for the record, though I was not going much over escape at the time and didn't slow all that much. As OhioBob says, low BC is great, a 3.75m shield on a light 2.5m stack would probably work too.
  21. Yup, leave it blank in that case. I corrected that bit at the start of the instructions so now that case is actually mentioned. And thanks!
  22. RSS itself now alters physics on FIRST, so if DRE then alters them they'll be back to "making 2000m/s feel like 7000m/s" physics stats. Not sure how best to proceed, should you maybe NEEDS[!RealSolarSystem] when changing convection params?
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