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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Welp, nobody else has done it yet so figured I will (open license and all). I uploaded it to github and fixed the texture/model/etc paths and added any missing assets. Please try it out and submit any other lacking (heh) fixes, and let's get this released for 1.0. https://github.com/KSP-RO/SXT
  2. Welp, nobody else has done it yet so figured I will (open license and all). I uploaded it to github and fixed the texture/model/etc paths and added any missing assets. Please try it out and submit any other lacking (heh) fixes, and let's get this released for 1.0. https://github.com/KSP-RO/SXT
  3. No, that's not correct. Looks like the changes weren't applied. I'd suggest trying again, and if that fails, post on the CKAN thread (and read any info/links in the OP).... http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/100067-The-Comprehensive-Kerbal-Archive-Network-%28CKAN%29-Package-Manager-v1-6-22-9-Jun-2015
  4. Yep, both SAS freaking out at near-zero velocity (slewing gimbals desperately) and clamps imparting a torque, would contribute.
  5. Interestingly, if you take EC as kilojoules (and thus EC/sec as kW) then the _mass_ of solar panels is just about right for what they're generating. Only the visual model is too small.
  6. Well, I thought about adding psia too. But then there's not a simple bool, it has to swap three ways. Note that everything internal is in watts/pascals/meters/kilos/newtons, it's just converted for input/output. (ata is because that's what's used on the German WWII charts, just as inHg and HP is used on US charts...) Oh, crap, forgot: If you set both those bools false you also give displacement in liters, not cubic inches.
  7. Dr. Walther: If memory serves, if you scale radius by x, mass goes by x^2 (to maintain sea level gravity), and orbital altitude goes by sqrt(x) (or is it 3/4 root? I forget). However, the changes you have to make to the PQSMods are _not_ simply linear like that (for one thing, you still want probably 7-8km mountains even on a 1/10th size planet). You have to tune them to look right. Blacks: variation should help, yeah, but relative pixel luminance (and thus relative height), needs to be preserved. It's not enough that coastlines are at 0m and Everest is at 9km; Sante Fe New Mexico needs to still be at 2km, and Munich 0.5km, etc. If the noise added is only very slight, that should give more defintiion to things; but if you're changing the heightmap by lightening rather than by adding noise, that will change relative elevations quite a lot... Dr. Walther: Yes of course RSS uses real heightmaps. That's kinda the point. (Earth's is from a combination of the Blue Marble topography and bathymetry maps; Moon is IIRC via the latest Kaguya maps).
  8. Snjo mentioned that building rescaling isn't working in 1.0, just the camera limit changing.
  9. I made a semi-official release on github. https://github.com/camlost2/AJE/releases
  10. I agree, I think exhaust thrust and Meredith effect got swapped for some reason. That said, there's no reason you can't get Meredith effect on a radial, see the XF-12 Rainbow. Boosts (and wastegate) uses inches of mercury unless useInHg is false, in which case they use atmosphere absolute (ata). Rated and cost are in HP, unless useHP is false, in which case they use PS. See the BMW 801D for non-US units. Yes, Kero should be AvGas.
  11. Need the actual log. However, at a guess, sounds like RealFuels might not be installed right. Also, remember that some mods get extracted to root (if the top level folder in the zip has a GameData), and some get extracted to GameData. For instance, your GameData folder should have CommunityResourcePack RealFuels SolverEngines
  12. klgraham1013: Definitely install DRE. It plays much better, and (per Squadcast) plays like stock in 1.0.3 will. caipi: thanks, fixing.
  13. Probably too steep. The steeper your ascent, the lower the total heat load (to a certain extent), but the higher the peak heating flux. Too high a peak heating flux will burn through your shield locally. BTW, do note that the "DRE" heat shields are not lunar-rated, the stock ones are. Read the descriptions. 51 does sound rather low, I'd expect 55-60?
  14. RO wasn't updated for 1.0. Now it is.
  15. v10.0.1 Fixed atmosphere shader on Neptune. Fixed Titan to properly grab its heightmap. Fixed Titan surface coloration. Fixed atmosphere colors. Updated versioning for CKAN
  16. Haven't even started, sorry. :\ It's the next big push. It'll be a good while, though help is always appreciated! (And makes it go faster.)
  17. RO's out. Although we're still working on CKAN. RO will turn those FASA parts into the real thing, which would probably be the easiest approach for you. RF Stockalike is a set of configs for Real Fuels where the existing KSP engines are given realistic efficiency, rather than being turned into 100% real engines as Realism Overhaul does. I.e. RO will turn the Mainsail into the H-1 (from the Saturn IB) whereas RF Stockalike will keep it a 2.5m lifter engine called the Mainsail.
  18. Yxklyx: Welcome to the forums! While it's true that there are ways you can gradually grind to get more fun, KSP is at heart a sandbox game even in career--and that means you get the most fun following the rules you set for yourself. If you want a harder campaign, add some "house rules" like never taking that contract at all, or only doing science on missions you don't have contracts for...
  19. No problem, everybody starts somewhere! If you're not using Realism Overhaul, or at least RF Stockalikes, you're going to have a bad time. Earth takes about 9400m/s delta V to get into orbit (more for polar orbits or low-thrust stages, less from directly on the equator or from very high TWRs). As a general rule, assuming you're using RO, you want a sea level starting TWR of about 1.2, about 3 minutes burn time on the first stage, a vacuum starting TWR of about .8 on the second stage, and about 5 minutes burntime. If you're not using any part patches, then you're going to need a lot more rocket than real life. RSS _is_ the real solar system, so any _real_ dV map will work fine.
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