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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. What determines if a part has a custom dragcube entry is "if it needs it, and someone remembers to give it one." For example, the Mk3 cargo bays should have them, but that didn't make it in 1.0.2. One trusts it will be fixed in 1.0.3. The "If it needs it" bit is probably more what you're asking, and that's...subjective, but there are some rules: 1. If the part is hollow like a Mkx cargo bay or decoupler, it definitely needs a custom dragcube. 2. If a part is not hollow, but "should be" -- like an intake--then it probably needs a custom cube. Here's how you do it: 1. Make the part, export it, make the cfg (without any cube overrides) 2. Start up KSP. That will generate an entry in PartDatabase.cfg 3. Copy the entry into the part.cfg file 4. (if part is hollow): Edit the facings that are hollow based on similar facings from parts that are not hollow. I.e. for cargo bays and decouplers, copy the +Y and -Y triplets from a similar-stack-size tank. If the part is not hollow in terms of mesh, but should be (in terms of it being an intake with a flat black section that's supposed to represent a hole), you play with the drag coefficient (second number in the triplet) in the intake's incoming axis.
  2. Miravlix, that's from 2013. It's quite hilariously out of date....
  3. Yes, having a lattice decoupler would be amazing, because it'd also see a lot of use with satellites as well as for interstages.
  4. Here's a dll you can use: https://github.com/BryceSchroeder/Kopernicus/raw/502d92443508ff3badd46a713b6f13df0bbd9902/Distribution/GameData/Kopernicus/Plugins/Kopernicus.dll
  5. Ah, gotcha. Then I'd guess it's the same for SPS (as Darth Vader says, the Apollo CSM engine).
  6. Lolwhoops. Made the release, forgot to post here. Changelog: v10.2 Allow time-based thrust curves. Fix thrust curves to actually work. Add more specific heat capacities for resources. Fix NaN with SolverEngines. basemass now defaults for being for the entire part, not just the utilized portion (i.e. utilization slider is ignored for basemass, always 100%). This will marginally increase tank masses. This can be toggled in MFSSettings.cfg. Update volume and type of some spaceplane adapter tanks. (Finally!) add nacelleBody and radialEngineBody. Fix typo with large Xenon tank; properly patched now. Support any case for 'Full' when setting amount in a TANK. Fix when engine configs could sometimes be empty. Fix up boiloff loss rates for KSP 1.0 heating. Add some heat loss when propellant boils off (due to vaporization heat).
  7. That's something for the CKAN folks, actually, cleaning up mod-created files on mod uninstall.
  8. I would definitely recommend doing this via CKAN. As to other stuff, hmm. Anything beyond the set you've described and you'll get into the Real* realm--and based on your expressed preferences thus far I don't think that's what you want (RealFuels, RealSolarSystem, etc). You might want to look into SKY though--that's "just enough" of a scaleup to make things feel majestic without requiring anything but stock parts.
  9. Ship Manifest is the plugin that takes advantage of CLS to know when you can, and can't, transfer kerbals. The stock "click on hatch, click transfer" isn't CLS-aware. KCT is Kerbal Construction Time. Now it takes time to assemble your craft in the VAB/SPH, and time to research new technologies. No more 4 launches and 5 contracts on the first day
  10. If you've got the Unity source, it'd be great if you could make the engine actually gimbal; using just thrust transform will only gimbal the exhaust (AFAIK). But at least it'll work, so nm. Speaking of--does SPS have a gimbal transform?
  11. I really wouldn't suggest starting without FAR. If you add it later, all that'll happen is you'll need to relearn some aero. Best to learn it right the first time. Also, plugging KCT again. You might want to look into Connected Living Spaces and Ship Manifest, no more transferring crew through fuel tanks.
  12. Explosions are known issue. Will be fixed in next Kopernicus release
  13. Higgin, welcome to the forums! If you have Procedural Parts, then use the tank type selector (it starts at Default) to switch to Service Module or Fuselage. Otherwise use a stock RCS tank--it's set to type ServiceModule. That will give you a highly-pressurized tank. My guess is you downloaded RF Stockalike configs as a release--IIRC the release is not updated to use the correct ModuleRCSFX. Update that manually. In addition, engine ignitor is not updated for KSP 1.0, AFAIK.
  14. I'd highly, highly recommend Kerbal Construction Time. Not being able to instantly build things does a lot for willing suspension of disbelief, and means that you have to plan missions much better.
  15. Oh, I see. Because KSP can't handle n-body mechanics, that's why 1G is rounded to 10m/s^2, right? Makes perfect sense. Seriously, your post is making clear that you literally have no idea what FAR is. Please try again.
  16. Probus, not sure I follow -- aren't the parachute cases themselves the shrouding? Certainly they have high enough maxtemps....
  17. The prerelease is spread across three repos on github. That's why I made the zip, linked a bit back. That's the link you should download, the post has installation instructions. Regarding VAB/SPH zoom: that's from hangar extender (or stock, if you don't have that), RSS no longer does anything to VAB/SPH. RO is necessary for correct heating. Jeremy Clarkson03: as mentioned upthread some atmospheres have issues. Redownload the prerelease archive, they should be fixed now. I will check out Titan re: mega-oceans.
  18. ObsessedWithKSP: you missed the @ for MODULE. @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleLandingGear*|FSwheel],!MODULE[FSwheelAlignment]]:NEEDS[Firespitter] If that doesn't work, try just doing it on two lines @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleLandingGear*],!MODULE[FSwheelAlignment]]:NEEDS[Firespitter] { stuff } @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[FSwheel],!MODULE[FSwheelAlignment]]:NEEDS[Firespitter] { stuff }
  19. jrandom: use RO's settings. If you have RO, you're already on those settings. Be aware that AeroFX, as discussed above, is not quite well configured, so disregard the FX and look only at the actual fluxes.
  20. Note to all: The download link to RSS10pre has been updated to no longer have the camera shake and the invisible wall. Please redownload and try that. Your textures can stay as they are. jrandom: I'm about to release yet another RF update (I broke a bit in 10.1). Hopefully that will sort out your issues. I'm surprised that the version of solverengines on CKAN doesn't work for the version of RF on CKAN, but eh. I'll sort it out. Sorry. I'll check the higher barriers (although Real Chute doesn't allow popping any chute supersonic, AFAIK--I generally wait until 200m/s to even pop a drogue). Arctic Sesquipedalian: Thanks for the reports! I was unable to replicate problems landing on Deimos but I have not investigated intensely and maybe was at a safe latitude. That tracking station stuff is just seriously weird, good find! Problem 4 is due to the fact that Phobos and Deimos would technically have SoIs that are at their surface, more or less; the SoIs are artificially increased to make being in their SoI possible, but that makes the transfer between another SoI and them (or vice versa) kinda buggy, because the gravitational forces are _not_ in balance at SoI transition for them. jsimmons: if you use Finalize {} you can more or less port the entire old config over wholesale.
  21. The uranium stuff is only for NTRs, and come inside the NTR itself, you don't add it. Xenon should be available with type 'servicemodule' or type 'electricpropulsion' (the latter may not be available with proc parts, I'll fix for next release).
  22. It didn't use to. But as of .90 (or .25?) KSP started failing to parse key/value lines with no value.
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