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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Given the way Mike phrased things, it sounds rather like some of the stuff Claw and I were discussing in the Overhauls thread, i.e. 1.0 levels of drag for spaceplanes and very-tapered rockets, and 1.0.2 levels of drag for pods. We'll just have to see, though!
  2. It was in the context of thermodynamics, as in they're fixed for the changes to the heating system.
  3. I've ported over the actual engine module changes to ModuleEnginesRF. All RO engines are forced to use that module; it derives from ModuleEnginesFX but has many improvements (like the minthrust thing you mentioned, thrust curve support, chamber temperature handled differently from part temperature, Isp curves extended to 0 Isp, etc). However, that means that you need to change the engine module in your patch to @name = ModuleEnginesRF. ModuleEngineConfigs now _only_ exists to handle multiple engine configs, rather than changing how the engine works. In time this will allow much more realistic engine performance (say, calculated from chamber pressure, expansion ratio, and cycle efficiency), inside-the-module ullage support, much better thermal calculations, etc. I have not yet had a chance to see how that plays with Engine Ignitor, partly because as above (or maybe mentioned elsewhere? It blurs together...) I intend to make a VesselModule to handle ullage simulation, so (a) no reflection is needed and ( it only runs once per vessel, both vastly increasing performance. I will _very_ happily take you up on your offer of docs. Let me just try to finish up what I'm working on with 1.0.3, and I will also be away for the weekend (friend's wedding) but then I should be back to ROetc.
  4. Wiki is wrong. All parts (unless they have dragModelType = none and do not have a lifting module) produce drag, no matter their physics significance.
  5. The third through sixth numbers matter now. They define the orientation of the node: 0,1,0 is up, 0,-1,0 is down, 1,0,0 is right, etc. Unless you turn on 'non-strict node checks' in debug->cheats, you can only attach parts using orientations that would work, to prevent clipping.
  6. Not odd at all, since this mod doesn't do that. That would be this mod.
  7. Welcome to the forums! Eve's atmosphere is very thick and thus blocks a lot of solar energy. In the screenshot, the sun appears not very far off the horizon, which means that the solar rays have to travel through much more atmosphere. See what it's like at local noon.
  8. StoryMusgrave: I've been super busy with other KSP stuff and haven't had time to either make a pull request for engine ignitor to make it 1.0 compatible, or to do something similar inside RF. Now that vessel modules are supported, it makes sense to run all the EI stuff in one of them--once per vessel--rather than once per engine.
  9. Or just set up PP configs to enable storing the resources you want. PP is set up to allow storing whatever you like, storing what Interstellar wants is just a few MM patches away.
  10. Krakenfour: Nodes are nodes. There's nothing special about RESOURCE_REQUEST or RESOURCE_DEFINITION or PART or FOObarcurvestuff. If there's a { after it, it's a node; if there's a = after it, it's a value.
  11. That's the plan, but right now the solver mostly (though not entirely) just runs the same logic the old engine module did. So you can still apply all the old parameters (and a few more)...
  12. There really can be only one thing changing what resources a tank has. If you apply RF (or MFT) to a tank, you need to not apply FuelSwitch (or Firespitter's fuel switch or anything else).
  13. Delete the launch smoke cfg in the hotrockets folder after you install.
  14. If the hollow parts are cylindrical and of a normal size, you're in luck. You'll want to replace the third and fourth triplets. Find a part of the same stack radius and copy its numbers. The the numbers in each of the first six triplets are area, drag coefficient, and depth, and the triplets are X+, X-, Y+, Y-, Z+, Z-; the last two triplets are the bounds center and the bounds extents. For stack parts, those areas will be roughly 1.227 for 1.25m parts (and 1/4 for .625, and 4x for 2.5, and 9x for 3.75m). If your part is not the same shape as a regular old stack part, you'll have to calculate its face area yourself.
  15. pingopete, stop by IRC and ping me and I'll set you up. Most of the action is in #RO but I do still sit in #RVEDev too
  16. I would call it pretty much working-as-designed, tbh: if you break physics, physics breaks you.
  17. Uh...that's totally false. Shock intakes are much more survivable in terms of heat--indeed, if you look in the cfg, you'll see they literally have a multiplier of 0.5 to their convection flux.
  18. Put yet another way, every body has axial tilt equal to its inclination.
  19. If you want an example (it's for EVE Overhaul, but still should point the way) check out the patching done by RVE.
  20. No worries. You're doing fine, and I'm happy to help.
  21. Uh, yeah, you need Kopernicus. Download from this repo https://github.com/ThomasKerman/Kopernicus/tree/development and grab Distribution/GameData/Kopernicus and put that folder in your GameData folder. Not super sure even what that pic's issue is, let alone what's causing it...
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