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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Well, part of the issue is time: Kerbin ascents are so much faster that there really isn't time for a three stage Titan IIIC ascent. So they probably do need to be combined with the engine to make a 2.5 stage ascent.
  2. If memory serves, smooth tangents means that the tangent slope is the average of the straight slope between k-1 and k, and k and k+1 for any key k. When the extra key doesn't exist, it's probably just ignored and you get linear. That said, you can verify by grabbing Unity and the curve editor in the OP, and pasting the curve in, and then right-click each key and change it from auto to broken, and see what numbers appear.
  3. You also need to set useCurve = True in the MODULE when you add the powerCurve{} to the MODULE.
  4. Yep, here's what you can change. https://github.com/NathanKell/RealSolarSystem/wiki/PQSCity-and-PQSMod_MapDecalTangent
  5. Assuming there are no bug reports for v10, I'll be releasing it for real shortly.
  6. The FAQ (and the install instructions) are for .90 though. If you want to try RSS on 1.0.2 you basically need to compile Kopernicus from this repo: https://github.com/ThomasKerman/Kopernicus/tree/development
  7. Note that the amount of drag the sides and back of a part make depend on mach number, so make sure all your tests are at the same mach number (the same speed at the same altitude at the same time of day, or be at about 10km, where temperatures are pretty constant).
  8. Welcome to the forums! Note that in fact congruent triangles actually have a lot of use in orbital mechanics, as does geometry/trigonometry in general.
  9. Correct. Jettison means jettison the shroud, like what happens when you have an engine above a decoupler and then decouple.
  10. RF v10 preview/beta/etc is up. Let me know if it works. https://www.dropbox.com/s/58kg84cqqq6s31h/RFv10.zip?dl=0 In addition to that zip you need Community Resource Pack 4.2: https://github.com/BobPalmer/CommunityResourcePack/releases Follow warnings/changes above re engine pack; RO's KSP10 branch is updated if you want RO, else use Stockalikes.
  11. That's a darn good question. I suggest PMing metaphor, that's the likeliest person to know. :]
  12. Yep. Although that's what it has as a liquid, it'll change to steam at 373.15K (and to solid at 273.15K).
  13. Alt-F12 -> Physics -> Thermal -> set internal generation to 0.
  14. Don't separate the fact that fairings are heavy. If fairings massed only a few kg, they'd help on the bottom too, but the aerodynamic savings of fairings on the bottom are outweighed by the loss to total delta V.
  15. 1. The Kopernicus dll that Raptor linked to is outdated. 2. You need the whole Kopernicus folder 3. The old RealSolarSystem.cfg is basically ignored, except for camera-related stuff. It's in the process of being cannibalized. I would not expect save compatibility with even upcoming changes, let alone final release.
  16. Here's the new RSS repo: https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealSolarSystem Note it requires the latest Kopernicus from here: https://github.com/ThomasKerman/Kopernicus/tree/development (no dll in the repo AFAIK).
  17. Moved from the FAR thread. Please follow the steps in the sticky and we'll be able to help.
  18. Apologies for all that. Link and DL fixed.
  19. Awesome! Please come by #RO on espernet (link in the RO OP if you want a webchat link) and I'll get you right to work.
  20. Pics where I can see the part in question. It's in shadow in those pics. See http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/119108-Overhauls-for-1-0 for how drag cubes work.
  21. I'd say best to PM the thread's OP and ask them to change it, and meanwhile put a note by the link stating which information is now obsolete.
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