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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Good start! I'd say skip the 1.25 bit--it's always best to model at the exact size you want, and use rescaleFactor = 1.0, then to have an implicit 1.25x rescale.
  2. Krakenfour: it defintiely did need radiators. Check out a schematic of the Service Module some time. (Also it was exceptionally reflective, and therefore had low solar absorption.)
  3. The convection occlusion system is very, very simple: it projects all parts to the plane where the velocity vector is the normal, then assumes all parts are circles. For obvious reasons this would not work very well for drag. Also, air is not light: just because one part is in front of another doesn't mean the other gets no airflow.
  4. Drag is proportional to the square of the velocity, and therefore is meaningless if no reference velocity is given. In the old days, the given "drag when x" value was multiplied by the part mass and 0.008 to get (area * Cd). Now you can just use (diameter^2/4 * pi) to get area * Cd (assumed Cd of 1).
  5. TACLS still uses the ConfigNode.LoadObjectFromConfig() and Save-to methods, i.e. it doesn't use GameDatabase at all.
  6. Assuming the ratio of surface area to mass goes down (as it probably will, cube-square law) then yes, they will shed heat more slowly.
  7. Yes, KSP jets are quite OP in lots of ways. That said, KSP players also have a penchant for putting tons of jets on their vessel--imagine an SR-71 with about 8-10 engines rather than 2. I dare say that could zoom-climb quite well.
  8. Welcome to the forums and thanks for all the patches!
  9. Three components go into the mass of a RF tank part. 1. The mass of the resource itself 2. The mass of the (sub)tank that holds the resource 3. The basemass of the entire part. As mentioned above, that comes out to the total volume of the part times the basemass, plus the mass of each tank times its volume, plus the mass of the resources. This is because an RF tank part is actually a collection of resource tanks, not one big tank. So you have to account for the structural mass of the part (stringers, etc), and then the mass of the pressure vessel for each resource housed, and then finally you get to the resource mass itself. The various types are set up in TANK_DEFINITION. Each tank definition describes the base mass (in terms of volume), as well as which resource TANKs it can hold (and their masses-per-volume). So a part that doesn't have any resource tanks added only has mass = basemass * volume. That's just the base structural mass. As soon as you start adding resource tanks, however, then you have to pay for the mass of those pressure vessels too (or batteries, if the resource in question is electricity). I hope that clears it up?
  10. Engines are doing that. However, heatProduction is scaled by engine thermalMass for convenience and backwards compatibility,
  11. Squad has not released the source for its modules. Decompiling to see what the source (more or less) is, is prohibited by the Add-On Rules. However, the community's generally happy to answer questions from our collective knowledge/memory, if you have specific questions.
  12. Nope, Kerbin's atmosphere is a pretty exact 80% Earth atmosphere: the atmosphere (pressure, temperature, density) at 8km on Kerbin equals that at 10km on Earth.
  13. Ramp intakes are lighter and have more intake area Shock cones are heavier but have less drag and survive the heat much, much, much better.
  14. Resource masses (per liter) are in Resources (all the RESOURCE_DEFINITION stuff). What you're looking at is TANK_DEFINITIONs (i.e type types like Default or Cryogenic) and inside that the various TANK defines. In a TANK define, you're defining how much the pressure vessel masses, dry, per liter of capacity. So the mass of a part of volume V of type Default that's all kerosene is V * TANK_DEFINITION[Default].basemass + V * TANK[Kerosene].mass + V * TANK[Kerosense].utilization * RESOURCE[Kerosene].density. Make more sense now?
  15. Heh. They are nowhere near realistic, although their Isps are about right. The NTR doesn't have to worry about extremely-not-dense fuel and/or boiloff (and/or politics ) and the ion has about 1,000x the thrust it should last I computed it...
  16. The heatshield fairings are 2.5m wide, same as most every other "2.5m" part...except the Mk1-2 pod, which is narrower. :]
  17. I vote no drag at all. All it does is limit your creativity amirite?
  18. Ask, and ye shall receive from Sarbian (technically, received before asked). And no, that's not how FAR does it, FAR disables stock aero completely rather than changing values.
  19. CKAN would be what I suggest. If you still have problems, post your logs.
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