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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Engines lose heat by radiation and convection and conduction. Heat loss is proportional to area / mass. If you increase mass, they will lose heat slower, thus gain temperature faster for the same heatproduction (because heatproduction *does* scale up by mass).
  2. Wing drag actually decreased going from 1.0 to 1.0.1. It's that fuselage drag went up a good bit, and now terminal velocity for, say, pods, is much closer to real life terminal velocity (given the same air density and speed of sound).
  3. A few corrections to the info in the OP. Radiative area is used for three things: 1. black body radiative emission and reception 2. solar flux 3. body flux (if your current SoI is not the sun, you get reflected solar flux based on body albedo, and emissive flux based on body temperature). All three occur all the time. 1 is proportional to part temperature^4 - background temp^4. 2 is proportional to distance to the sun and to unoccluded part area facing the sun. 3 is proportional to distance to the body and to unoccluded part area facing the body. The density of the atmosphere (if you're in an atmosphere) will also lower the solar and body flux incoming, but raise the background radiation temperature above 4 K. Background temperature is interpolated by density, though not at all linearly, between 4 K and the current external temperature, i.e. shockwave heating is included.
  4. Enceos: cool, that's why I wrote 'em. Convection, in KSP, is between a part and that atmospher (or water). It has nothing to do with part-part transfer (that's conduction) or any kind of sub-part modeling (KSP doesn't do that at all). The highest "resolution" for heat, in KSP, is the part level. Sage: I would suggest just turning their heatProduction down if what you want is "less heat" rather than breaking the laws of physics by generating so much heat and then re-breaking them again to over-radiate it. SymbolicFrank: thermal energy of a part (in kJ) is part.temperature * part.thermalMass. Angel-125: you can probably tune the blackbody physicsglobals, though they're not in Physics.cfg. But IIRC glow doesn't start until ~750K and then increases slowly. If a part's maxTemp is 800K, it's not liable to glow much before exploding.
  5. It's true. It's also true in KSP. Where have you seen that not be true?
  6. Jets ignore any kind of blockage to crossfeed though, because they use STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW (aka "all_vessel, sorted by stage".
  7. Terminal velocities are closer to real life (they were a bit high before). Lift has kept pace so lift/drag ratios haven't changed.
  8. Uh, all parts transfer heat with what they're connected to / are connected to them. Conductivity just changes the rate. And, btw, Randazo, it's a really, really bad idea to go breaking the laws of physics. All sorts of bad things happen.
  9. Well, 99% automatically. If your part is hollow, you will need to manually adjust its cube. That's why hollow parts have custom cubes defined in their part cfgs. In particular, for a stackmounted hollow part, change the Y+ and Y- area values (the first numbers in the third and fourth groupings) to be the area for a non-hollow version of that part.
  10. Nope, LV-N produces 5/12 the heat it used to.
  11. Totally safe. However, you'll need to unlock the new fin ("purchase" it on the R&D screen or in VAB) since it was added to a node you already researched.
  12. v2: * Brought Mach/EAS/TV to top. * Added setttings file (set key, toggle keybind uses modifier key, toggle WinterOwlMode). * Added back thermal data window. Shows lots of useful stats, plus keeps a running count of convection. I'll fix the netkan when I get a sec, and I'll do the toolbar when I get many secs.
  13. Nope, it's totally and completely invalid. That's souposphere numbers.
  14. Yep, in KSP 1.0: maxThrust described thrust at the Isp you had at Kerbin sea level (1.0 on the atmosphereCurve) heatProduction was the heat production at that thrust. In vacuum, thrust = maxThrust * IspV / IspSL and heat = heatProduction * IspV / IspSL. At sea level, the numbers are as given. In 1.0.1 maxThrust describes thrust in vacuum (0 on the curve). So thrust in vacuum = maxThrust, thrust at sea level = maxThrust * IspSL / IspV, and same for heat production (heat production is always given in reference to 'maxThrust' thrust). If you have already balanced your engines for 1.0, just multiply both maxThrust and heatProduction by IspV/IspSL to keep all numbers ingame the same.
  15. Best to nuke your GameData/Squad folder first, then apply the patch. That way if things changed name, you won't have two copies.
  16. regex: for airbreathers? You betcha! (Couldn't resist.) By contrast, you want to launch from KSC for rockets, because that leads to lower drag on ascent. However, in RF, with boiloff...fear the 40C ambient.
  17. You can use this if you want... http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/117141-1-0-AeroGUI-v1-0-28-Apr
  18. Sorry if this screws things up; been intending to switch to Kopernicus since, well, it was announced, just always had something else to do and RSS needed only bandaids, so now seems like a great time.
  19. EFFECTS is a node in its own right, not a MODULE { name = EFFECTS } which is what you've got. Try @PART[*} { @EFFECTS { @running_open { -PREFAB_PARTICLE { } } @running_closed { -PREFAB_PARTICLE { } } } } But note this will only work for parts with fx of those names; if something is named running_cruise or smokeTrail or whatever, you still won't be removing it.
  20. A plea: instead of sitting beside ModuleEngines, just make a new class that inherits from it. That's what ModuleEnginesFX is now. (Or inherit from that, if you prefer, that's probably better). It's really not a good idea to be force-setting a whole floatcurve every frame. The way the stock jets behave is somewhat similar to AJE, in fact--you may be able to use the existing fields (like flowMultiplier and machHeatLimit) to good effect.
  21. You might be expecting an editor scene reload on load craft; that no longer occurs....
  22. Note that this guide was written for RSS (i.e. FAR) but will work on stock kerbin and newAero. https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealismOverhaul/wiki/MechJeb-Ascents General rules: turn start = (alt where you hit 100m/s, or slower if high TWR) turn end = something like 30-60km, again depending on TWR final angle = 0 turn shape = whatever keeps you prograde-aligned throughout (or maybe you start pitching below prograde at >20km, that can be more optimal...try it out).
  23. The way 1.0 works, absorption = emissivity, so those solar panels are absorbing solar (heating) flux at quite a high clip. What you need are panels that align perpendicular to that, i.e. with their narrow edges facing the sun; they will take in next to no solar flux and thus radiate out maximally. Not to rain on your parade too much though. Inventive and quick work!
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