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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. They're in kilowatts (kJ/sec). They're the values you see when you turn on "show thermal data" (debug toolbar->physics->thermal->that). You get also get part thermal mass (in kJ/K).
  2. Uh...I thought it was supposed to be the upper stage engine of the 3.75m parts. Why else make it look like a J-2X, compared to the 4 RS-25s of the 3.75m booster? To me, that Isp range makes perfect sense, when you consider the Mainsails and Mammoths to be lower stages (F-1, RS-25), the KR-2L, LV-T45, and Skipper to be upper stages / sustainers (LR-105, LR-91, J-2), and the LV-909/Poodle to be vacuum engines (RL10).
  3. Cerebrate: Soon as in a week or two, yeah. This one I can probably get done sooner, but that's for full RO. MKSheppard: nope, that's just a standard floatcurve (which is itself a wrapper around an animationcurve). That's a curve defined by three keys with 'automatic' tangents; you'll get a smooth curve between 0,310 and 9,0.001
  4. A plugin would need to be written to support multiple-part fairings (aka basically all current mod fairings).
  5. The airstream temperature is the temperature of air around your craft. The convective flux is the flux you suffer from ramming into the air. Not quite the same thing.
  6. arkie87: Where did you hear that? I didn't hear that. Redshift OTF: Yes, ModuleResourceIntake does (and always has) scaled by the dot of the intake vector and the velocity vector (i.e. sin(AoA) ). Tarheel1999: the long intakes really don't have much area...
  7. Yakky: yep, very true. The Isp, per cfg, ends up at 0.001s, so it's not _quite_ zero. But good point.
  8. Jarin: except that's not true in 1.0. In 1.0, you can "flame out" in two ways. One is if the air doesn't have enough density to support combustion; in that case all engines will flame out in sync (same density across the vessel). The other is if you don't have enough intakes; then engines will flame out asymmetrically due to how resource flow works. If you have enough intakes that the latter never happens...the latter never happens.
  9. using FAR or no? If yes, talk to ferram. If no...only wing parts change the CoL icon stock. PF is not a wing part.
  10. As mentioned upthread, RSS will be switching to using Kopernicus in 1.0. That will take some time. I plead patience. :]
  11. It's going to be a while. Couple weeks probably.
  12. 1. Going by the lift curves in physics.cfg, it appears that at low mach numbers all wings are treated as unswept, high aspect-ratio wings (i.e. glider wings) whereas at high mach all wings are treated as low-aspect, highly-swept wings. That means KSP doesn't need to try to figure out wing sweep or aspect ratio, all it needs is wing area. The upshot is that your stall speeds for "fast-looking" planes will be way, way, way lower than in real life, and gliders will have no trouble going fast. 2. neither stock nor oldFAR accounts for area ruling. The new voxel-based FAR does however.
  13. emissivity has nothing to do with convection. It's not heating up from convection because it's so blunt, and therefore gives you a detached shockwave rather than an attached (oblique) shock. Same thing happens if you try flying a plane nose first, vs. a capsule butt-first.
  14. Add more intakes. The only time you'll get asymmetric flameout is if you don't have enough intakes.
  15. It appears to be in kilojoules.
  16. The math for temperature appears based on the new temperature curves in CelestialBody. From aeroGUI I can tell you that the daytime temp at the equator is about 40C, night is more like 30C. Gets colder the further away from the equator you go. Temperature varies with altitude, and sun appears to have varying influence on the "offset" temperature at various altitudes. Mach is indeed temperature (and thus altitude) related.
  17. SpaceNomad: doh, quite right. :] Yes, I can move EAS and Mach to the top, and yes, the keybind can be changed with a tiny bit of extra work on my part (it's a variable, but I didn't provide a way to change it. >.> ). I'll release an update soon.
  18. The atmosphere appears to follow an "80% Earth" pattern now, where the values at 8km on Kerbin are the same as 10km on Earth (modulo the temperature offset from sunlight and/or latitude).
  19. camlost: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/117038-Reverse-engineering-Jet-Engines-how-do-velCurve-and-atmCurve-work/ -- read my posts, they go into some detail.
  20. e-dog, awesome! Anything you need from proc parts if you implement texture switching? Or is your plan no longer to use the pparts texture database?
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