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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. It's a stock part. Looks like you just downloaded the repository, rather than following the instructions in the OP and downloading a release. Please follow the instructions and download the release; some files are only in releases, because they're autogenerated by our build script.
  2. What do you mean by 'create float curve function'? Can you give a bit more detail?
  3. A wild tutorial has appeared! If there are no engines but the Tiny Tim in the start node, you don't have a correct install. How did you install RP-0? We'll check about Smokescreen, it shouldn't be required, the configs should adapt...
  4. Except the Vernor isn't a vernier. It's a linear RCS thruster. You want verniers, they're the 24-77 and the Mk-55.
  5. Laie: Sure! RP-0 will introduce mechanics at a similar rate to KSP, actually, so it's a fairly good choice for getting into RO; another option is following the tutorials here on the RO wiki[/ul] in sandbox mode. We have plans for some tutorial videos too, just everybody's always busy. I did write up a quick RP-0 tutorial which should help you get started. Regarding sorting, no, RF doesn't add a sort mode. Great idea though!
  6. Laie, welcome! A large part of the problem you're encountering is that RO itself does not support career mode at all. You will need to also install Realistic Progression Zero to have career gameplay in RO. Note that the amount of part packs it supports is limited compared to sandbox-play RO.
  7. Ah, I see what's going on I guess--it's switching to a "vacuum" temperature, the air is no longer shielding you from solar radiation. Sorry, didn't realize you were in space at both times. That's all totally screwy of course, and I believe 1.0 will allow us to do much, much better.
  8. Some of the recent MJ builds had some attitude issues. Also I believe in recent versions of ModuleRCSFX there's sort of a fullThrust-lite as the default, which messes with MJ's PID slightly. When things aren't so insane with 1.0 I'll talk with Sarbian about it and get it sorted on both ends.
  9. ColKlonk: It does indeed vary with craft min and max TWR per stage. A craft with a number of stages, where burnout TWRs never go beyond 3Gs, and liftoff TWR is only 1.2 or so--well, 100m/s sounds about right for that, maybe even 120m/s. If you're zooming off the pad at >2G, and your burnout TWR hits 10 and your second stage starts >1G and climbs rapidly again...well, 60m/s or even lower might be correct.
  10. If you alt-tab out while loading to space center (from, say, the load-game menu) you sometimes get this bug.
  11. I find it basically impossible to believe that ambient temperature was ever -200C in the atmosphere; that's incredibly cold. Certainly the temperature curve in RSS for Earth doesn't have -200...If it did show as that, that's definitely a bug. Can you describe when ambient does show as -200C?
  12. If you stage during the 'meta-stage' it gets more complex. Basically, you know dV = ln(wet/dry) * g0 * Isp. Further, you know burn time: fuel mass * g0 * Isp / thrust_at_that_Isp. Now, if you have boosters, you need to do it in (# of stage events) steps. Let's take a simple example, a 2 minute core stage with 1 minute of boosters. Thrust 1500 for the core and 215 for the boosters, Isp 310 for the core and 305 for the boosters. You know that after booster separation you've burned half your core fuel. So: dv1 = ln((core_wet + boosters_wet) / (boosters_dry + core_dry + 1/2 *core_fuel)) * (1500*310+430*305)/1930 * g0 dv2 = ln((core_dry + 1/2 *core_fuel) / dry_core) * 310 * g0. Total dV = dv1 + dv2.
  13. You can delete the AJE subfolder in your ATM folder / texture cache....?
  14. Yes, it would make sense to, given a destination part, pull in the ratio the destination part has. Note that the source part may well not have the same ratio (for instance, 2.6:1 kerolox vs 2.23:1 kerolox, err, that's by mass, volumes would be like 65-35 for the former and 60:40 for the latter)
  15. Papa_Joe: It's down to whoever writes the engine cfg (or engine patch cfg); stock engines are generally (but not always) 9:11 LF/Ox, but MFT doesn't make any assumptions, it just pulls from the engine modules themselves. RF uses that same logic, but on the cfg side as mentioned the ratios are all over the map.
  16. Well, if you use a mod that requires AJE and you don't have AJE, you probably shouldn't expect it to work.
  17. Well, the shore terrain isn't flat anymore, that's clear, but from the pic it appears the actual flatland is still flat, just shaded a bit?
  18. Randazzo is basically correct, yes. I believe it is also true for things attached to proc fairing bases or tweakscaled parts, but I am not sure. You certainly can't offset something attached to a proc part, or offset a proc part attached to something else.
  19. As massive as the changes to 1.0 are, I can't imagine RO will be save-game compatible, not least because I want to take the opportunity to give all planets the right names.
  20. chrisl: thrust curves right from NASA (or BellComm, as I recall). As for SAS, sounds like the PIDs are messed. Known issue with stock SAS.
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