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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Most Orbiter models do in fact have...interesting...licensing. I would not suggest that as route. The tutorials are great though! Augustus, I highly, highly recommend just taking some time and learning this stuff. It can be fun, and you'll get much more of a sense of accomplishment.
  2. Making pumps powerful enough and robust enough to handle crossfeed, and making piping big enough and strong enough to handle the massive volume--yet able to be detached on staging--is hard.
  3. Van Disaster had some excellent advice. Here's a bit more: 1. No wing/tail should overlap another from any of the three views (side/top/front). If the tailplanes are "in line" with the main wing they'll have reduced effectiveness; raise or lower one or the other. 2. Parts in KSP are denser than they appear. You need more wing per chunk of fuselage than you would in real life. 3. Give the root parts of your main wings a slight angle of incidence (no more than 1 degree) with the rotation tool. Verify that at desired speed and altitude your AoA is 0 degrees (via the static analysis tool). 4. You need half the intakes you used to. Here's some examples, 100% stock parts (they'd be much better with pWings, and I install proc mods by default, but I was limiting myself to stock only). .25.
  4. Thanks to help from Agathorn and Stratochief, a fix should come out soon. For now, you can remove the cam01NearClip = 1 line from RealSolarSystem.cfg
  5. sp1989, that's all well and good, but frizzank has specifically and repeatedly asked people not to post about RO matters in this thread, and because we really appreciate frizzank's work (and are grateful for him letting us 'mod the mod' as it were, for RO) we try to ensure that his desires are fulfilled. For the record, RO will soon be including craft files, since it's an oft-repeated request.
  6. regex, I think it was in the Alternis Kerbol thread, but I don't recall exactly. He's talked about it on #RO though, so just ask him next time you and he are on.
  7. That's exactly what I was thinking, so yeah, that would do it! Great work! And--my pleasure.
  8. Just wanted to point out that anomalies being underground isn't hardcoded at all: they are PQSCity objects just like KSC, and RSS can move them just like KSC.
  9. Or don't: modding KSP can lead you to need to learn a number of false lessons (the most famous being "drag = mass"), so the longer you spend stock, the more jarring modded KSP can be.
  10. ferram4 has just added configs for it to RO. It'll be in the next release. We need a model that looks like it, however, if anyone wants to volunteer.
  11. That's the thing, though: TWR has no relation to top speed. Maximum speed at an altitude is that speed at which drag and thrust are equal. Do you see weight in this equation?
  12. regex, to be fair egg did run the sim (accounting for barycentre) and it was fine. Indeed, accounting for orbit around the barycentre is (AFAIK) part of the point of n-body. Doesn't account for the whole host of other weirdnesses, of course.
  13. Some parts--particularly Ven's redone stock parts and FASA parts, and Porkjet's new parts in .25 and .90--share textures between models, so you can't just delete 'one folder per part'. That's not always true--many parts do hold to the old 'one folder per part' paradigm--but it's true enough to make this complicated. Since you're on Linux and RAM isn't an issue, have you considered just hiding non-RP0 parts rather than removing their assets? That can be done with a very simple ModuleManager script.
  14. Welcome to RO! This wiki will help you out and in particular this page (Moving from Kerbin to Earth) has some highlights on what's changed.
  15. nightingale, that's very good information! We were originally going to rely on this, but Starman4308 got busy. At the moment our plan is to leverage Contract Configurator to pretty much completely replace or rejigger all stock contracts. Here is our brainstorming on the topic.
  16. I see RF throwing in SetThrust, I'll look into why that might be. Kitspace, yep, I was calculating it myself based. As for acceleration, it's neither uncontrolled (guidance can still control things), nor unlimited (it can never go higher than tonnes thrust / stage dry mass, even if there is no payload whatsoever). Faster: It's the role of the engine config pack to handle engine ignitor configuration (if any). RF itself does not configure engines. Realism Overhaul does feature EI configs as part of its real engine configs; RftS did as well. Dunno about Stockalike. In any case, however, one should not unzip the configs zip that comes with Engine Ignitor; it's for people not using RealFuels at all.
  17. Sounds interesting. I hope to have a bit more time next week, so poke me the next time you're online.
  18. I'd just like to point out that the ridiculous thing about the stock solar panels is their size; the charge rate : mass ratio is actually not unreasonable. They should be about 5-10x their size for the given mass and charge rate, IIRC. (They also have a funky curve and other issues, but if you look only at mass, charge/sec isn't unreasonable).
  19. .1 km/s is 100m/s, that would not end well.
  20. Unless you specifically told Steam to launch the Win x64 version (and you should not, because it's an unstable mess for most people, and unplayable in career for all people), you will be running the 32bit (x86) version. When running the 32bit version, you are limited to ~3.5GB of ram usage by the process, and Unity's D3D9 client has a bug where it keeps textures shadowed in memory even if told not to, so even if you have 64GB of ram, you'll still crash to desktop if you add too many part packs without taking other steps.
  21. Welcome to the forums! Yep: your TWR is way, way, way too high. You should be launching at about 1.5, second stages don't need to start much above 1, and orbital stages can be as low TWR as your patience. Also I would suggest using AV-T1 winglets, or just setting the pitch/yaw/roll response of your winglets to 0 each; gimbals will give you enough control. Finally, you are pitching over at about 100m/s, right? Not waiting until you're high up like stock?
  22. Lilienthal: Yeah, here's better, and welcome back! (a) Weird, in the latest version of RP-0, things should be equal difficulty with or without FASA: the same engines (excepting Agena, but there's RD-0105/0109), the same cost/mass/science for early probes, etc. Why would things be harder without FASA? ( Yes, we need actual documentation. :] That pruner setup makes perfect sense! The only problem is that some assets (Ven's, FASA's) are shared between multiple parts, so we have to be careful, but Felger's already done that work (I think). Any contributions welcome! Bugs: 1. Yep, KSP stock issue as Yemo mentioned. That's why I added the Sounding Rocket Altitude Record contracts. 2. Dunno why you could control at start. Pics of craft / craft file? chrisl: The best table we know of for engine data is this one (there are also tables for Russian, European, and Asian engines). If you start at the top there's a ton of info; see also Gunter's Space Page and Bob Braeunig's site. No uncrewed craft should ever say "Local Control" -- local control means there's crew aboard. That sounds like the avionics parts (and S-IVB) need to be checked for proper SPU and antenna setup.
  23. Kitspace: Yes, I agree the engine did not change. The LR-91 provides roll control by gimbaling its turbopump exhaust nozzle, as I mentioned. Because that roll control was sufficient, (evidently) in practice verniers proved unecessary. The X-405 is the main engine used by Vanguard, and modeled in SXT. If the RCS issue is purely visual, my understanding is that may be an issue with the model, not code. A_Burnt_Rodent: That perigee sounds too high actually. Basically, if your initial perigee is too high, you will enter at a very shallow angle indeed and then bleed off speed, rapidly increasing your entry angle and increasing vertical velocity. Instead, try a perigee of around 60km if your apogee is 1-200km. Oksbad: Unity does not support textures of higher resolution than 8192x8192. RVE (the visual enhancements mod for RSS) uses EVE Overhaul to apply detail textures to improve the look, however. That's about it for options. For contracts, RO does not support career mode at all, for that you need the submod for RO called RP-0. sisyphean: you need to launch when your launch site is in the same plane as the moon. Use KER or MJ to show the relative inclination between you and the Moon, and launch when it's < 1.0 degrees. ajones209: Because the FASA version of the LR-105 includes a sizable portion of Atlas tank with it (the "tankbutt" that addon authors annoyingly add to their engines). Aviator17: The thermal (visual) effects aren't necessarily tied to heating, they're just eyecandy. Unless parts start exploding, don't worry. |Velocity|: KJR release version has a docking bug. Get the development version from git (read the last few pages of the KJR thread for context).
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