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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Dual-plane separation is only between the S-IC and S-II. The S-IVB has the normal single-plane separation (interstage stays attached to the S-IB, in your case, and the S-IVB slides out). For the panel separation issue, get all the Stock Bug Fixes from the stickied thread in Addon Releases. KSP since .24.2 has a big bug with decouplers.
  2. Kitspace: what Titan Guidance Package? If you mean the Titan ICBM guidance package, I'm not sure there's a correct RO config for it, and in reality it's inside the second stage anyway. It's certainly not payload. I mentioned residuals as one thing that limits burnout TWR. Rockets are diverse enough there is no 'classic' payload mass fraction for the final stage; on a solid kick stage I'd expect a burnout TWR of 40:1 or so (Explorer 1) whereas a 3G max is obtainable on something like Soyuz (with its many stages). For uncrewed stuff using all-liquid, I'd expect no more than 6Gs at burnout for any stage, higher and it's probably unoptimized. jonanish: I thought I had a description in the FAQ, but it seems I don't. Raptor (as usual ) has it mostly covered, the exception being the Structural is the aircraft-equalavent of Default; Fuselage is the aircraft equivalent of ServiceModule. Also, ServiceModule (and its twin, Fuselage) have Cryo-level insulation. Kitspace: Upper stages are generally much more than just tank+engine, in particular guidance, three-axis control, ullage motors, batteries, payload fairing base, etc. drive up the dry mass. KSP, however, does not force you to add any of that, so if it's literally just tank and engine, with a tiny tiny PLF base on top (as your pic shows), then your burnout TWR will be quite high (though 9Gs is still quite controllable). Instead try making a constant-diameter upper stage with a nice big payload fairing base on top, and in addition add a nice heavy probe core for guidance, some RCS, some hydrazine, some solid ullage motors...it adds up. The R-7's payload capacity increases because it started with a high TWR so there was plenty of room to add more/larger upper stages, and because the RD-107 and 108 engines were also upgraded over time for even more thrust. I'm...really not sure why you're confused by "Also the payload capability is higher with versions which already have bigger and heavyer third stages." -- if you don't go under the minimum liftoff TWR, adding more, larger upper stages will increase your payload, because you're taking advantage of what staging does
  3. drnaeth: Fixed OP. As for which to use, I haven't actually played with them yet; ferram made the config and would know better; he suggests going for the engine only version. Friedrich Nietzsche: Cool. For the next bit: They're meant for RP-0, so they're balanced by when you can unlock them and by cost, as well as between comparably-teched units regarding mass and wattage. They generally sort into two classes, however, guidance rings for LVs (large, support lots of mass, heavy (but light compared to supported mass), draw lots of power) and probe avionics (lighter, smaller, don't support much mass but don't draw much power). The octo2 that you presumably used is 1960-equivalent technology, so it'll be very bad compared to pretty much anything else. 15 charge/min is 250 watts--not a ton, but not nothing either. However, you just gave me an excellent idea.
  4. Welcome to the forums! And good job on this! However, your link appears to be broken...
  5. That...doesn't really make sense. I think you mean: @PART[*]:HAS[#category[FuelTank],@RESOURCE[LiquidFuel]]:FOR[whateverYouWantToCallYourMod] { @mass *= 0.75 } Unless you want to also skip the Mk1/2/3 liquid-fuel-only tanks, in which case add a ,@RESOURCE[Oxidizer] as well to the chain.
  6. Welcome to the forums! I suggest you use CKAN. It's a great tool for just this sort of thing, and should make installing addons quite easy. Here's the link to the thread. Download the CKAN client and run it, point it at your KSP folder, and then find B9 Aerospace in the list of mods and click to install it. Should be pretty simple. What's nice about CKAN is it won't overwrite any game files, so you don't have to worry about making a backup. Even so, KSP addons don't generally require making backups anyway, since even mods that replace stock elements do so via new files.
  7. Sorry, missed this. LR-105 and LR-89 are both kerolox engines. They will be in the regular rocketry nodes, not the hydrolox nodes (hydrolox nodes are for hydrolox). According to this table, which we've found on the whole to be the most accurate, the LR-105-5 did not have those specs, and neither did the LR-89-5 (those are closest to the specs of the LR-105-NA-7.1 and LR-89-NA-6 respectively). The Titan upper stages do. Titan was a two-stage LV (later, three or four stage) and the main avionics were on the upper stage (the one you put the LR-91 on).
  8. Norcalplanner: Probably anywhere under 1,000Pa of dynamic pressure is fine. If you want to be more careful, wait until 100. That should be around 60km I would think, maybe more depending on how shallow your ascent.
  9. That presumably means the AJE plugin is not loading right, which probably means it's out of sync with FAR. Make sure you're on the right version of FAR for the plugin, and if you're on the current version of FAR, ask camlost to update.
  10. Nothing to do with RO. Everything to do with RP-0 (see the RP-0 OP, which describes how the new Avionics functionality works). plasmeus: we model KSP parts on real analogues. So, the Mk1 Capsule is modeled on that which it looks like (and masses like), Mercury. Mercury is 1.9m in diameter, so we rescale the pod. Some parts don't have obvious real world analogues; the Hitchhiker cabin for example. That we just scale up so it has the right volume for four humans, not four kerbals, and the mass it realistically 'should' have.
  11. The S-IVB stage already includes the instrument unit. Please post a picture of the rocket with the information panes showing, that might help.
  12. Something is very fishy here. Under your CSM try a procedural interstage, set to 6.6m diameter, and four fairing panels. Under that add the "S-IVB stage" part. Under that add a J-2 engine. Then get the "S-IVB interstage for S-IB" part and place that. Then place the "S-IB stage" and add two sets of four H-1Bs to the bottom. Finally add 8x fins, and 2x Saturn APS to the S-IVB stage. That's all you should have.
  13. Turbojet? What turbojet? There should be no jets available whatsoever in the starting node, and (if you have AJE) a few available if you start unlocking the aero nodes. Can you name exactly what part(s) you're using and what mods? Note that if a part says "non-RP0" believe it.
  14. SirKerplan: Cool! Regarding the question, the problem that altitude-compensating nozzles often have is lack of thrust vector control. If you have data showing that the J-2T had switched to multiple thrust chambers (allowing differential throttling) let us know; I certainly can't imagine SASSTO would work without TVC, but I haven't seen anything on how J-2T was supposed to have TVC...
  15. Capt. Kerk: Not intended, but it is known. Waiting on a new release of MechJeb so we can disable it easily. mcirish3: We'd love to have the help! Stop by #RO on espernet (linked in the Realism Overhaul OP to a webchat page if you don't have an IRC client) and I or one of my compatriots will be happy to walk you through things. Meanwhile, if you're using OpenGL mode, pruning parts isn't going to help very much--the part textures already shouldn't be taking up RAM anyway. What you might try is deleting the biome maps for the bodies you don't visit much (or swap them in and out dependening on which you're visitng). You can find them in CustomBiomes/Plugins/PluginData/ and subfolders, just rename the pngs to .bak for the bodies you want to disable. That'll free up a fair amount of RAM.
  16. Hate to bump a locked thread, but linuxgurugamer, I think you maybe meant to post that on the contract configurator thread?
  17. Total mass of the LV plus payload should be ~590t. Make sure all your H-1 engines are in H-1B config, and your J-2 is in J-2 config. Remove and re-add the fuel from the S-IB tank and the S-IVB tank.
  18. And as the Dev Notes state, Mike wrote a DDS loader and KSP's textures have been moved to DDS, making things much faster (and lowering leaks/bugs from png/tga loading).
  19. Moved to Plugin Development. You're going to want to make a KSPAddon. Example: [KSPAddon(KSPAddon.Startup.Flight, false)] class ControlLocker : MonoBehaviour KSPAddons take a startup scene (one of the scenes, or all) and a bool that says whether to start up every time the scene loads or to run only once (you presumably want runonce=true if you're doing some changes on KSP start, like at the main menu, and don't want to doubly change things when someone goes back to main menu). You can then write various MonoBehaviour methods, like Start(), FixedUpdate(), Update, etc. Presumably you would want to have a double counter = 0, run on FixedUpdate and once FlightGlobals.ready increment the counter by TimeWarp.fixedDeltaTime, and when counter > 10 do FlightGlobals.activevessel.stage or whatever.
  20. Why do you think changing thrust has anything to do with delta V? Do you see a thrust term in the rocket equation? EDIT: as usual, next-page-ninja. Daze covered it.
  21. I do the opposite of mind! Great work and thanks from the community!
  22. RealFuels also handles it, and therefore most Realism Overhaul solid motors do have thrust curves.
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