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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. delta V = the natural logarithm (ln) of wet mass / dry mass (then multiplied by exhaust velocity, i.e. Isp * g0, 9.80665m/s). As you can see, minimizing dry mass matters a lot.
  2. You start in 1951, 625 days is less than two years, means you'll be launching orbital rockets in 1953. I'd call that pretty good. As for the node issues, sounds like you did a manual install but downloaded the source rather than the release. The source does not include all files necessary to run RP-0, you need the release. (This is one reason why RP-0 recommends a CKAN installation).
  3. There's no guarantee that the scaled space mesh will be a perfect sphere; certainly various moons' aren't, and in RSS I do wrap the mesh to the PQS terrain even for large planets. That said for anything but rocky misshapen lumps of moons it will likely be indistinguishable from a sphere except on close examination. Using heightmaps isn't the answer because (a) not all bodies have them and ( even if they do, a heightmap is just one PQSMod among many that contribute to the final terrain. If you actually want a map of the _final_ terrain heights, you'll need to either use the built in export method or use stupid_chris's. And yes, most of the terrain variation you see in scaled space is from the normal maps applied to all bodies.
  4. Here's the code you want. Unless by "in RSS too" you're implying that code doesn't work. :]
  5. I have heard no such thing regarding DX11. Where did you hear that? Also, not sure why you're jumping from "there's some new visual FX" to heat is handled by that FX...
  6. On the other hand, when you buy a product, you agree to a EULA. I challenge you to find anywhere in, oh, say KSP's EULA, where it says Squad's obligated to fix things. Why would (paid) modders be?
  7. v8.4.1 * Fix stock Science Lab part. Note: If you have Ven's Stock Revamp, you will need an update for that as well.
  8. Laie: The various late 60s-early 70s Mars mission plans, like everything surrounding the Integrated Program Plan, were wildly optimistic. That said, if you're willing to spend electricity, you can use active refrigeration; RealFuels comes with a couple parts with heatpumps to do just that. I'd say you're doing things exactly right, tbh; I certainly have no better approach than what you've described. There's no easy a priori way to know how to fly an LV (people write PhD theses on optimal launch trajectories) so it takes some testing to find out what early pitch angles lead to which apogees, and how high you have to pitch above prograde later to circularize in time.
  9. v0.31 Service Propulsion System **Requires Realism Overhaul 8.4.0** - Update readme to have correct link (thanks glilienthal). - aw94: Update life support tanks to appear only when appropriate. - aw94: placed and priced various non-procudural wing and tail parts. - Placed and priced the stock-based Apollo SPS (AJ10-137) so there is 90kN-class vacuum engine for non-FASA users. - Fixed SXT J-2 configs. --- Photo by NASA
  10. Real Fuels don't really have a wiki; most RF information is in the top three posts in this thread, or in the Realism Overhaul wiki. Utilization controls how much of a given part is used by tankage. Since propellant tanks are pressure vessels, they're usually pill-shaped, so a cylinder "tank" part might have two large pill-shaped tanks in it as well as some smaller spherical ones. Utilization controls the "volume utilization" of the part, then, i.e. how much of the part's total volume is tank volume. Changelog: v9.1 * Fixed stock RCS and xenon tank volumes. * Don't pump into tanks if their flow has been turned off. * Clamp utilization slider to 1% (avoids a divide-by-zero). * Fix typos in Tantares tanks. Thanks komodo! * Unlock input when the RF GUI disappears (fixes a bug where clicking can be locked).
  11. Changelog: v8.4 * Tons of fixes/additions by A1Ch: * Add Kestrel (AIES M-SE clone). * Add missing gauge to CECE configs. * Gimbal and thrust curve for Castor 30XL. * Added non-gimballing NK-33 config (as historic), but there's still a gimbal config. * Add configs for IUS. * Fix RS-68 sound volume. * Fix any remaining N2O4 entries. * Other changes: * Switched the model of the Aerobee Sustainer if Ven's Stock Revamp is installed. * Add Apollo SPS using cloned LV-1. * aw94: fixed shuttle OME size. * aw94: fixed RCS block code issue. * Fix old config issue with LR-87, add speculative upgrades and speculative Vacuum config (what it's been for now); new default is the as-planned config to be used on Titan C. * Fix M55 (Minuteman) gimbal. * aw94: tweak temperatures for fairings and nose cones. * stratochief66: fix FASA SPS and SLA so they mount at the bottom node of the SPS rather than adding a whole new node. * regex: add B9 RCS configs, add Cavea-B config to RCS. * Fix LM Ascent Engine gimbal (shouldn't have one), fix animation of LM Descent Engine gimbal. * Put intakes back in the Aero category. * Fix stock science lab rescaling issues (thanks Rabada).
  12. If you're only switching over at Mach 3.3 (~990m/s) then you're missing out on another few-to-five hundred m/s of horizontal speed you could be getting, that's probably part of it. Note that you shouldn't actually shut off your jets when you light the rocket engine; only shut them off when the first one flames out. As for staying in a straight line: more tail. Your vertical tail is too short. Finally, you should probably right-click on the wing parts and reduce their strength/mass, that will lower your dry mass a fair bit. 0.5 should be sufficient unless you plan to do some high-AoA maneuvers.
  13. 255: Great! Any parts that do not have 'non-RP0' or 'RP0-nocost' tags will not unbalance your playthrough. If a pack is listed as WIP that means that some of its parts have those tags (rather than all its parts having those tags, if the pack weren't marked as at least WIP). The Engine Group Controller icon appears borked even without ATM, so I don't think it's an ATM issue. I'm investigating. chrisl: sounds like the referenced transforms don't exist. Will check.
  14. Sage nailed it. Vulcain (1) has those pipes, and I would think that their nozzles gimbal; if so, can you make the nozzles part of a (named separate from the main bell) gimbal transform? They also should have thrust transforms (named separate from the main thrust transform). Lack's X-405 is an example of this: it has 2 gimbal transform names (one for the bell, two named the same for the two exhaust nozzles) and 2 thrust transform names (one for the bell, two named the same for the two exhaust points). For Vulcain 2, it appears that the VEB uses 400N hydrazine thrusters for roll control after SRM separation, so Vulcain 2, as Sage's pics show, exhausts into the nozzle.
  15. If you find the new stock aero makes FAR obsolete, you weren't in the market for realistic aero, you were just in the market for "aero that's based on shape." Stock aero, from all we know, will be fun, will be both less and more realistic than NEAR (some bits that NEAR skips stock models, many bits NEAR models stock skips), will have holes (as all aero models do), but will not ever be a replacement for FAR if what you're looking for is 'realistic aero' rather than 'not-comically-unrealistic aero'
  16. Awesome on both counts, thanks so much!
  17. rbray89, best wishes for RL stress, and best wishes for dealing well (and minimizing!) KSP stress; indeed it should be a pleasure not a stress. Cheers.
  18. I junction most of my mod folders between my git directory and KSP (and between KSP installs), but yeah, it needs admin privileges and that's (AIUI) the sticking point for CKAN. And since KSP_Data is shared, instead of switching mod lists, can have like 10 installs that take no more than 1 install + sum(all mods)
  19. While it's legal to profit commercially from KSP addons, it's against the forum rules to post any such addons. It is, however, entirely within the rules to ask for, and receive, donations.
  20. von Ziegendorf: that's up to the engine config pack maker. RO has LANTR mode for Porkjet's engines IIRC, and perhaps the NP2 NERVA (I don't recall specifically).
  21. If it continues to cause a problem I suggest posting on the CKAN thread; they'll be much more equipped to help you than we will.
  22. frizzank I think the point was that if you remove the models entirely, the cfgs won't work, hence the request that if you do decide to remove the models from FASA you allow others, under appropriate license, to distribute those models as needed. Do like the new heatshield a lot, and I think it should be relatively easy to use the burnt effect.
  23. Apologies for that assumption; usually what happens when someone says they have "no parts" is that they didn't download a release, and thus parts don't have their correct tech nodes set (and they thus don't appear in the start node).
  24. Good show pointing out that link, I want to second the motion. If I recall, the CKAN team were brainstorming how to do this with various file system tricks; it's dead easy on Linux but less so on Windows, but I have faith they'll get there.
  25. Linux x64 isn't just supported, it's recommended. But if you must run on Windows, use -force-opengl and that should cut your RAM usage markedly (I dropped from 3.3GB to 1.2GB, and adding part packs won't materially change ram usage).
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