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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. The problem with nerfinig atmo Isp only, as people who use KIDS with that option and "thrust scales with Isp" on can attest, is that you need to nerf atmo Isp to like 1/2 what Vac Isp is (at least) to try to make up the difference. Then your engines double in thrust (or more) between the ground and 20km up. If you want a taste of what that would be like, try only using LV-909s and Poodles on your rockets, no other engines.
  2. As people have been pointing out, putting a very light, very draggy materials bay under your heavy pod is like trying to balance a dart on your palm...feathers first. Or trying to throw a dart feathers first. Guess how well that will work. It's true that stock isn't as good at modeling body lift as FAR is (though it's also true stock does model it), so that makes these sorts of things less stable than they might be, but you _do_ have to observe some sanity in your reentry vehicles. ola: as the thread has been pointing out, capsules are stable. It's when you add very large very light things on their bottom, they become unstable.
  3. Place them much higher on the pod, so the pod shields them.
  4. I wouldn't say "joints wobbling, thus causing deflection aero forces and deflected thrust" are exactly phantom forces...
  5. Aerodynamics actually matters now. That means if you put a light, draggy thing below a heavy thing, the craft will orient so the light draggy thing is behind the heavy pointed thing.
  6. Yes. The hardcoded "this level of building unlocks x" stuff is moddable now thanks to Mu.
  7. Known issue. For once part makers have to actually update their part packs (if they were lazy and didn't set node orientations correctly).l
  8. Solar flux is modeled. Orient such that minimal area is pointing towards the sun and maximal area away.
  9. And the engines come with their own built-in supply of nuclear fuel, you don't add it yourself. You add the propellant (LH2, LCH4, etc).
  10. Even 8192x4096 means 5km x 5km pixels at the equator. I suggest looking into RSS Visual Enhancements, in the Dev subforum.
  11. I can see the argument for general reliability issues. But I would very much like to know, in a simulation, if I've pushed my engines' burn times so long they're very likely to fail... Maybe Agathorn could add a toggle?
  12. It's possible there's an EngineIgnitor issue; try warping for a few hours and see if it goes unstable by then.
  13. Markelius: and I just explained you can't do that with that model. RCS uses Y and engines use Z. You will need to add a new thrust transform to the model, oriented correctly for engine use, to get the thrust to come out of the hole.
  14. While wings may well have finally moved on to partmodules by then, varying deflectionLiftCoeff will probably still work fine (just via partmodule rather than class Winglet, if they have).
  15. Not seeing RP-0 there, so I'm not causing the locking, at least. Not sure if anything else you have might do that...?
  16. It's not that wobble is back. It's that it's always been present, but being hidden by the fact that aero didn't use to actually be aero. People who've flown with FAR know that wetnoodlism has never been gone though .23.5 did help a lil' bit (but nerfed struts). And yes, it'd be nice if the streamers actually took the time and effort to figure out how new aero worked before lolsplosions.
  17. I believe the OP's question was about the SPH stability overlay that Harv talked about (and showed) in the dev notes. Since there's been no mention of it since Max mentioned things might get cut, and it's not been seen on any streams...
  18. RCS thruster transforms use a different 'thrust axis' than engines do. Who knows why, they do. That means your 'thrust axis' is probably pointing inside the model, and thus not providing any thrust (since it's inside a collider).
  19. blackrack: It's a bad idea IMO: from far away PQS will look either look much, much worse than the prerendered scaledspace texture+NRM, or it will lead to way too much processing overhead. And that's for Kerbin-sized stuff, let alone anything larger. :\ There's good reason PQS gets faded out and disabled as low as it does.
  20. Make sure when you start a new game you choose to 'enable' Tech Manager, and then choose the CTT as the tree.
  21. In fact, it's linked as recommeded right at the top of the OP
  22. Uh...payload fractions vary in real life, but let's recall that, say, Falcon Heavy masses about 1500 tonnes and lofts 50 tonnes of payload (notionally). Perhaps the most efficient current LV, Delta IV, can loft 28 tons to LEO off ~750t mass (optimized for LEO it could do a bit better, but not much)--and that's all-hydorlox, not kero + hydro.
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