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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Falcon Coupe: protip, that's what coco146 is talking about. coco146: RO will not play with stock career. Use [ur=http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/103196-0-25-Realistic-Progression-Zero-%28RP-0%29-Lightweight-RealismOverhaul-career-mode]RP-0, the career mod for RO.
  2. It gets ignored. MM runs based on passes. The first pass that a patch fits, the patch is run and removed from the list. Consider NODE:FOR[bar]:AFTER[Foo] That will actually run on the Bar pass, before Foo is run. So only use one pass operator.
  3. Skyler4856: well, then I'll need logs. Please see here (and yes, even if KSP doesn't produce a crash report, you have logs). What I can do regarding MM is to do a :FOR[RSSConfig] so MM knows it exists; you can then do NEEDS[RSSConfig].
  4. You're probably running out of memory. Use lower rez textures, uninstall part packs, increase ATM scaling, use OpenGL, that sort of thing.
  5. Well, you won't be getting much magnetism because we turn that crap off. Realism Overhaul, remember? No magic forces here. Like real life, you have to be quite precisely lined up, and closing at well under a meter per second. It's tough--but then, it's tough in real life too.
  6. Min thrust has two downsides: 1. You can't turn an engine off by thottling down. This breaks all autopilots. Further, once an engine has been enabled and then disabled, it breaks deltaV displays (because the engine is no longer enabled-but-unstaged, but now not-enabled, so it's ignored). 2. There are FX issues. IIRC (it's been a while) if using ModuleEngine, the FX will not turn off when you disable the engine (ouch). If using ModuleEnginesFX, the FX will scale based on throttle position, not thrust output.
  7. You can't, AFAIK. Fuel crossfeed works by each part having a table of parts it feeds with. Fuel lines add things to that table. It's not separated out per resource. At best you can just set different flow modes per resource (which really just means "do we ignore the table and flow everywhere (ALL_VESSEL, STAGE_PRIORITY), or do we use the table (STACK_PRIORITY) or do we not flow at all (NO_FLOW) ).
  8. SorryDave: Sorry, Dave. One of them is 4chan, and you can guess how positive *they* are. And yet they get news well before we do. :]
  9. Between the boosters? :] Though by that point you probably don't have enough air to really need a statically stable rocket, your gimbal will be enough authority to counteract instability. (Do get TheClaw's stock bug fixes mod, stickied in Addon Releases, as otherwise your decouplers won't work right)
  10. regex, you used it first, I just popularized it. cantab: I agree with you that KSP engines and tanks are wicked heavy. On the other hand, the solar system (and Kerbin itself) is wicked small--heck, Kerbin is less than a third the size of the Moon. If you fixed dry masses and structural fractions, you'd be hard pressed ever to not SSTO--indeed, most Real Life rocket stages yield more delta V than is needed for LKO. That said: do note that the SRBs have the correct dry masses for SRBs, and the NTR is actually quite good--and does not have to deal with the bane of real life NTRs, the (lack of) density of their propellants--which definitely tilts things in favor of the NTR and SRBs. If the ratios were kept, the RT-10 would mass 1.5t heavier (all of it extra dry mass, so a dry mass of 2.0) and the LV-N would mass 10 (!) tons.
  11. Yes, 'light' is the issue. Think of a dart--will it fly stably if the front of it is light or heavy? 1.1 is a bit low--I'd say safe numbers are 1.2 to 1.5, depending on staging. If you're doing vegetables, then maybe a constant 1.8 is fine--the low starting TWR is predicated on it increasing quickly from a traditionally-staged LV. To check stability, turn on CoM and CoL, and verify that at *all* times the CoM is in front of the CoL. That means testing both full and empty, and each stage separately. Or just add fins to the bottom to be safe.
  12. chrisl: No problem. Answered on the RO thread. (And they were right: the deal is we get to use the parts but frizzank gets to not have to deal with the questions. )
  13. Sounds like we need to change Adapter to Adapter Shroud so FAR shields the parts inside it.
  14. While the mechanics behind this have been explained rather well, I think it's time we maybe had some cold hard facts. That might make it easier for some to grasp. Now, this chart is taking the current maxThrust as the maximum thrust, so in atmosphere thrust will be lower. If, in fact, they decide to go the other way, then, well, it'll be a different chart, but the ratios will hold. This is as of .25, IIRC. Engine Mass Thrust SL Thr. IspSL/V LV-1/LV-1R 0.03 4 3 220 290 24-77 0.09 20 17 250 300 48-7S 0.10 30 26 300 350 LV-909 0.50 50 38 300 390 LV-N 2.25 60 17 220 800 Mark 55 Radial 0.90 120 109 290 320 Aerospike 1.50 175 174 388 390 RAPIER (Rocket) 1.20 175 156 320 360 LV-T45 1.50 200 173 320 370 LV-T30 1.25 215 186 320 370 Poodle 2.00 220 152 270 390 Skipper 3.00 650 562 320 370 Mainsail 6.00 1500 1333 320 360 LFB KR-1x2 6.00 2000 1706 290 340 Kerbodyne KR-2L 6.50 2500 1842 280 380 S3 KS-25x4 9.75 3200 2844 320 360 EDIT: Oh, and if you've ever used ModuleRCSFX to fix stock bugs, well, this is one of the stock bugs it fixes. So you've been having corrected thrust without knowing it. :]
  15. Northstar1989: I have already stated my position on this suggestion. If you'd like to have it implemented, I suggest forking and doing so--RF has an open license, and as you point out you have enough changes you want to make that a fork seems very reasonable.
  16. Yep, I can write a quick MM to hide all those parts. It won't unload the assets though. Someone should be able to write a script for the latter, though, without too much trouble--it would pull from MM's ConfigCache and then crossreference with existing prune lists.
  17. Hmm. The danger here is that RSS is used for a number of different things (even just changing atmosphere glow) so NEEDS[RealSolarSystem] isn't sufficient. A human should be about 2x that, counting the suit.
  18. There's quite a few bugs with minThrust, though, which I reported back when .23.5 was released. RF has to work around them.
  19. Note that if your save *does* break (make a backup first!) it's very easy to hand-edit to fix.
  20. Northstar1989: As I mentioned before, while your formula is very useful for people making engine configs where insufficient information exists (though I remind you that it does need a fair amount of information itself, which can itself be rather hard to find), I don't have plans to use it in RF at this time. Also, StarwasTer has pointed this out a number of times, and I will now as well. It's a T not an H. junkie_business: If you can't find data on the mixture ratio, you might have better luck finding data on the tankage of the stage to which the engine is attached; that might specify how many kg of each propellant is stored, and thus give you the MR.
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