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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. ....but the RVE mod depends on up-to-date KSP / RSS and DDS textures. I'm confused.
  2. lurkoholic: you're making sense. Stop making sense. SOKERBAL! chrisl: as I mentioned, known issue. taniwha's gotten some other bugs sorted so I just need to fix this if he hasn't yet, and we'll be good.
  3. Needs an Override telling ATM to make it a normal map. It should already be in the ATM configs though....weird.
  4. Yemo, I'm going to move this to releases per your request, but on examining the zip I'd like you to do a couple things. 1. When you state your license in the OP, please make clear that the plugins you are bundling are under their own respective licenses (MM, MiniAVC) and per the terms of the addon rules link either to their source or to their threads (which contain links to source). Please include the same in your readme. 2. You need not include readme and license for Proc Parts, merely a statement that your mod contains work derived from Proc Parts and that such work is thus released as CC-BY-SA. Including the readme is rather confusing, since the mod itself is not included.
  5. And by interesting you mean completely and utterly expected.... We've already had jokes about how gender identity is totally like claiming you're an air conditioner, we've had redacted posts questioning women's intelligence...and then we have the OP itself. Folks, KSP is supposed to be a welcoming community. Let's bloody act like it.
  6. Err, depends on how long that TWR lasts. An SSTO that starts at 2.4? Bad news. An LV with boosters that go 2.4->3.0 over the course of 30 seconds, then back to 1.2 after separation? Not a problem at all.
  7. You should also have little launchpad icons next to the red dots. When you hover over them, they will state the name of the launch site. Click one to swap to it.
  8. undercoveryankee: Actually, we *do* have permission to do that with Squad assets in GameData. But these aren't Squad assets, so the license (in the OP) is different.
  9. praise the suuun: you will need an old texture pack, the DDS texture packs won't work in a version of RSS that old.
  10. I believe that's RF's fault, I think PP handles the new code (that doesn't check Part.mass as a sane check would, but requires some other interface to use...) in .90.
  11. Well, that would certainly explain it. The thread says this is for .90, so...it's for .90.
  12. If you openly doubt the existence of a group, don't be surprised if they're a bit reticent to announce themselves to you... >.>
  13. LAN descirbes the plane of your orbit: literally it is the longitude (in the invariant plane) where your ascending node is, i.e. where the orbit crosses the invariant plane going up. Argument of periapsis describes the location of your periapsis in the orbit. You don't actually have to know what it means, however--here's how you match it. First, you need to launch when your launch site crosses the orbit. That will mean you can launch into the plane of the orbit (assuming the orbit's inclination is equal to or greater than your launch site's latitude--if not, you will have to match planes later, just get as close as you can or pick another launch site). Launch and try to match inclination on the way up. Once you get into orbit, try matching planes by burning at the AN or DN of your-orbit-vs-the-target-orbit. If that is too expensive, burn prograde at the AN (or DN) to move the apogee to the opposite node, and make it very far out; when you are at the apogee of a highly eccentric orbit you're nearly standing still so plane changes are cheap. Once you've matched planes within a degree or three, it's time to shift Ap and Pe around. Find a spot where your orbital track is at the same altitude as the target orbit, and create a node there, burning radially (and prograde/retrograde as necessary) to make the Ap and Pe match the target ones.
  14. Uh, I can't. What that was, was me giving Snjo some information on how he can fix Hangar Extender for .90, not some magic thing you can just drop in and compile fresh. That's a source file from a completely different mod. :]
  15. romanasul: Yep! Whenever you right-click on a tank and choose 'Show GUI', or are in Action Group Editor mode and click on a tank, the tank GUI will appear. That's how you set up what resources you want the part to contain. One resource all tanktypes can hold is LeadBallast. Just add how many liters of it you want. For my Vanguard I had like at least half a ton in the second stage....
  16. I am unaware of such. However, you can do @MODULE[foo],0 // the first @MODULE[foo],1 // the second and so forth (same with @NODE,0 and @key,0 btw)
  17. No, it's the responsibility of the person who created the metadata in the first place to keep it updated. In the case of mods released on KS or GIthub, that happens automatically, but for stuff only on Curse (or other places that don't offer up metadata themselves) it has to be done by a human. However, the nice thing about CKAN is that *any* human can do it, and in particular CKAN does not pester (and its users should not pester) the author of the mod. Seriously folks, you want to discuss CKAN? You want to discuss mods on CKAN? Please take it to the CKAN thread.
  18. chrisl: great! romanasul: You're quite right! The problem is this. Consider Titan I, it had a propellant mass fraction that is unheard of today despite being designed in the 1950s, whereas the Able/Delta stage had incredibly heavy tanks (R-7 too). How do you handle that? Well, if you're me, you add LeadBallast as needed...you can't just say "all early tanks are heavy" because then you cannot replicate early rockets. Now, part of the difference is that the R-7's engines were fairly heavy, and the R-7 tank strength was considerable compared to Titan (built by an aircraft manufacturing company), and that can be reflected by reliability when Testflight is integrated....but for now, feel free to judiciously add leadballast. Oh, and make sure you don't use one of the Balloon tank types--those are even lighter, because of Atlas/Centaur. EDIT: v0.21 is out! This release made possible by a ton of help from Agathorn! Thanks so much! *Available on CKAN again (all dependencies updated). *Fix HSF contracts spawning too early. *Finally, RP-0 will tag parts that it does not yet support, or does not yet fully support. No more cheaty mccheaters! (Or at least cheaters unaware they are cheating.) *Add support for blackheart's fairings (thanks bax!). *Fix problems from zeroing surface science. They now have a multiplier of 0.00001 rather than 0. *Add WIP AIES support (fairings, engines, satellite busses). *Support FASA LMDE/LMAE too. *Move remaining RealChute chutes to start node.
  19. It's rather more like 3+x the values, recalling that FAR means LKO is ~3200m/s total with losses. Recall from the Cape it's 9.3km/sec, TLI is 3.1-3.3 km/sec, LOI is ~800m/s, lunar landing/ascent is ~2km/sec, etc.
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