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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. biohazard15: It is a known issue that EVE can do that only in the sense that it is a known issue that *anything* that pushes KSP Win x64 over the 4GB limit will. It has nothing to do with any particular mod. Please read the READ FIRST sticky before accusing a single mod of problems that have nothing to do with any mod and everything to do with KSP .24 Winx64 instead.
  2. Welcome! Calculating payload is tricky; how much delta V is needed to reach orbit is a complex function of TWR and flight path, and how much delta V is available is a function not just of fuel carried but of how long you spend at what pressure in an atmosphere. As a general rule you should add payload until you have 4500m/s of *vacuum* delta V available; if you fly a decent ascent, that should be enough to get into orbit.
  3. While this sounds like a neat idea, I have to admit my skepticism (and not a little fear) regarding plugins that go around blocking other plugins. I think it might be much safer to offer an exposed interface for toggling functionality and let plugin authors adopt it (as toolbar did).
  4. Padishar: A number of them do, IIRC, besides which as I understand it SQUAD has access to Unity source anyway and can find and fix it if it is indeed a pointer-casting issue.
  5. I'm aware of the issue. Haven't had time to fix it yet. Does that craft do it *every* time you launch? Can you upload the craft (with no mods by PP) and/or replication steps?
  6. The Mettworks cockpit by Mettwurst is modeled on the F-104's cockpit. You can get it from my Reaching for the Clouds pack. You can get a bubble canopy from Firespitter. You can get an F-16 cockpit from Nazari's special projects mod.
  7. It's built around stations. prat is pressure ratio, and the number (or pair of numbers) is the station where the ratio applies. i..e prat3 is the pressure ratio for the compressor (station 3), aka the Compressor Pressure Ratio (CPR).
  8. Could be that the TGA loader throws and the PNG loader doesn't, and the throwing trips on the memory bug? Away on a trip now, can't dig into it right now, sorry. :\
  9. I posted in the other thread about textures, but I'll post here too. Go here for details on how KSP *actually handles textures. tl;dr aside from some loader bugs ATM fixes, and leaks in the texture loader (minor, IIRC), format on disk doesn't matter a bit.
  10. Yep*, but then there's no point since the threshold is the same as 32bit's threshold, and you get all sorts of other issues (like the right click bug) in x64, so you might as well stay with 32bit. *although note that KSP *does* convert textures to RAM-efficient format, that's why it takes so long to load. All you can do is use ATM and scale the resolution of the textures down. Note that format on disk has no impact on format in memory; everything gets converted to DXT, basically. See here for more details.
  11. Please read this thread in its entirety, and be aware you are going against the explicit wishes of many, many mod-makers. So long as it remains links, no one will have a problem, but be prepared for devs refusing to support anyone who uses their mods via a modpack; and be prepared for license closures if you go ahead with it. Further, note that (as just one tiny example of the problems inherent in modpacking), you're linking to a very outdated version of Chatterer. I haven't even checked the rest of the links.
  12. I really have nothing to add to that excellent post. Well, ok, one thing: if something internal in KSP 32bit broke, that's the same kind of useless stack trace you'd see, because SQUAD (to no purpose, and to much decrease in speed and added difficulty) obfuscates their code in the DLLs. Which is silly, because they also then by the rules don't allow us to look into the DLL anyway so what's the point.
  13. No problem! I could well be misremembering, so don't take it as gospel (although I have, indeed, not seen any issues myself...)
  14. Please read the READ FIRST sticky. The reason KSP Win x64 crashes is do to with KSP/Unity itself, *not* mods. The issue, however, *is* triggered with high memory usage (and therefore *usually* unreplicatable in unmodded KSP).
  15. I still have SF2 (and First Eagles and Il-2 1946) installed as well. Did a fair amount of modding for SF2 and FE, actually. Good engine. Pretty amazing you can do everything from 1914 to 2014 in it.
  16. 1. Modpacks are generally a bad idea (see here for a recent discussion). 2. The licenses of the mods you have selected prevent packing together anyway.
  17. Career mode right now is unbalanced, as Squad readily admits (they have other fish to fry). That's neither here nor there.
  18. Wow. Never have I seen a more helpful post! Devilminer: I suggest looking at this sticky, it will help in troubleshooting.
  19. I'd suggest PMing r4m0n; that does sound like a server issue.
  20. Assuming the issues remain even after you get RF installed and working properly: 1. As of the latest RealFuels, you should see an autoconfigure option in a fuel tank for attached RCS. Note, however, that RCS propellants follow stack flow rules, not allvessel rules, so you need a valid crossfeed between the fuel tank and the thruster. If in doubt, place a 24-77 in the same spot and configure the fuel tank for that engine; if it doesn't fire, neither will RCS. 2,3. Please check the 2nd post in the Realism Overhaul thread. It has various extra patches, including one for RT2. 4. That sounds very incorrect. I would suggest following the troubleshooting steps in the RO thread's first post, and if that fails post there to let RedAV8R know. The Mk1 pod should have a mass of about a ton, and the MK1-2 about 4 tons. 5. I'll check that out. Should only happen if the parachute is deployed. 6. No idea. Reproduction steps? Hattivat: It broke Real Solar System, which has since been patched. I don't know of any issues with RF...
  21. Your best bet would be to also look through the Docs page of the Calcs spreadsheet in post 2. That should explain more stuff.
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