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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. MaxP: there's quite a few other FASA parts in the crafts, though. For instance, the RL-10 engine, some solids, tank parts IIRC, etc.
  2. Yes, that. Also, blizzy said he's not supporting (i.e. helping people with) KSP Windows x64. If you have linux x64, that's stable; and there's nothing stopping you from running toolbar in KSP Win x64, just don't ask for help. (Also, this "Unfortunately this also means his mod is especially bad at playing well in 64 bit and will remain so for the foreseeable future.." just means you really don't understand the 64bit issues at all. They are not mod related, and toolbar has nothing to do with them.)
  3. Dual-boot, I wouldn't think performance would be good enough in a VM. And 64bit linux is definitely the answer.
  4. Thanks! When you get back, can you put it in the zip too? The forum rules require that too...
  5. Pretty much anything you do for *personal use* is fine (showing screenshots of derivative work is...iffy), but if you want to *share* changes then you do need permission / for toby to clarify the license (no license = assumed All Rights Reserved).
  6. A license in both the opening post *and* the downloadable file, please. Here's a handy-dandy guide. (As it stands the addon is not in compliance with the Rules, but as I know you're new to this stuff if you have the license up soon there's no need to yank the addon right now. ) That said, as I said on the dev thread, cool!
  7. Thanks! Alas there is no video, partly because KSP was crashing every few minutes (last time either of us touched KSP Win x64). MaxP: If you just deleted FASA parts without replacing them, then things are going to be very, very strange for all the craft that use FASA parts. Also, it'd be great if you added a readme to the zip so it complies with the license in the first post
  8. acore and inlet area are both in square feet. 11sqft means a *core* diameter of 1.14 meters, which seems plausible enough for the 1.25m RAPIER. It does, however, mean you need an *intake* that is 1.14m in diameter--not an intake mount, but the intake itself. taniwha sized intake area based off the model itself...
  9. It still comes bundled with the config, you just install Custom Asteroids yourself. (Custom Asteroids apparently has problems on linux, so I decided to not force-bundle it.)
  10. Also, merged the threads. Please don't post duplicate threads
  11. Then you need to follow the instructions in the READ FIRST sticky. Because clearly something's breaking...
  12. Is your *engine* using .45/.55 though? Also, are you sure there are no other tanks can feed? Try a vessel with only this tank.
  13. That's what camlost is proposing, I believe: not replacing velocityCurve, but adding to its effect the effect of air density. Also, you should try out AJE.
  14. Nope, what's going on is this: Radial decouplers have fuel crossfeed. People don't notice it in stock because *usually* the things you put them on don't have crossfeed *in* (i.e. tanks). But with CrossFeedEnabler, suddenly they do. Instead, you should (as Squad should) disable crossfeed on your radial decouplers.
  15. Won't be long now, just tidying up the last bug.
  16. Einkleinermensch: find Europa in the RealSolarSystem.cfg file. Then inside that node look for PQSMod_VertexColorMapBlend set the blend = 1.0 line to blend = 0.6 Then try it. Then tweak the number to taste.
  17. <mod voice>If any of this were in violation, the thread would be locked and deleted. It's not. And that's all there is to it.</mod voice> Please return to your normal threadly activities.
  18. Then you might still have too much memory usage even with ATM. Post logs. (see the READ FIRST support sticky).
  19. Yes, that link works. Your problem is KSP Windows 64bit. Check the READ FIRST sticky for details.
  20. That's a link to your own dropbox, not a shared link. Also, I'd bet that the issue is over-memory; follow the READ FIRST sticky's guide to getting ATM installed.
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