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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. You should be able to iterate through SortedShipList and add to up all the part.mass + sum(part.Resources amount * density).
  2. I think a Mach .67 limit would be news to Rare Bear (528mph) Unless it's doing it on exhaust thrust? Didn't think the R-3350 was set up for that.
  3. Neat! Also, as of .23.5, node size matters for stock KSP too, since the joints are different/stronger based on node size. You always want a node of size (diameter / 1.25), with size 0 = 0.625m.
  4. Install it exactly as the readme tells you, start a new save game in sandbox mode, check out the part list.
  5. Moved to General Addon Affairs, where people are more likely to know (the Support (modded installs) forum is for help with mod issues, not finding mods).
  6. I think you may be worrying too much about edge cases; I think it quite likely that the engines can be sorted into two groups. 1. Engines with reasonable velocity curves (and probably done by Taverius ) 2. Engines with copy-pasted SQUAD curves. There will probably be a few that don't fit, but really, you should be safe in simply detecting each curve and replacing it, since the number of distinct curves is low, and if the curve doesn't match one you know about, then give it some reasonable-performance curve.
  7. That may or may not be the same as the Realism Overhaul RT2 patch (post #2 in RO thread) by CerberusRCAF. That has groundstations for all launch sites in RSS.
  8. It doesn't. Planet/moon textures are normal maps, not color maps, and assigned based on slope. Color is assigned by vertex color, which you set by various PQSMods.
  9. Yep. OnSave it would create a node for each dynamic module and call each dynamic module's OnSave on those nodes; OnLoad it would recreate the modules (if they don't exist) and call their onloads on the nodes.
  10. Einkleinermensch: sorry, what appears? Other than the terrain having too high specularity, I'm not seeing a problem....? Tyrador: Yeah, I disabled the stock landclass system (that creates scatter) because it isn't fine enough for RSS (it allows setting land classes by latitude/longitude/altitude, which at best allows rectangular areas). Best bet is to hold off til rbray recreates it.
  11. I have edited the download link back now that the most recent release is compliant with the rules.
  12. Not as far as I know. Also, it's a bit of a pain, because dynamic modules don't exist OnLoad and therefore won't load persistent data.
  13. In fact, that's the reason clamps are in the game.
  14. Ah, sorry about that! But it actually is: frizzank has been very clear that RO is free to modify FASA parts, so long as RO-related issues are not posted in this thread.
  15. No, what's deprecated is the Releases on the Release page, not the x64-release or x86-release on the main page of the Overhaul branch. It's a bit confusing, but those are the latest releases of Overhaul.
  16. Please don't report RO issues here. If you checked the RO thread, where they belong, you'd see it's a known issue in RealChutes, and RedAV8R is working on an RO-side fix until stupid_chris has time to fix the RealChutes patch. The TACLS change is because in v0.9pre and v0.10 (current released version) TACLS switched to 1 unit = 1 liter, which means any parts offering TACLS compatibility will need to radically revise their resource complements.
  17. Apologies; I have to pull the links until the license issues (see PM as well) are resolved.
  18. The OP says: "- it works only with FAR and stock drag (actually, stock drag is probably broken in the current release) at this time ; NEAR integration and others coming soon" Reading opening posts is good policy.
  19. Yeah, that's not supported by Tweakable Parameters right now. I was planning to make the curves customizable somehow ingame, but...not yet. You can use HoneyFox's engine thrust controller instead, though.
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