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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Yeeeees, come to github. Then, for instance, instead of telling you about the error I could have sent a PR.
  2. On the other hand, if you play with Real Fuels and realistic masses for things, it turns out that *then* you need about the same rocket you would in pure-stock KSP. Hence why 6.4 is about right for "stock feel, realistic parts"
  3. 5thHorseman: No, I'm saying that that maxim may only hold in soupodynamics. I'm not exactly sure how to find the optimal trajectory with real aerodynamics (let alone semi-real no-mach-effects aerodynamics). You'll just have to test things.
  4. Interstage adapters themselves DO NOT DECOUPLE. That decoupler is there only so MJ and KER understand it's not crossfeeding. The whole point of the interstage adapter is that the fairings support the weight of what's above it (that's why that floating node is floating, and not supported by the adapter itself. Therefore to actually decouple whatever is attached to that node, you decouple the fairings. e-dog: can you please add something like this to the FAQ? It's not exactly intuitive, and is asked every week or so.
  5. Check the PQS { } node for each planet. For planets that have an ocean, they need both (taking Kerbin as example Kerbin { } in the PQS node, and also, below that node KerbinOcean { } Note that you don't need anything *inside* the KerbinOcean node, it just has to be there. Same for Laythe to get Titan's ocean.
  6. Changelog v7.2 \/ *Add camera clip distance changing to the inflight GUI (ALT+G) *Moved to using a ModuleManager patch for Custom Asteroids, since it has some issues in .24.2. Use CustomAsteroids only if you want... *Change the name of the Mercury heightmap in the cfg; the texture has a typo in its name, and rather than having everyone redownload textures, I merely changed the cfg to not have an i in the filename. *Fix big bug with Watchdog (no more black skies) *Add patch for (forthcoming) RealHeat for RSS atmospheres. *Change Earth atmosphere and surface coloration a bit *Add metaphor's curves for Venus, Mars, and Titan. *Do garbage collection during RSS run (thanks Addie!). RSS should work at higher memory loads in 32bit.
  7. Then either you don't have the latest Toolbar, didn't upgrade it correctly, or don't actually have .24.2.
  8. I, too, used the M-50 as F-1 (and indeed RftS still makes that change, although it's a "German" F-1). They looked quite like it, as did the original (pre-NovaSilisko) KSP liquidengine.
  9. I don't follow the first part of what you're saying. The second part, though: PF interstage does have code to disable shrouds on engines attached to it.
  10. By more, actually, since mach effects are removed in NEAR. Use KIDS, if it bothers you.
  11. Also, the "normal" flag in MBM also leads to it not being compressed, which is sometimes undesirable (low-frequency normal maps will be OK compressed--that, indeed, is *why* Unity uses that format, so it can use 4 bits per channel per pixel rather than 4 bits for 3 channels.)
  12. explosionPotential is still in use; I believe it modifies the size of explosion an exploding part generates. The other two are from classes that aren't used anymore.
  13. The old Bearcat has no tankbutt though! Therefore it wins by default. Although this new engine is quite pretty. Ah, I see biohazard15 made the same point. But I bet s/he hates tankbutts less than I though
  14. The issue is that you're doing filename.ToUpper(), and only Windows is a case-insensitive OS. You need to specify the exact, cased, filename in your code. Also you can safely always use '/' as directory separator; Windows is fine with that.
  15. Starwaster: actually that's happily obsolete as of v7.x--I finally made that fail gracefully. blane048: your issue is an oversight of mine. I will shortly release v7.2, which will fix it. For now, remove the maxLevel = 14 line from the Pol {} node. Also: jsimmons, OP updated.
  16. ThorFinn: ferram would have an actual answer; all I can tell you is "it stiffens things up a lot still."
  17. aiwaplay: yes. You will need to remove the orbit nodes from all planets in the CFG, any mention of radii in the atmosphere nodes or the main planet sections, change all the deformities so they look right for stock-scale planets. blane048: Doesn't show what planets? Do you mean you don't see *any* planets? How do you even get to Space Center view if there's no Kerbin? mecki: cool. You might want to mention the issue in the CustomAsteroids thread. Bluechance: Check the FAQ first. Then try a clean install of *just* KSP and RSS, with the 2048 texture pack. If that still fails, post your output_log.txt / player.log (NOT ksp.log). braininator: yowza! I haven't looked into scaling PQSCities, but I don't offhand see a reason they couldn't be.
  18. mecki: go to the main menu, then settings, and ensure it's set to Earth time, not Kerbal time.
  19. The second part is correct. The reasoning is that Squad finally realized that things were too wobbly. PhysX (indeed any physics engine) has issues when a very light object is attached to a heavy object, and has *very* big issues when a light object is sandwiched between two heavy objects. If you put a light decoupler between two very heavy 3.75m tanks, you're going to get wobble. Physicsless parts are essentially skipped for joints; the joints are created between the parts attached to the physicsless part (i.e. tank-tank, rather than tank-decoupler-tank). This greatly decreases wobble, at the cost of making KSP prone to crashing if you don't use the decoupler juuuuust right (see known issues thread).
  20. I would suggest posting in those threads, as it will require changes in those mods.
  21. Yeah, modpacking is both (a) really not necessary for KSP, and ( leads to all sorts of support issues. Your best bet IMO is to direct them to the support forum...
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