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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. HOLEEE SMOKES. DennyTX, that's so awesome! I've just been bemoaning the lack of real-looking LR-87/91, and made one out of Lack's reworked LV-T45 Having a real one would be awesome. That said, can you make a single LR-87, and a single LR-87 with an upper stage (~40:1 expansion) nozzle? For LR-87 LH2... Let alone uber-detailed UA120Xs and Titans, and a real-looking Transtage...this is Christmas
  2. Yep, sorry, not a project I plan to take on right now. Also, PP is set up for stock, anyway, so don't expect realism. That said, ferram and I *are* finally rewriting DRE, so you'll get real-world performance if you stat your heat shields correctly.
  3. Hattivat: That sounds like maybe the shield was attached to the capsule via its *bottom* node, and so only the *top* node of the shield counts as "open" for FAR. An open node "in front of" a part adds a ton of drag (FAR treats it as a flat surface of diameter nodesize) whereas an open node "behind" a part adds only a little drag.
  4. It seems to just be an issue with the way Custom Asteroids works. For now, you probably should just remove that folder :\
  5. No, landclass is purely height-based, i.e. if a vertex is between the altitude and that altitude, (and, optionally, in this longitude/latitude area), it gets color x. Neighbor altitude bands can be set to bleed into each other (with/without noise). Think about, say, the sand you get in stock KSP: purely dependent on "less than [say] 20 meters above sea level"
  6. DennyTX: while you're working on this (yay! ) I have a question about the heatshield. I notice it has pegs, but I've never seen the actual capsule's heatshield with pegs. Were you maybe modeling it after a display model that had pegs for mounting?
  7. landeTLS: yes to all of that. astroboy: Kerbals are, right now, treated like humans. That means you can't survive >6G indefinitely, and >30 is quickly fatal, and between that it depends how long and how high the G load. The math is all in the readme and in DeadlyReentry.cfg; suffice it to say that you don't want to be above 10G for more than a minute or two, IIRC. Toshogu: this sounds like an install problem. Nuke your DeadlyReentry folder, download a fresh copy, extract the folder to GameData. Also make sure you have only one Module Manager dll anywhere in GameData (search for ModuleManager* )
  8. #1 is known, expected, and fine. That's because there's no resource data when it loads the curve, apparently. If you get issues in flight, let us know. #2 is a headdesker. I never got around to fixing that typo. The second one is "Fuel remaining." They were only ever for debugging, although I'll probably leave % Rated Thrust in. EDIT: Fixes for both will be in the next RF. EDIT EDIT: too busy fixing, not enough thanking. Thanks to you both, YANFRET and Woopert!
  9. And by 99% do you mean "99% of crewed spacecraft"? Satellites still largely use actual monopropellants, to the best of my knowledge. Mostly hydrazine (although there are various "green" proposals). Today's GPS birds are NTO/(some-hydrazine-deriv), but lots others are hydrazine.
  10. Yes. You can move the island PQSCity just like the KSC PQSCity. Also, regarding texturing--while the normal map comes from the shader (and is switched out based on slope), the color comes from the LandClass, and you should probably tweak it more. Just about every parameter of LandClass is supported by RSS. If you want to see changes in realtime, Kittopia can probably edit landclass in realtime?
  11. You definitely need to be using ModuleRCSFX. ModuleRCS is quite literally broken when using PROPELLANT nodes: only one direction of a thrusterpack will fire. You can distribute it with this if you like. Just make sure to keep it updated off my fork.
  12. This sounds like an installation issue. Remove your RealFuels folder, download fresh, extract the RealFuels folder in the zip to KSP/GameData, and try again.
  13. Does anyone have real data on heat shields? ferram4 and I are reworking Deadly Reentry and I figured this would be a good place to ask. (In git, Mercury now has stats that will closely mimic its actual performance if you use the latest DRE in git)
  14. Apologies, I was confused for a sec. atmosphereCurve is used always; I thought Justin Kerbice was talking about pressureCurve (which is a CelestialBody property). atmosphereCurve relates pressure (in atmospheres, i.e. 101.325kPa of pressure) to Isp. key = 1.0 does not mean "sea level" it means "1.0atm of pressure." Since Duna, at sea level, has rather less than 101.325kPa of pressure, sea level on Duna does not equate to 1.0 on the atmosphereCurve. Unlike the fact that in real life thrust, not fuel flow is proportional to Isp (so thrust varies with Isp, fuel flow is constant--what, does the turbopump suddenly work harder at sea level!?), this variance of Isp purely by pressure *is* true to life.
  15. This will supersede the plugin part of RSS (well, 90% of it--there's some odds and ends that will live on). RSS, absent extra bits like the solar panel fixer (although Kopernicus might want to use that too) and KSCSwitcher will be just a set of configs for Kopernicus.
  16. Well, other than a vector not being normalized (I *think* that's the issue) ModuleRCS works fine. It's got most fixes in.
  17. atmosphereCurve is used only when body.useLegacyAtmosphere is false. If you get vessel.staticPressure that should be valid either way.
  18. Known bug. Use ModuleRCSFX. Also, my .24 build of ModuleRCSFX I stripped out the EFFECTS code since no one was using it; I can add it back in.
  19. That's weird. It used to say. I'll fix that.
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