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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Why? It's using only already-released parts anyway. Pretty funny that the screenshot has the engines in full emissive, though.
  2. Please check with ferram4 about how to create the wings such that FAR can handle them properly. Ain't no point in a warbird with no FAR support.
  3. This sounds really, really awesome! Modularity is key--also, making things surface-attachable rather than stuck with a fuselage.
  4. Wow! I have a radical suggestion: you modded Il-2? Mod plane parts here. For example, some nice inline and radial engines, canopies, landing gear... I've been focusing on airplanes a lot recently, and would love to get more plane parts in.
  5. Morrigi: so it crashed while loading? Are you running Active Texture Management? If not, do so, in aggressive mode. If it still crashes on load, start with a clean install and install mods one at a time until something breaks.
  6. According to the Issues page, it's not. (It's also not changing tank volume the way it should, at least in the code in git.) If it works for you, let me know; I get mixed reports. It may also be that since I released a RF build since it was released, the references fail to load the plugin?
  7. You need to update Exsurgent Engineering (see the "B9 0.23 fixes" thread) and...what version of Real Fuels are you running? Probably need to update that. If it's up to date, you have an installation issue where mods are both adding the same resource. Delete RealFuels\TACLS.cfg (or whatever it's named) and delete ThunderAerospace\TACLS MFT \ AddResources.cfg (or whatever the path is). Tweakscale is also having problems; remove it from any parts that also have RF modules (like engines or tanks).
  8. Upload your output log (NOT ksp.log) to dropbox or something. Windows: KSP_win\KSP_Data\output_log.txt Mac OSX: Open Console, on the left side of the window there is a menu that says 'files'. Scroll down the list and find the Unity drop down, under Unity there will be Player.log Aka Files>~/Library/Logs>Unity>Player.log Linux: ~/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal\ Space\ Program/Player.log
  9. frizzank: the problem is not having multiple containers, but the containerModuleIndex parameter being incorrect. If you want multiple containers, then have the indices as appropriate for them both (i.e. make them the first and second MODULEs in the part, and have the containerModuleIndex of the first = 0 and of the second = 1 )
  10. re: the vessel name etc freakout. If it happens, post log. Then I can hunt. Obviously *something's* failing.
  11. The latest overhaul appears to have an issue regarding PQS fade distance, but basically looks good and certainly doesn't bug stuff out to my knowledge.
  12. Yes. But at least they are tilted *some* which is better than not at all, IMO.
  13. Hi! This is interesting--neat work! Do you have permission from InfiniteDice? The original mod's license states "no derivatives"....
  14. Earth's moon is at 5.7 degrees to the ecliptic, ~28 degrees to Earth's equator. The plane of reference in RSS is not the ecliptic, it's Earth's equator. This is why *all* the planets have massive inclinations in RSS. It's to allow the Earth to have axial tilt.
  15. http://www.fnordware.com/superpng/ That'll fix PS png handling.
  16. Sorry, I meant !PART[name] { } To be extra sure, have those {} each on separate lines from the main command. If *that* doesn't work, then it's probably a root node issue. I thought swamp_ig had fixed it so you could delete root nodes, but maybe there's been backsliding?
  17. The RCS thrusters do, it's just provided by Realism Overhaul. Example ... CONFIG { techRequired = foo } That config will only be available if: 1. Not in Career OR 2. In career and have researched the node foo }
  18. That's super weird! Well, The More You Know. (I assume you mean dipping to 10km, not dipping 10km, which would be ~59km)
  19. Hmm, Future Engines should get detected as nukes, right? If necessary you can add another check for Isp > 4000 and add another multiplier?
  20. Well, crap. Sorry, forgot that I just posted that link before I reorganized the repo. Thanks! Here is the correct link with the line number. https://github.com/NathanKell/DeadlyReentry/blob/master/DeadlyReentry/Readme_DREC.txt#L88
  21. I think the only questionable dependency is Real Fuels. We'll see how fast I can get it updated. The other required mods I don't anticipate problems with. And RO itself is just MM patches. However, there will be a flagged-as-for-.24 release of RO, and RO on .24 will not be supported until that time.
  22. Try launching a probe, giving it a 200x10km orbit, and see what happens. I'm betting it gets zapped. (My apologies for saying suborbital before; AFAIK Starwaster's right and it's purely pressure based)
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