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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Final Frontier is buggy and spams NREs like mad. Although apparently it's being updated again finally? A lot of the EVE errors are due to ATM's configs not being updated for EVE Overhaul, which rbray is fixing. Anyway: as to the errors. Always check the stack trace.. I fail to see how Final Frontier spewing NREs has anything to do with EVE. NRE is a type of exception that *any* mod can throw; all it means is you tried to do something with a variable that wasn't assigned to a valid object previously (i.e. Object foo = GetMyFoo(); foo.Bar(); // but GetMyFoo() failed and returned null, so foo is null. What I do see: Darken Sky (from Distant Objects) is NREing. ModStats is failing to load a bunch of assemblies because they were compiled to the wrong .NET framework version (people need to learn to not use the default: KSP wants 3.5). I don't see *anything* EVE-related.
  2. Well, I'm sure you can guess what my response will be: who cares about stock scales? Tweakscale and PP makes it obsolete. Keep the proportions accurate.
  3. While we're spitballing UI: have you considered applying the appropiate YPR field whenever ALT+(direction key) is pressed? That way you could leave PAD always set for 0.1 degree in each field, and then seamlessly 5-degree-rotate a part with Shift+WASDQE and then 0.1-degree-rotate a part with ALT+WASDQE?
  4. Yes, very light parts are very jiggly. Check the rescaled mass of the docking port. (For this reason it might be worth making docking ports mass more than they "should", and other things less, simply to get around the physics problems? Depends what they "should" mass anyway.)
  5. https://www.dropbox.com/s/hawo62sub1wssqt/F1%20Rocket%20Engine.zip Here's my copy.
  6. Hahahaha I just told Spanier to post here. RF doesn't do anything to solid rockets; any configs added will be an engine config pack. If you're not seeing the issue, I'm guessing there are duplicate configs hanging around. An output_log.txt will tell us, though (or player.log on mac/nix).
  7. If you're using Raptor's config, can you ask on that thread? RF itself doesn't do *anything* to solids except changing the density of solid fuel. So any changes will be via the engines config set.
  8. No problem. I do need better docs; in fact I thought I had a "LV-N how work?" question in the FAQ, but I don't. Will fix.
  9. rbray: I've just had to help about 3 people in the last day and a half with this; could you release a new version of ATM with a modified BoulderCo.cfg that also excludes BoulderCo/Atmosphere, not just BoulderCo/Clouds?
  10. Also replace your BoulderCo/Configs/BoulderCo.cfg with what I pasted above. You need to do Ralathon's if you have TR, and my post if you have ATM.
  11. Design a cone-shaped service module that continues the angle of the command pod. The Mk1-2 has a side angle of what, 40 degrees?
  12. We go through this once a month or so. Real rocket engines are *not* designed to throttle. There are two exceptions to this rule. 1. Modern high-performance lifter engines are designed to throttle, either to reduce G loads on the crew during the tail end of first stage burn, to allow for throttling down the central core in a common core/multicore setup, or to ease aerodynamic stresses at Max Q. This generally means down to about 70% rated thrust, or "shallowly throttleable" 2. Lander descent engines are designed to be "deeply" throttleable, that is down to a few to ten percent of their rated thrust. That includes the LMDE, some in-testing variants of the RL-10 designed as the cryogenic successor to the LMDE, and...that's about it. Oh, and the stuff used on, say, Viking. You can see right here the list of engines and their throttleability, or look any given engine on google and find out its throttling range. jrandom: in real life, orbital engines are the ones that *aren't* throtteable. They have many reignitions, so if you screw up you can light it again; and you have RCS to fine tune your parameters (also not throttleable; it pulses). Because, in RftS, I don't know what engines people plan to use for their landers, I'm much more generous about throttling. But this is RO.
  13. I linked to the github repo in my post above yours. If you go there and click Download Zip, you can just nuke your old AJE folder and replace it with the AJE folder in the archive. Note that it's compiled against the latest dev release of FAR, too. If you find things not working as expected, download the FAR repo and merge the GameData folder with your own to update your FAR. Changes: *Remove the IntakeAir resource from parts when AJE removes the ResourceIntake (this saves considerable mass--15 units of intake air is nothing to sneeze at for tiny prop planes!) *Jets now report their gross as well as net thrust on right-click. *Enforce engine response time when afterburner is requested but the engine is not yet at 66.7% throttle (AB threshold). As things were in 1.4, you could start the engine in full AB and it would instantly spool up, because once the *requested* throttle (not the actual throttle) is in the AB range, AJE disabled engine response time. Now it's smarter. *Source improvements: in AJESolver rename some variables for legibility and remove some code that was only there for the webapp and useless to AJE *Give intakes a flat 2x multiplier to area, until I go and actually set the areas appropriately. The existing AJE settings didn't make a lot of sense, since area should be the square footage of the intake opening, and intakes of different shape and size were sharing the same value. It also includes a pretty much completely rewritten Piston Engine class, using some code from JSBSim (the other flight dynamics model that FlightGear uses; it also uses YASim, which AJE originally used for piston engine and prop modeling), as well as a good bit of original code from me to try to model boost pressure, intercoolers/aftercoolers, turbochargers, auto-switching of superchargers/turbochargers, and other fun things. Example module: MODULE { name=AJEPropeller IspMultiplier = 1 useOxygen = true r0 = 1.4859 // propeller radius, in meters v0 = 352 // reference velocity, in knots omega0 = 1867 // reference propeller RPM rho0 = 0.69 // reference air density, in kg/m^3 power0 = 1440 // reference BHP fine = 0.2 // min multiplier to advance ratio coarse = 5 // max multiplier to advance ratio exhaustThrust = 0.0 // multiplier to exhaust thrust (carefully designed radiators and engine exhaust could provide thrust rather than drag; c.f. P-51, which has a normalized exhaustThrust of 1.0) displacement = 1829.4 // engine displacement in cubic inches compression = 6.7 // engine compression ratio omega = 1800 // 2700 RPM for the engine. Maximum propeller RPM (maximum engine RPM * gearratio) power = 1350 // BHP at maximum takeoff power (no ram air) gearratio = 0.666666666666667 // engine->propeller reduction gear ratio BSFC = 8.786E-8 // brake specific fuel consumption, in kg/kW-s. Conversion factor from lb/hp-hr = 1.68968E-07 coolerEffic = 0.5 // efficiency of the cooler. Used as interpolation factor between ambient temperature and uncooled charge air temperature, with a minimum temperature in C of coolerMin coolerMin = 0 // minimum temperature for the charge air, in C ramAir = 0.4 // a multiplier to the effectiveness of using ram air to increase charge pressure. 0 means use ambient pressure absent any dynamic pressure increase; 1.0 means use the dynamic pressure rather than the ambient pressure as the pressure for the super/turbocharger intake. boost0 = 52 // rated boost 1 (maximum manifold pressure to be maintained), in inches of mercury rated0 = 3000 // rated altitude for boost 0, in meters. STATIC. Not ram air. boost1 = 52 // rated boost 1 (maximum manifold pressure to be maintained), in inches of mercury rated1 = 5000 // rated altitude for boost 1, in meters. STATIC. Not ram air. cost1 = 54.5 // the cost (in HP) of the boost 1 (i.e. high blower) switchAlt = 3600 // the altitude to switch from low blower (boost 0) to high blower (boost 1). Note that this is interpreted ingame as a pressure altitude, taking ram air multiplier into account. So if you're rated for 3km static for boost 0, you might well not switch to boost 1 until 5km if your speed (and thus ram air pressure) is high enough wastegateMP = 52 // maximum manifold pressure, in inches of mercury. Any charge pressure beyond this will be vented by the wastegate. } It *should* be backwards compatible with prior definitions of piston engines, assuming reasonable default values.
  14. Isp multiplier (IspSL and IspV) work only with techlevels.
  15. Frankly, if it's going to be written into DRE, it's better to not use a 0-density resource, and instead, like, actually track the temperature. I do agree that the shield should be shielding the parts rather than using the stock heat transference code. Also swapping a ShieldingEffectiveness.Evalaute(dot) in, with a simple curve, should be dead easy.
  16. ZobrAA: Please install AJE cleanly (don't modify anything; nuke and reinstall if you did) and then run KSP until it hangs. Force quit it. Then: Upload your output log (NOT ksp.log) to dropbox or something. Windows: KSP_win\KSP_Data\output_log.txt Mac OSX: Open Console, on the left side of the window there is a menu that says 'files'. Scroll down the list and find the Unity drop down, under Unity there will be Player.log Aka Files>~/Library/Logs>Unity>Player.log Linux: ~/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal\ Space\ Program/Player.log ========== In other news I've put up my prop changes, my suggested cfg changes, and my beginning rework of AJESolver so variables have clearer names, to github. I need to go through the intakes and give them correct areas: for now I simply did a hack of 2x area. This is because acore (and thus intake area) is in square feet, but the values supplied in the original AJE cfg seem to be half the square footage they should be.
  17. Dang It! A Random Failure Mod Also, regex's campaign system will include a launch pad cooldown timer.
  18. Which part are you writing a config for? Is it via MM patch or editing the cfg directly? If the former, put your MM patch cfg on pastebin and tell me what part you're editing; if the latter, post the whole thing. I'll take a look.
  19. The problem with that, as I mentioned, is that there will be no way to control the ROMBUS in roll, and also no way to light only some of the engines. Also you'll get, as you say, one little bitty flame instead of lots all around the nozzle (which is what it actually will look like [n.b. that's a linear plug nozzle, not an annular one, but same thing]) I mean, if adding nodes is too hard I can do that; it's not really more modeling because you have to more or less model the same stuff anyway.
  20. Just grab a fin from the list, put symmetry on, tap ALT-Q before you apply to rocket (IIRC Q/E are the ones that will twist them correctly; might be S or A). That's what they did for, i.e., the Honest John rocket.
  21. The direction vector is the direction the shielding points in. In the VAB, up is +Y, down is -Y, left is -X, right is +X*. Towards you is +Z, away from you is -Z. *I think -X is left. But I might, ever-so-slightly-possibly, be flipped on that one. So 0, 1, 1 is "halfway between up and towards you", for example. You can use trig to get the cartesian components if you want to deal with angles... If the air smacking into you (represented by your surface prograde vector) is not aligned with that direction vector (or less aligned than (some fudge factor) ) then the shield won't do its magic.
  22. If you don't add techLevel, origTechLevel, etc, then it won't use them. Check out how the FASA engines are modded by Realism Overhaul for an example.
  23. Oh, awesome! I wanted to make sure the engine at least was not part of the tank. Because then it can be made into a heat shield, as it should be. Also, note that while there's one big plug *nozzle*, there are in fact many dozens (depends on ROMBUS / Ithacus / Ithacus Jr. / whatever version) of actual *engines*. For that reason, and so that the thing will be able to roll, I'd suggest doing the following: Make the plug nozzle just a mounting plate, and make 9 4x engine clusters (ROMBUS used 36 engines, of which 16 relit for orbital insertion, and then 4 re-relit for landing) that fit in holes in the plug nozzle mounting plate. The engines wouldn't look like engines, they'd have no real nozzle (since they just spew direct from the thrust chamber onto the plug nozzle...) but making them independent allows for (a) roll control with a gimbal plugin and ( selective relighting if you play with unthrottleable engines (and indeed ROMBUS and that whole series didn't, AFAIK, have throttleable engines; they just relit only some of the engines). I'd suggest the Falcon 9 1.1 layout for the engines, despite IRL all 36 being around the exterior of the plug nozzle (otherwise it wouldn't work as a plug nozzle. But if you're doing 9 rather than 18, you can't get symmetry when lighting only 4/36 engines unless you put one of the quads in the center.) Well, maybe just do 18 2xEngine parts? That's best if you're willing to make 18 attach nodes!
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