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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Try being more gentle. If flying with the keyboard, use capslock and "peck peck peck" the keys, don't hold them down.
  2. Sorry, totally dropped the ball on this. I'll try to get the worksheet up tonight!
  3. Lack: Back with another plane related request... :] I'm been using the heck out of your Bonanza cockpit as a WW2 razorback/birdcage canopy. Example: My request is if you could modify it such that the top is also windows (real life inspiration: F4F Wildcat) by changing the UV so the top pulls from the same area of the texture as the other windows (ideally, of course, with the same framing as the sides, not just one big piece of glass). Additional example, shown with one of your intakes to make the razorback look:
  4. ThorBeorn: Cool! And yes, that's intended: I didn't want to kill the module entirely, and I hope at some point to add increasing gimbal based on TL, but I did want the early TL0/1etc version to be ungimballable. Although now after (this prompted me to do) a bit more research, even Vanguard's AJ10-37 was gimbaled, so I probably should add back a degree or so. romie: cool! In other news: this isn't actually dead yet (still!). While away on my trip I did some writing; I'm finally (implicitly) laying out more background, and am preparing a new chapter: Jane's All The World's Hunters. Included is the H3F Bobcat (here shown in prewar US Navy hiviz).
  5. Holy crap. An hour is...quite a long time. It's only 20m for me... This is why I ship the default OBJs with RSS, so that people using the default config don't have to wait on first load. If you switch configs and your new config doesn't come with OBJs though...then you gotta wait.
  6. EVE (both 7.3 and Overhaul) has issues with RSS. rbray is working on them. So does Kethane. Both have taken the scale of planets in scaledspace as a given, which is...unsafe...in RSS. 6.2 does use somewhat more ram *when loading* due to the wrapping, but that shouldn't be very much memory all told. I am currently fixing a bug (evidence: solar panels aren't treated as behind planets, sun shines through planets) due to my forgetting to rescale the colliders as well as the meshes. I have moved the giant "YOU MUST DELETE OBJs" text in the OP, since apparently it was being missed
  7. Well, I still have to add code to scale/rework the colliders. But yeah, glad that's figured out. :]
  8. Here's a stripped one. https://www.dropbox.com/s/zte9pko0dkaodpv/RealSolarSystem_v6.2_stripped.zip Note that you'll want to replace LaunchSites with whatever set of sites you want.
  9. Use Snjo's gear alignment module to display gear axis alignment vs. straight, and use Padishar's Part Angle Display to rotate them (in fractions of a degree) until straight.
  10. Suggestion: use ModuleSAS as your dummy module, rather than ModuleRCS. Less confusing.
  11. On the train, I think I've realized what the issue is. Turn wrap off and see if the problem goes away. I forgot to rescale the collider.
  12. If you're using Photoshop, that's because it has a horrible png importer. Get the SuperPNG plugin
  13. You could install it as the installation instructions direct. Readme and OP both tell you how
  14. camlost: Hodo is asking how to make the module, not make a bigger intake. Hodo is talking about intakes that don't already have your module. Also: how come intakes have *better* pressure recovery in the transonic regime than subsonic? Isn't that backwards?
  15. If your KSC is underground, up your terrain detail (or follow the other instructions in the RSS FAQ).
  16. That's great! ...And *you* obviously did all the hard work here. One thing I'd request on that, if it's not too much trouble, is to make a more aerodynamic version of the fairings (blocking the hatch, and instead of having a hole for the pod window, just a window on the aeroshell. As you doubtless know I'm a giant realism nut, and I'd love to make as real a D2 as possible. (For funny "not actually made" values of real, obvs )
  17. If you right-click on a part that has (a) a RESOURCE with maxAmount=0 and ( shows it via tweakables, the mass will become not-a-number (NaN) since it's dividing by 0. Then the mass of the craft will become NaN, and thus CoM will disappear.
  18. https://github.com/RemoteTechnologiesGroup/RemoteTech Official continuation of RT2.
  19. pjf: *LR18-4: Working on redoing the tech limits for tanks. *Repeatable experiments *may* be an RT2 bug with transmission. Try to replicate without RT2? *No idea even what struts you're talking about; I'd suggest talking to the part author? *Weird about the FASA flags... *There should be plain old conic fairings? Are they missing? *NovaPunch has weird part placement, yes. MN, congrats again on the "Name in Lights!"
  20. All RESOURCE nodes with maxAmount and amount of 0 need isTweakable = false hideFlow = true in them.
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