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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Zyglrox: Ok, thanks! That's a good portion of the way to fixing Dragon's stuff, anyway (the stuff that can be; some stuff will never work with FAR). nobbers12345: no logs, no help possible. Need output_log.txt (or Player.log on Mac/Linux).
  2. RaccoonTOF: I've managed to sweet-talk OtherBarry into working on it some when he has a chance (specifically, finally getting limited ignites), but if you want to pitch in too you're more than welcome. It does need a lot of touching up, yes. On the plus side, I've managed to get MJ2 to play nice with KM_Gimbal (PMs to both Sarbian and dtobi), so that'll make life nicer. xandalis: Cool! Regarding RT2: ground station(s) are defined in RemoteTech2/RemoteTech2_Settings.cfg. By default the only ground station is placed at KSP's KSC location. Instead, I suggest using this file. Link to CerberusRCAF's post. It has ground stations for all major launch sites (in fact, the sites included in RSS.)
  3. You, sir, are a right gent.
  4. Please post your KSP/KSP_Data/output_log.txt if PC, or Files>~/Library/Logs>Unity>Player.log if Mac. If linux, it's also Player.log, ~/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal\ Space\ Program/Player.log
  5. Sounds like you need to rotate around the normal vector of your orbit. So each tick do maybe (spitballing, pseudocode inside the AngleAxis() ) vessel.orientation *= Quaternion.AngleAxis(360 / orbit.period * deltaTime, orbit.normal)
  6. Yes. Read the article you linked. Besides its stats (mass and thrust matter not; they scale. Isp, expansion ratio, TWR matter), note the thin exhaust manifold (like a J-2), the separate LOX and LH2 feedlines (like a J-2), etc.
  7. Frizzank, I'm not sure where you're seeing that in the article. M-1 was designed for the (Ariane 5-like) USAF Space Launching System (air-lit hydrolox core, boosted by solids) which was designed for the USAF crewed-moon Project LUNEX. It was repurposed by NASA as a heavy upper stage engine for Nova boosters. "Some consideration was given" to using it as a first stage engine, but, having roughly the nozzle design of the J-2, it would have needed a toroidal aerospike like the J-2T (or a sea-level-adapted nozzle with horrific vacuum specific impulse, as wiki mentions, which it did not have) to work in that role. sp1989: if anything, it looks (it certainly performs!) like a scaled-up J-2, not F-1. EDIT: Here is a lineup of the post-Apollo engines.
  8. Just like how there's about fifty different Saturns, there's about fifty different Novas.
  9. jsimmons: Well phooey. Thanks. Zyglorx: awesome! Do you want me to link from OP, or include in RO like RedAV8R's patches?
  10. Especially since the M-1 is an upper-stage engine.
  11. BioHaZarD.PT.RaNDOmCaPs: RedAV8R has made a complete set of realism patches for FASA. You can get them from his thread, or bundled in Realism Overhaul.
  12. Not a bug. Vessels in flight stabilize such that CoM is in front of aerodynamic center (KSP "CoL"). If the shield is draggy enough that it places the AC below the CoM, then the craft will stabilize with the shield at the rear. You're going to need to put something draggy at the other end of the vessel, or vastly increase the mass of the vessel at its lowest point, or both.
  13. RaccoonTOF: Cool! ProjectGemini: did you download an engine config pack, per the OP?
  14. 1. Changelog of v5.3: added eadrom's Kethane config. So yes, produces LOX. 2. False: you just need valid crossfeed between your converter and the tank. Mount the converter on top / below your fuel tank and you're all set, for example.
  15. Wait wut? I thought it only did it for NPOT textures, not power-of-two but not-square textures.
  16. rbray: bug report (each confirmed by eggrobin). Overhaul-8. I have edited the ATM config (per above) such that Atmosphere/* is made readable. 1. I get "Texture 'BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/kerbin1' has no data" in the log. 2. I get lots of NREs in Atmosphere.AtmospherePQS.Update () 3. I get a perfectly black cloud texture in PQS, and a translucent haze in scaledspace. Note that if I make the texture unreadable (as it was before when I mentioned zfighting--oops, didn't notice it was unreadable) I *do* get 2D clouds displayed, but I got log errors about kerbin1 being unreadable.
  17. SpacedInvader: No, unless you time your ascent such that you reach apogee (and begin your perigee kick to place your apogee at geostationary height) exactly as you pass the equator, and are under thrust all the time, you can't do it in one burn. (Well, you can, you'll just have to make a separate plane change after you circularize in GSO, which is wasteful.) Due to orbital mechanics, unless you inject into GTO at the AN or DN, you will not have your apogee at the same location as the DN/AN (respectively), and therefore will not be able to combine apogee kick (to circularize at 35,786km) and plane change (to lower inclination to 0). The reason to circularize first is because it's much easier to launch into a parking orbit and then raise apogee than it is to time your ascent such that ascent apogee is placed over the equator. Besides it being more expensive, the method you propose (burning straight up) is actually more dangerous: odds are KSC will no longer be "under" you when you reach apogee, and since you won't have raised your perigee enough to establish an orbit, you'll just fall back to Earth and burn up. By contrast, if you launch into a parking orbit, you can time your GTO injection burn such that KSC will be under you (you'll be in communication). Then, you stay in that orbit (since it's 35,786x185, it's a stable orbit) until KSC is under you at apogee (it will take quite a few passes, probably), at which point you perform apogee kick.
  18. Wow. I *love* the burner FX. Shaping up very nicely! ...I still think it'd look better with petals though :]
  19. Note: you'll have to open BoulderCo/ActiveTextureManagerConfigs/BoulderCo.cfg and change /Clouds/ to /Atmosphere/ Otherwise you'll get exceptions, and volumetric clouds everywhere.
  20. SpacedInvader: I haven't tried GMAT, but I don't see why it wouldn't work. Regarding GTO, a transfer from 185x185 to GEO is 4.33km/sec (of which about 1.86km/s is the apogee kick and plane change combined, IIRC--it's 1.43km/sec just to circularize). So add that to whatever it takes to get to 185x185, which is somewhere between 9 and 10km/sec, depending on your launcher. There is, in fact, absolutely no difference in dV cost between (1) circularizing at 185x185 and then raising apogee to geostationary height at AN/DN, and (2) combining the circularization and perigee kick (doing one big burn at DN): after all, in what's described in the article, at one instant during the burn the orbit will be 185x185, and then it will end up 35,786x185. This is because you have to wait until the DN (or the AN, if you are launching from the southern hemisphere). All this assumes, of course, that your LV's ascent is timed perfectly to hit (original) apogee at the DN/AN; if not, then circularize-first will be cheaper since you won't suffer higher steering or gravity losses. If you were launching from an equatorial site, you might see some small savings from burning all the way to a 35,786km apogee when low and fast (taking maximum advantage of Oberth). But if not, you're constrained to beginning your Hohmann transfer at AN/DN. Phredward: KSP does not actually support axial tilt. To fake it, we did as you see. That means, however, that only Earth's tilt is correct (i.e. the universe was reconfigured to give Earth its appropriate tilt). This is because in KSP all planets are aligned with the worldspace XYZ axes no matter their inclination; this is great for Earth (make its inclination equal to its real life tilt, yielding correct axial tilt) but bad for the other planets.
  21. Note that you'll easily hit that on ascent, which will necessitate fairings. You might want something more like 800. Although the issue here is that Kerbin's orbital speed is so low, compared to the speed you hit while in low atmosphere, that it's hard to pick a good number... Also, three cheers for mod makers adding their own configs, rather than relying on DRE doing it! Thanks, sumghai
  22. Here's some redone props you might like. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/rphsxiwmhxnbp8k/AABFMwFfsJublFMgbvv24visa Note that it's still for 1.1, before you switched to meters for r0. The Reno stuff is Dirt_Merchant's work, although I tweaked it some (there were some stats issues).
  23. As Starwaster says, there's nothing off with these. You're just not using enough fuel. Stick like 4-5 Jumbo64s on a single NTR and you might get decent deltaV. If you're comparing NTR now to NTR pre-RealFuels, compare the same mass of fuel. Not the same wet mass, not the same number of tanks, mass of fuel. This is because RCS thrusters don't have multiple configs by default. If you want modular RCS, get Realism Overhaul. What engine configs are you using? Screenshot? Known issue. We're working on it, but KSP's part-cloning is horrific at copying over variables.
  24. Phredward: wow, sorry, I totally missed your post! That should be fixed with the latest ModuleManager, presuming the .craft and .sfs files haven't been overwritten. rosenkranz: As the OP says, Stretchy is no longer being developed and is replaced by Procedural Parts.
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