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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Actually, the best fix is to wait for K&W to release the next, fixed version of KW which will enforce rescaleFactor = 1.0 Since having it non-1.0 and using MODEL nodes leads to size changing on revert.
  2. And another, finally-I-believe-it-works prerelease. https://www.dropbox.com/s/3gg3jbkqqnhgc86/RealSolarSystem_v6.2pre4.zip
  3. Well, it's scaling correctly but messing up lighting. Argh.
  4. I'll try it and see. That sounds strange, because DRE bases temperature increase off the vessel's velocity, not a part animation or even angular velocity.
  5. Yeah, um, wow. As always, you astound! That's one nice-looking revamp.
  6. https://www.dropbox.com/s/zwck1poc0ufilqx/RealSolarSystem_v6.2pre3.zip I believe I have fixed wrapping issues. Note that that all objs are included for regular RSS; if you're using a different config you MUST delete RealSolarSystem/Plugins/PluginData/*.obj (all obj files) before starting KSP. It will then take about 20-30minutes to recreate the meshes, after which KSP will load normally. To post issues, etc., during the forum downtime, Use the RSS Subreddit
  7. Lower twr upper stage. You want your stage to last a good minute or two more than your "time to apogee" at ignition (and burn at zero pitch). That may mean you circularize after apogee of course, but it gives you better control without relights. Also make sure you ascend such that your apogee is where you want your final perigee to be, since that's what it will become.
  8. Well, I goofed bigtime. I left wrap globally disabled, and enabled only for Kerbin/Eve/Bop. Oops. :S Also, currently debugging. I'll post a new preview shortly.
  9. Ok, that one I got no idea. If you remove the collider offset from the DRE_RealChutes.cfg file, does that help?
  10. Honestly I really prefer the white. Looks more, err, professional? Real-capsule-y?
  11. They're not, but they should be handled properly--the tanks will have a slightly higher maxTemp than they should, probably, but the engines should be fine.
  12. OH CRAP you're totally right, I forgot all about that. Wish I could remember *what* crazy coord system orbit uses, but yes it's definitely not the same as worldspace.
  13. Finally have my scaled-space warping and caching correct. Check out how insane Bop looks now! (Since it's now only 20km in diameter, but the PQS's deformations are unchanged.) Apologies for the darkness; didn't want to wait for sunlight. EDIT: A plea to all RSS config makers!: Please switch to using a zip file with your RSS config, so you can include cached meshes with your config. Otherwise your users will have to wait 15+ minutes extra on first boot of the game. Meanwhile, here's v6.2pre2 with working mesh caching. No meshes are included so your first load will be slow. Test it, break it, post logs. NOTE: This DOES NOT include textures. So keep your old PluginData folder from your present RSS install. https://www.dropbox.com/s/0lprkfiou0hg1ui/RealSolarSystem_v6.2pre2.zip Provisional changelog: *PQS->ScaledSpace wrapping now works and caches correctly. Wrap now defaults to false for backwards compatibility. RSS will export obj files (with extra lines using keyword t for vertex tangents) for all wrapped meshes, and import them (if they exist) instead of wrapping. NOTE: If you change any PQS settings (let alone changing RSS configs!) you MUST delete all .obj files in GameData/RealSolarSystem/PluginData! NOTE 2: If you don't already have cached meshes, and/or you delete them all, KSP WILL APPEAR TO HANG on the "Loading..." screen right before Main Menu. This is NORMAL. Let it run. It takes me about 15 minutes. After that, you'll get your usual load times. *regex: fixed Space Center initial camera height (for when camera is under terrain) *tons of launch sites from eggrobin! *regex: fixes for KSCSwitcher; new icon; now saves and loads selected KSC location with your persistence file.
  14. Woopert: You'll want to create a custom TANK_DEFINITION with a lower basemass and/or lower masses for the propellants used. However, make sure that your entire core is in fact light; I have set RF tank mass to account for some of the mass of other components (guidance, interstage, ducting, etc) so while the tanks themselves will be heavier per m^3, the stage should be ok (I hope). It has nothing to do with Stretchy or PP since RF sets the mass of parts itself. RaccoonTOF: awesome! I would suggest dropping RedAV8R a line, since he's also been working on SLS stuff (although in that case the payload and DCSS, not the launcher).
  15. Raptor831: Post updated. Thanks for taking this on! Elouda: swamp_ig is fixing it. Looks like in some of the new code the basemass override gets lost. Thanks for the report!
  16. RO comes with configs for ECLSS, but (for some users and situations) it causes problems. In the next major version (aka when I have time for it) RO will move to TAC. All US engines that do not have their thrust structure included in their mass (that's most of them) have a guesstimated mass addition to account for that. (Example on S-IC: F-1 was only 8.391t, but the thrust structure for the five of them was 20 tons, so the F-1 is counted as a 12.391t engine in RealEngines.)
  17. Open Notepad. Paste that in. Save it to "PFTech.cfg" (WITH the quotes) and place it in the Keramzit folder.
  18. Woopert: Aazard was working on one. Haven't seen her/him in a while though. frisch: the nodes are those big green spheres you see inside the VAB. The size should correspond to the size of the joint. If not, you get problems. Are you using any Procedural Fairings fairing bases? They have bad node sizes.
  19. Wedgenet: Long delayed response. I do get shrouds, and they appear and disappear correctly. Anyhow. Try this: https://www.dropbox.com/s/egnqwhq1yjjax9g/RftS_Pack_v3_pre6.zip This is also a notice to anyone who'd like to playtest RftS v3. Please nuke your existing RftS and install this. Note that stuff may break, and you need KM_Gimbal now, not EE gimbal (it's broken in .23.5). Also note the dependencies in the readme (wait, it has a readme now!? Yes!) Turbojet: ok. I will clean up my craft and post them. However, the jet that was in Chapter 3 is gone; it won't even load anymore. You get the one I teased in pics as the new JRC Mk III.
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