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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. I think having it on the wiki would be good. IIRC the only notable new feature is dedicated=true, which can be applied to parts that have both a fuel tank and an engine (SRBs, liquid boosters) and make the fuel tank unconfigurable and "locked" to the engine's fuel mixture, whatever that is.
  2. Need log. Upload your output log (NOT ksp.log) to dropbox or something. Windows: KSP_win\KSP_Data\output_log.txt Mac OSX: Open Console, on the left side of the window there is a menu that says 'files'. Scroll down the list and find the Unity drop down, under Unity there will be Player.log Aka Files>~/Library/Logs>Unity>Player.log Linux: ~/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal\ Space\ Program/Player.log
  3. horndgmium: wow, I never noticed that the Mainsail I'm using is invisible! You'd think a bunch of people on this thread would have noticed too... Non-sarcastically, if you alone have a giant, crippling bug, and no one else has it...it's probably not an issue with the mod. It's probably an install issue.
  4. ETS is about the best thing ever, yeah! nixonshead has also done some amazing art for it (in case anyone needs inspiration). Here, for example, is the Block IV Apollo, with a Mission Module for more hab space. There are dozens more illustrations and lots of in-flight scenes, too.
  5. gmbigg: GitHub is where a number of us host our releases. GitHub releases is quite different from "source is on GitHub." Example: RSS. Note that each release has a big ol' zip (big green button!) in addition to the source links.
  6. High dynamic pressure is meaningless for rockets. Of course you're going to hit it. The question is, are you losing more to drag than you're gaining in lowered gravity losses? The answer is, 99.99% of the time, NO.
  7. You mean J58, surely? And no, it's been rock solid. It's something about the particular prat3 for the Vulcan. And no exception gets tossed, KSP just hangs. Hence why I thought infinite loop, getting stuck in the PartModule code without returning. AJE Tester can also be made to hang by scrubbing the velocity bar with the above engine settings [minus prat3 and its curve], by choosing say 3.0 for prat3 and using the rest of the stats.
  8. Interesting question. I'd suggest perhaps kerolox, since a kerolox SSTO *should* be possible, barely, if it's an airbreather with a decent vacuum nozzle (>330s Isp). Also, it's a much better fit for Kerbin, where orbital velocity isn't. Also, that variable-CPR still seems to have issues, since the Vulcan still puts me in an infinite loop with AJE 1.2...With an infinite loop rather than an exception it's harder to nail down...it behaved better with zeroed tangents rather than actual tangents, but still gave me the problem. For the record: MODULE { name = AJEModule IspMultiplier=1 defaultentype=2 acore= 10.17 byprat=0 tinlt = 2500 tfan = 2500 tcomp = 2500 tt4 = 3000 tt7 = 5500 prat3 = 1.5 eta3 = 0.99 eta4 = 0.99 eta5 = 1 eta7 = 0.8 fhv = 20000 abflag = 1 usePrat3Curve = True prat3Curve { key = 0.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 key = 2.5 10.0 0.0 0.0 //0.0 -6.0 key = 3.0 6.0 0.0 0.0 //-3.0 -3.0 key = 4.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 //-2.0 -2.0 key = 5.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 //-1.0 0.0 key = 5.1 1.0 0.0 0.0 } }
  9. WorldOfHurt: I'd suggest doubling those values. Here are the RF v6.0 values: https://github.com/NathanKell/ModularFuelSystem/blob/master/RealFuels/Squad_modularFuelTanks.cfg#L117 (Mk1 fuselage first, other parts follow) TeeGee: Thanks for the tipoff, link fixed. It seems every time I update the post, the links get borked... You need to check and see what kind of, and how many, ignitions your engine has. Not all engines have more than 1. Also, you will need to settle your fuel ullage before ignition. You can use RCS or one-off solid ullage rockets to provide some positive acceleration to settle the fuels. Right-click the engine in flight; if it says fuel isn't Very Stable, you need to provide some ullage force.
  10. Sounds like your fuel situation got stable, with ullage getting down near the pumps. You need to settle your fuels (with RCS or with a short solid burn) before igniting. Also make sure your engine has more than 1 ignition!
  11. 1. Turn off SAS 2. pitch to 80 degrees when velocity reaches 100m/s 3. See what happens, staging when necessary. 4. When out of atmosphere, orient as appropriate. If your rocket is not statically stable you'll have to make it so. Make sure, for all stages, wet and dry CoM is in front of the aerodynamic center (blue cross).
  12. Yes. Some command pods include them. Any part can have a tagged submodel and MODULE for hiding it based on a node no longer being attached.
  13. In Space Center, click on the FAR icon in the toolbar (add to visible buttons if not present) to get settings.
  14. Ooooh, sorry, I thought it was part of the Mesh Switcher itself. Whoops. RTFM (or FCode) I guess.
  15. The issue is that any part with >2 RESOURCEs 0 MODULEs will have that bug. The solution is to add a dummy module (I prefer ModuleSAS), or use ModuleFixer (which adds a real dummy [does NOTHING] module).
  16. It is. Everything is. https://github.com/NathanKell/RealSolarSystem/wiki/AtmosphereFromGround-RSS-Settings
  17. Also per above the Mk1 fuse will now hold 1900L.
  18. TeeGee: quite. That's what I meant; treat the RAPIER like AJE treats the SABREs.
  19. MNorman: will check. That seems strange. Also, I'll check N2O. My calcs sheet doesn't appear to have that issue; maybe something got introduced along the way. A note on spaceplane parts. Starting with RF v6, RF will no longer kowtow to the Squad convention of "spaceplane parts magically don't contain much fuel" and will use B9-style math for how much volume these parts actually contain. For example, the Mk1 fuselage will have a volume of 1900. I would ask that anyone making air/spaceplane part configs do likewise. KerbCo: since RF is hosted on GitHub, I'm not sure I see the point (are you just going to include a link to https://github.com/NathanKell/ModularFuelSystem/releases ?) But sure.
  20. SpacedInvader: I'm not suggesting *using* replica rockets; I'm just saying use the VAB as a calculator to figure out what the dV apportionment (and TWR range is on real rockets. It's more fun than doing natural logs on paper or in Excel! 2000m/s should be plenty, even including DOI burn. What kind of descent orbit insertion burn are you doing!? You should only lower your periselene from LLO of ~100km to about 3km (so you now have a 100x3km orbit) and then do a "reverse gravity turn" burning mostly retrograde the whole way in. That kind of DOI should *not* be very expensive at all. ThorBeorn: as AndreyATGB mentions, tweaking AFG (you can do it ingame with ALT-G in flight) will deal with the horizon. EVE Overhaul does work better, although Overhaul v8 is the last version that works with RSS, and even that has some issues (1. Clouds seem to disappear after revert; 2. requires wrap=false for Kerbin; 3. no normal mapping on the scaled space shader; 4. limited specularity. rbray is working on all of it...
  21. I'd suggest not doing it by the assembly, since the mere presence of the assembly shouldn't stop functionality on any given part (the part might not have a modular tank, after all!). Instead, if(part.Modules.Contains("ModuleFuelTank")) { don't mess with resources. }
  22. Yep. You need to edit the mesh. Or use the flag decals from FASA. And I think someone else was working on flag decals? I forget whom...
  23. Read have Read: what's in the tanks? Does it work for the other enabled tanks? rottielover: not sure, since I don't know what the issue you're speaking of is caused by. Pondafarr: It came from here, obvs. Well, maybe some mod is bundling it? Dunno. I think at one point Orionkermin was using it for an Open Parts part?
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