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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Do you have the latest EE from the link next to RftS? Make sure that's the only copy you have, too.
  2. Here they are. (note it's smaller so you can see the black; larger versions have alpha in the blending) Still not quite happy with the street lights on the citylights version; also could use the "pools of light" from the original texture, maybe. (Make sure you view the actual image and verify you're getting the png. If that fails I'll upload to dropbox.) That *is* odd, yeah. Shouldn't be doing anything then. Also, I take it the alignment of the city lights main texture changed? Is it now aligned to the planet's mapping?
  3. If you do that, you'll need to remove the @ at the top of LaunchSites.cfg.
  4. Viggio: you're running both RftSEngines *and* RealEngines. Gotta pick one and only one, and uninstall the other.
  5. Ah, no problem. That seems strange. Are you sure both tanks are full of fuel? Also I thought it was lowersmall>lowerbig>Engine...not that it matters.
  6. Got my custom city day and night textures done. Need to tweak the scaling though. However, the PQS terrain with city lights is quite different than when lacking city lights; for example, the runway turned out to be undergound when I moved KSC to a city lights area (not seen in these shots). Do you change the levels of the PQS at all? Day: Night:
  7. TechnicalK3rbal: Visaggio has it right, you need to upload it to dropbox or another file sharing site. You might also want to zip it first. Playful1510: are you building Titan II the right way? It should have Gemini and decoupler, the upper stage tank, the LR-91, the decoupler, the upper half of the lower stage tank, the lower half of the lower stage tank, the LR-89. That said, RedAV8R is handling the FASA patch; you might want to ask on his thread.
  8. Visaggio, TechnicalK3rbal, please upload your KSP/KSP_Data/output_log.txt (or if on Mac/linux, player.log).
  9. catas4trophy: the ouput_log.txt you sent was from Launcher_Data, not KSP_Data. However, given that things stopped working on adding a parts mod, I feel safe to say you're running out of memory. Get Active Texture Manangement in aggressive mode. sephirotic: a spreadsheet like that sounds great! Anyone want to tackle it?
  10. Because inclination is unsigned. +90 = -90 with a different LAN. EDIT: ninja'd.
  11. You know you could upload instead to another site, and/or the community mod repository (there's like six projects now in progress; people hate Curse enough that that's actually moving along now). I mean, I get you're pissed at Squad, but the question you have to ask yourself is "do I want people to use my mods," and if the answer's yes, you should find a way to make that happen. Sure, find a way that doesn't make Squad feel good about Curse, but...what is your goal in modding, after all?
  12. Ok, well, thanks for making your position clear on fixing things. (Sorry, that's a bit snarky. But seriously, *I'm* not taking on another mod to fix; and I appreciate that debugging is hard, but it comes with the territory of [workable] plugin making.)
  13. Visaggio: is the engine supported by RealEngines? Have you gone into Action Group Editor mode and clicked on the engine to see what fuel modes are available? You did download and install RealEngines from the first post, right? It's no longer included in Realism Overhaul. TechnicalK3rbal: *no* engine config comes with RSS. RSS changes planets. Download an engine config from the first post in this thread.
  14. Yes, it could affect DRE. Tell those planet makers to actually set a unique index per planet.
  15. What parameters might those be? Can anything be done?
  16. metaphor: dangit, I thought we'd fixed that. Anyway, as soon as you can if you can hop on #kspmodders and talk to eggrobin about the orbital parameters; he crunched them all in a Mathematic workbook, and I guess something got lost on the way.
  17. Heightmaps can be any size. (Observe power-of-2 rules though: 512, 1024, 2048, etc.)
  18. The 3.75 is intended to be quite a bit thicker than the others; but maybe that's a bit too thick, yeah.
  19. Locking fuel amounts seems good to me, especially since the latest RF has discarded the "amount" field in the Action Editor GUI anyway. I'll look into it.
  20. Playful1510: correct. Not only do you not need them, you need to delete any other patches for FASA you might have (like, say, a RedAV8R folder in GameData). Benoit: See the FAQ in the first post regarding nodes. Regarding mixtures, the mixture ratios in reality are given as mass ratios; KSP, however, (of course) uses something different: volume ratios. If you multiply the volume ratio by the density of each resource you should get the quoted mass ratios. Regarding new engine support. RaccoonTOF has been working on adding support for the ARM engines as real engines; the latest RftS will support them as realistic-but-not-real engines.
  21. Ok. For the moon, your best bet is using MechJeb (latest dev version obvs). Go to the pad, go to map, set Moon as target. Get Ascent Guidance and then click Launch into Target Plane. Let it warp until T-0 seconds, then launch. For interplanetary transfers, you need to launch into approximately that plane too (the moon is at a 5 degree inclination from the ecliptic. Probably your best bet for that is to launch into the Moon's plane and then do your interplanetary burn. You'll need a mid-course correction to get your inclination right at the target. Metaphor would be the expert here, though; other than once getting to the moon to test its terrain I haven't been outside LEO in *months*.
  22. You can find a part's name by opening its cfg and seeing what is after name = Assuming you have Module Manager (you should), create a new file in whatever folder you want (presumably LifeSupport), call it KSO.cfg, and add this to it 550 units is one kerbal-day; if you have >1 crew person, or want >1 day of oxygen, or both, increase it. @PART[whatever_the_part_name_is] { RESOURCE { name = Oxygen amount = 550 maxAmount = 550 } }
  23. Ninja SpacedInvader gets a response too! KSP date format: make sure you have Earth days turned on in Settings (KSP's own settings). Next, Year 1 = 1950. So Year 5, Day 176 would be June 25, 1954. All inclinations for Earth orbit are relative to Earth's equator, not the ecliptic. Step one is indeed to match planes with the ecliptic. For that, you do need some math, or you can rough it by zooming out and matching your orbital plane to the plane you see.
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