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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. catas4trophy: Um, lots of stuff... :] Remove Final Frontier, Soviet Pack, and any MJ2/RPM/Scansat integration stuff you don't need. All are causing errors in the log. Get the B9 .23 Fixes pack. After that, update to the latest ExsurgentEngineering (you can find it by following the link to RftS Pack from the Realism Overhaul OP). You also need to update Firespitter afterwards too. What is RealismPack? Is it Dragon01's stuff? I need to remove that from the RO modlist, it's not up to date. Also, you really, really, really need to not change folder names. In fact, you need to install addons exactly as their install instructions tell you. If the mod says "unzip into GameData" then unzip that archive into GameData, don't unzip it into another folder, rename it, and chuck that in GameData. (What is ModularFuelSystem-RealFuels anyway? You also have a RealFuels folder. And as the RealFuels OP says, you want *just Real Fuels*...) Finally, toss RT2_RO; it's included in Realism Overhaul (which you seem to not have? RPL certainly needs it.) There, that's everything I noticed, but the log has so many errors it'll probably take a few passes. What I suggest is you first go to an absolutely minimal install: just stock + RSS + FAR + ModuleManager. Then gradually add things, noting requirements. Once you hit your first error, give me the log again. We'll get it sorted out. tychochallenge: Sounds like an installation issue. If you want to provide more info, like I just asked catas4trophy for, then I can maybe sort you out.
  2. camlost, KSP hangs (as does AJE tester, at high mach scrubbing the mach/altitude sliders) with this engine. The tester just has an "AJE Tester has crashed and needs to close", whereas KSP seems to hang (no crash, just stuck, needs being killed by task manager). MODULE { name = AJEModule IspMultiplier=1 defaultentype=2 acore= 10.17 byprat=0 tinlt = 2500 tfan = 2500 tcomp = 2500 tt4 = 3000 tt7 = 5500 prat3 = 1.5 eta3 = 0.99 eta4 = 0.99 eta5 = 1 eta7 = 0.8 fhv = 20000 abflag = 1 usePrat3Curve = True prat3Curve { key = 0.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 key = 2.5 10.0 0.0 -6.0 key = 3.0 6.0 -3.0 -3.0 key = 4.0 3.0 -2.0 -2.0 key = 5.0 1.0 -1.0 0.0 key = 5.1 1.0 0.0 0.0 } }
  3. SpacedInvader: MonoPropellant isn't STACK, it's still ALL_VESSEL. Also, definitely can't search for fuels that haven't been added yet. (RF tanks start with no fuel in them). I've tried to add CrossFeedEnabler to all known existing radial tanks, but I have not added it to stretchy and PP by default because that can screw them up due to the MODULE order loading bug (a SQUAD bug currently being fixed/worked-around by swamp_ig). I use conic service modules at 1.0 utilization with nitric acid in them (for balancing my planes); RFNA has a density of about 1.4, so you can pack a ton in. Certainly if you made a conic tank the size of the AIES science experiments you could get 100kg of RFNA in it. blux_: the Mk1-2 pod has an offset center of mass to enable flying lifting reentries (see the last question in the FAQ in the first post). Add weight to the other side of your service module to counteract it.
  4. TOT: http://www.orbiter-forum.com/showthread.php?t=19682 Ames Resarch Center's Trajectory Browser: http://trajbrowser.arc.nasa.gov/ Various good hits: https://www.google.com/search?num=100&q=interplanetary+transfer+window+tool&oq=interplanetary+transfer+window+tool
  5. Romby: thanks! Phredward: Cool, nabbed. dlrk: thanks! Will do. Woopert: Even in that SLS ICPS/DCSS + SM thread you linked to from blackheart, blackheart is using the Taurus pod. Which I probably should support, actually. That said, I was actually considering making the Mk1-2 a *3* meter pod, since we don't have one of those. (Apollo is 4m, Orion is 5m, Mk1 is 2m...notice a gap?) SpacedInvader: Pics? Craft file? If you rebuild it exactly, does the issue still occur? (Not just a simple version).
  6. InfinityArch: axial tilt is faked by setting the key planet (the only one to have correct axial tilt) to an inclination equal to its tilt. Then the ecliptic will be in effect tilted to that plane, and thus the inclinations of all other bodies are recomputed to place them in their correct inclination to the ecliptic. Dooz: why stop there? dlrk: it's been updated. I forgot to remove OUTDATED when asked. Apologies to you (and jsimmons) TechnicalK3rbal: note the configs at the top of the OP. Bedi: eggrobin simulated it (as in my explanation at the top of this post). Only Earth has its correct tilt. True axial tilt is impossible in KSP right now. catas4trophy: please post your output_log.txt and a screenshot of your GameData folder. pingopete: That seems very strange. Has anyone else had this issue? Has it gone away from removing scatter? darkside: it has wrap=true but it presumably also has spheresOnly = true. Cjprice: are you *really* sure that you're using RSS v6.1? The Mars atmosphere bug was fixed. It ends at 213.3km. Phobos should get lower altitude limits, quite right. Although since escape velocity is a pogo stick away, not sure that's the best idea
  7. Crozius: nope, no idea. It's compiled for .NET 3.0 and it doesn't use native libraries. Does Procedural Parts (link in OP) work in Linux? Stretchy is kinda-deprecated anyway. :]
  8. Yeah, fair point. It started out (and my prime focus is) 100% real solar system. But it would be criminal to lock up the functionality, or make people use it "all or nothing," so everything it does is changeable and toggleable in cfg.
  9. Well, Mu made RequestResource virtual for us, so it's not impossible we could get them to make that virtual too.
  10. Sounds like a firewall issue. Make sure you give KSP full in/out permissions in your firewall (add an "exception" for KSP). Also post your output_log.txt (or player.log if not Windows).
  11. Cpt. Kipard: Deadpangod3 is talking about editing *planet* textures, not textures for a model s/he created. Deadpangod3: Most KSP planets have their texture maps flipped horizontally and offset 1/4 the width to the right. Undo that process and the middle of the image will equal the prime meridian.
  12. See above. RSS is a *plugin*, and *everything* it does can be enabled or disabled as desired.
  13. Wow, you just keep churning this stuff out! Looks great! So, since these parts are both glorious and RAM-friendly (couldn't be friendlier), I would love to support them in RO. Would anyone like to volunteer to help make config patches? (Even if not, I'd greatly appreciate if, Lack, you could tell me how many m^2 of solar cell surface area are on each solar panel.)
  14. It already does. RSS can have whatever config you feed it. Both Better Atmospheres and Proot's KSPRPC use it to change atmospheres.
  15. Then, it comes down to FLYING: UR DOIN IT WRONG. It's perfectly possible to fly safely with FAR, you just have to lighten up on the controls, use the FAR flight aids, and design your craft well. Now, you can do one fewer impossible thing than you could do before. That's good. It makes you a better designer and pilot. I can and will post Mach 3-at-sea-level, perfectly controllable aircraft if that's what it takes.
  16. rbray: Hmm, fair point. Maybe Screen blending?
  17. Yes. Well, since they work for PP that's what matters; PP will do anything Stretchy does except better, so I wouldn't worry about it.
  18. I don't get why people feel a need to complain about what other people do in a sandbox game. I even use MechJeb! <gasp> Also, KSP's soul was quite tasty. Tasted like...hydrazine.
  19. Can't you just add a second detail texture var, and instead of changing alpha based on lighting, lerp between the textures based on lighting?
  20. almagnus1: Have you *gone* into the folder at all? That's the way it is now.
  21. Naw, it's that I forgot to tell you to up the data rates. Sorry... For now, you probably should boost both input and output (in each cfg) by 50x (IIRC a tick is 20ms).
  22. romie: works for me; I find it strange that they would work for one but not the other. BadRocketsCo: yes. Now that PP supports Real Fuels, that's where to go.
  23. Looks awesome! Quick question--I haven't quite been able to figure out the unified shader (the Dark Overlay stuff). Am I reading right that we could now use it in both lit (regular city) and unlit (city lights) mode?
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