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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. It's quite possible that other MM patches add other modules "later" in the patch cycle.
  2. Heh, I *don't* particularly want to work on another mod, and I don't get enough sleep. OtherBarry (who has thankfully stepped up to maintain the manifest and handle tech support on this thread) and I will have something for you before too long.
  3. The other end has "0" so I would think not. And yes, it *is* contrary to everything we thought we knew, but swamp_ig confirmed it was doing that, which was pretty weird.
  4. Uh no. The issue is that KSP needs higher permissions to *load arbitrary DLLs*, i.e. plugins. And it certainly has to be able to do that to run plugins, of course. If you're not running mods, you don't need to move KSP outside Program Files.
  5. What got fixed was a longstanding issue with heat shields and their loss rates and dissipation curves. Prior to this, because the tangents of the curve weren't specified, dissipation and loss rate would increase past the design limits of the shield. Now they don't, so you do have to be somewhat more careful.
  6. Ratzap, see the ModuleManager thread for details. Do you have a backup of the save? Or your quicksave? Switch to ModuleManager 2.0.8 and load the backup, and things should be ok. Basically, it's due to a Squad loader bug: if the order of MODULEs in a .craft or .sfs file don't match the order of PartModules in a part, the persistent settings don't get loaded. Your other option is making a new craft with the part in question, saving it, seeing the order of modules (probably MFT and Stretchy changed places or something), and then applying that order to all nodes of that part in the .sfs file.
  7. Good point about no engine ignitor support for them. I'll get on that. As for their Isp, they're modern engines, i.e. TL6/TL7. Have you been setting the tech level for the other engines as appropriate? (Note that in RftS most engines start out at low techlevel, but you can increase their TL to 7 [modern era] or anywhere in between. See the RF FAQ for more info on tech levels.)
  8. ANWRocketMan: delete ECLSS config in RealFuels. Also, since MFT settings are persistent, remove and re-add (from the parts list) any servicemodule tanks.
  9. camlost: Well, my thrust doubled to tripled at high mach (checked with the Tester, flipping between 8.5 and 2.93), and I went from topping out at about 3.6 to 4.4+
  10. KSP uses two types of graphics for planets: the close-up procedural terrain, and, when in high enough orbit, a single static mesh (the scaled space mesh). When you change the planet's terrain (even if all you do is increase the radius, that means that 6km mountains that used to be .1% of radius above sea level are now only 0.01% above) you need to also update the scaled space mesh.
  11. I'm working on caching; for now, just change wrap = true to wrap = false And, no worries, not gonna bite.
  12. camlost (and others): here's a slight edit of AJE to support variable compressor pressure ratios, keyed to mach. https://www.dropbox.com/s/z0f72hoozzlcdkh/AJE.zip Source in zip. With this, and with a bit more J58 info (I found a source that with bleed fully engaged, TPR lowers to 2.93) I get much better-fitting performance. MODULE { name = AJEModule IspMultiplier=1 defaultentype=2 defineenparm= true acore=9.0 byprat=0 tinlt = 1800 tfan = 2000 tcomp = 2300 tt4 = 2450 tt7 = 4000 prat2 = 1 prat13 = 1 prat3 = 8.5 prat4 = 1 eta2 = 1 eta13 = 1 eta3 = .99 eta4 = .99 eta5 = .75 eta7 = .75 abflag=1 fhv=20000 usePrat3Curve = True prat3Curve { key = 0.0 8.5 0 0 key = 2.0 8.5 0 0 key = 3.0 2.93 0 0 } }
  13. Ok. I just noticed you had a solar panel that delivered 4EC/sec, which would make it, um, gigantic.
  14. This has nothing to do with 32 or 64-bit Windows, and everything to do with running KSP from a protected folder (like within Program Files). If you have the Steam version, and have Steam installed in its default location (Program Files), it will apply to you. Note that it only applies to Vista/7/8+ with UAC; XP is safe. An alternative is simply moving the KSP folder out of the protected folder, like moving ksp to a Games folder on your hard drive.
  15. Changelog: v4.7 \/ *Fixed heatshield floatcurves not having tangents (got some unexpected behavior). *Fix for overriding a part's g tolerance not working *Upgrade to ModuleManager v2.1.0
  16. Ah, ok. Huh. Another question: what do you treat a ElectricCharge as? Realism Overhaul (and thus RF) goes with 1EC = 1kJ, so 1EC/s = 1kW. I take it AJE is something different?
  17. That's because Frizzank added them to the model, not because the Agena D actually has them there.
  18. Also--what's *not* exposed to AJE Tester, i.e. what is actually changed by the entype field? I get differing results for entyp=2 and entype=4 despite the other parameters being identical.
  19. I will have to try the other Firespitter engines! I've tried a couple of the prop engines for some WW2 fun... With an OPR (not CPR) of 16, and the given compressor temperature, it seems to overheat very much too quickly (it's supposed to be Mach 4-rated in the XB-70, even if they never pushed her that far...), and the SFCs seem way off. *is* there some way, in AJE as it currently stands, to get low dry SFC and high wet SFC, as engines in that era appeared to have? I keep having too-high dry SFC and too-low wet SFC, even with very low eta7 and >1.0 eta3/4!
  20. Bushi: When you create a shortcut, you need to specify the working folder. Does the error occur if you launch KSP from the ksp.exe in its folder, and not from a shortcut? If so, then you have a problem in shortcut-making, it's certainly not RSS's fault. Review how to create shortcuts and specify their targets and working directories. jsimmons: it took eggrobin a great deal of crunching in Mathematica to match the pressureCurve to the ISA model for Earth; I'm not sure that's something I want to take on in C# :] If you're just making 10x Kerbol, I highly recommend just using the legacy atmosphere; otherwise you will get non-KSP atmospheric behavior on all those planets. If you do want to make the atmospheres realistic, however, then yes, you will need to make a pressureCurve (and a temperatureCurve) for those bodies. Since KSP has its own get-pressure methods, we can't just substitute our own; the choice is ether use legacy atmosphere (with a single scaleheight) or pregenerate a pressureCurve. The notebooks the eggrobin used to create the pressureCurves *are* avialable in the RSS repository on github if you want to see how, or use the files. sephirotic: The RSS launch window planner needs to be updated since it currently does not support non-epochal oribtal parameters (RSS's orbital parameters are given at epoch, not Year 1 Day 1). Meanwhile you should be able to use real launch window planners for real NASA missions. This should also be helpful regarding planning gravity assists. The ecliptic is no longer the invariant plane so that we can have an Earth with proper axial tilt (and at least *some* axial tilt for other bodies, even if they don't have their correct axial tilts). Finally, I heartily agree about a FAQ; I encourage adding one to the RSS wiki, to which all can contribute. regex, this is looking amazing! Love what you're doing for the UI, and also I highly support "pad refurbishment" delays for launch sites. In fact it might make sense to define the number of pads and their max masses... (Could not just record when a site becomes available, but when a pad does.) Ships on the pad move with KSC when you move KSC, I believe. Biomes is a very good point; the Moon definitely needs its correct biomes. Trueborn gave me permission to bundle Custom Biomes with RSS, so that will make installation much simpler. That reminds me--I keep forgetting to upload my citylights map. It's pulled from the same source as the other Earth textures RSS uses so it should match correctly. I mostly keep forgetting because EVE still has issues with RSS (as you mention). rbray is working on it though!
  21. Indeed yes! I've wanted modifiable weight wings for, like, ever.
  22. ArcFurnace: Yes, they are for RO. sumghai: I'll check out how InfiniteDice's mod works. Thanks for the tipoff. The Destroyer: Output_log.txt please.
  23. Phredward: Does the autoconfig button on the Action Groups interface also sometimes get it wrong? Or only the tweakables button? O Nerd: Awesome! Great to hear. Phredward: Stretchy tanks uses only keyboard. Procedural Parts, developed by swamp_ig as the successor to Stretchy, does have a different UI; I suggest posting about it on his thread. griffin247: Could you please speak in (comprehensible) English? Roleplaying is against forum rules, and quite apart from that can make it hard to understand. Furthermore, can you explain somewhat more what you think the issue with KOSMOS is? Certainly I am using it with RSS and everything else, and not having problems.
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