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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. jrandom: Thanks. :] CorlW: no worries. Rayder: As it says in the note, however, it (a) may well not be compatible with your save and ( MFS v4 release version might break your save AGAIN. Ok, I need some volunteers here. I *think* regular MFS is ready to go, but I need people who use it (in NON-RealFuels mode) to say who they are, try it (even try it on old craft and ported saves) and tell me if anything breaks. So--who here plays MFS *without* RealFuels? RealFuels is nearly there too (I *think*).
  2. Sorry, thought that was obvious from you saying we still needed baby Sergeants, that I meant we had the Jupiter-C core stage (stretched Redstone). We definitely need the tub, the Sergeants, and the fairings. (We actually discussed this upthread IIRC, how to model the tub)
  3. And you already have Jupiter-C (aka MRLV) already made, so...
  4. I'm not going to hope to be able to properly support Hybrids yet. I was hoping to, when v4 was pre.23, but doing all the fixes for .23 in this and everything else (well, not all; taniwha did many of them for this!) is taking soooo much time. Same with ModuleEnginesFX (unsupported) and the stock switchable engines.
  5. Increase atmosphereScaleHeight such that 0.000001 = e^(160/scaleHeight). Should be about 11.59. Note that this will mess up your pressures lower down, however--double the pressure at 10km and ~12x the pressure at 60km. Or make an appropriate pressureCurve to model Earth's atmosphere. I'd love to switch to that, but I haven't had time to make it yet.
  6. Yes, but it's hard to do it by hand. The best, of course, would be to LERP the dV for a stage based on its TWR, to try to figure out exactly how much atmospheric loss you'll take (and only use vacuum Isp if you calculate it'll be out of atmsophere before ignition). But I'm not even going to suggest that.
  7. jrandom: ok, juuuust for you I added an "ignore fuel" list to MFSSettings to take care of that issue. Now if a fuel's listed there, and an engine requires it, and a tank can't hold it, the autofill button is still generated, and that fuel is just ignored.
  8. FlowerChild: Yes, AFAIK it's exactly that. Although oddly the Titan's UA1205/7/etc solids were called SRMs, not SRBs. Perhaps to signify they had TVC? The main difference in practice (besides core-stage solids needing TVC much more dearly than boosters do) being probably that core-stage solids generally have longer burn times, so less peak thrust at burnout (although varying the grain, and the way it's packed, does a lot of that work). Agarax: what does?
  9. birrhan: did you grab the first big expermintal link I posted? That has .23 experimental versions of RO and of Stretchy, required for .23 experimental MFS. If you're using the .22-era RO or stretchy, that might have something to do with it. I have had no trouble with KW engines myself using this in .23, and nothing jumped out at me in the file until the end, when it was saying some engines didn't even have ModuleEngines defined! AbeS: Unable to replicate. I may have fixed it on my side in RO (RO was adding new configs; may have borked a value). Will post update. jrandom: unable to replicate. I can add tanks to stretchies etc. just fine in the SPH. What you may be thinking of is the fact that since jets take IntakeAir, and tanks can't hold it, the /autoconfigure/ button doesn't show up for them. Doesn't mean you can't add a LiquidFuel tank yourself though. That's been true since before I started maintaining MFS, I believe.
  10. Some of this you can do by just editing RSS's config file, Dooz. Nutt007: as I said on Nova's thread, looks like you need to vastly decrease the deformity value, and decrease frequency too.
  11. Go to the advanced tab, select Relative to Surface, select backwards, hit engage.
  12. The last 3 pages of the thread are all about people testing experimental versions of this for .23 compatibility... AbeS, jrandom: will check. Regarding tanks starting empty. Intentional for RealFuels, since how am I to know what mixture ratio you want? And one generally places the tank before the engine, so it's very hard to predict the future.
  13. CorlW: If you're using it with MFS then it's dependent on MFS which has an experimental release out but nothing official. If you're using it without MFS, try it; I think it works.
  14. kommitz is working on some of that. Also, http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/25136-Black-Arrow-British-satellite-launcher
  15. Well, not quite. It was a USAF plan for a manned reconnaissance station, and would have been serviced by Blue Gemini ("Blue" means USAF version, like Blue Scout). Its only relation to NASA's Gemini program was that it used the Blue Gemini derivative; it lived or died apart from Gemini. It was also basically without purpose after robotic recon satellites proved to be more than capable enough, especially the plans for the non-film-bucket ones. Frizzank: Agena! Woot! Loving it.
  16. Sarbian: [ModuleManager] Exception while processing node : ModularFuelTanks/RealFuels/KSPI_MFS/@WARP_PLUGIN_SETTINGS System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range. at ModuleManager.ConfigManager.ApplyPatch (System.Collections.Generic.List`1 excludePaths, Boolean final) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 WARP_PLUGINS_SETTINGS is a root node with no "name =" value under it.
  17. Have you checked Addon Releases in the last month?
  18. I had that issue on .22, though I didn't know what was causing it. So if it is ECLSS, it wasn't something introduced by .23
  19. Your problem is the second and third of those !MODULE lines are in their own root nodes, not still in the @INTERNAL node @INTERNAL[GenericSpace3TTUPGRADE] { !MODULE[InternalCameraSwitch,0] {} !MODULE[InternalCameraSwitch,1] {} !MODULE[InternalCameraSwitch,2] {} } That's assuming the ,n syntax works like that. I haven't tried it with named nodes.
  20. Nope, this spams missing method errors because one of the EditorLogic methods it uses was removed in .23
  21. Yes. Kill MFT folder, replace with the one in RealFuelsv4pre7
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